Bright Era

Chapter 541: Du Wen

Du Wen's heart suffered a sharp pain, his body shook violently, and he took a few steps back.

Next to the deep pit, three cardinals stood there blankly. They were also the only three who escaped from the fierce blow of the Grey Knight. Except for them, everyone else was wiped out by the Grey Knight. Although the other fifteen cardinals once jumped up, the incarnation of divine light flew outward, but the gray light swallowed their bodies, turning them into ashes in an instant.

The three cardinals looked at Du Wen with trembling bodies. They wanted to talk about their bodies, but their bodies stiffened at the same time.

A deadly grey air slowly emerged from under their skin. Although they escaped the direct blow of the grey light, their bodies were still infested by the huge dead air contained in the grey light. Facing this weird gray life, even if their bodies were full of divine power, they couldn't keep their bodies.

"No!" Du Wen grunted hard.

Just as he groaned, the three cardinals who were lucky enough to escape the direct blow of the gray light screamed and turned into a pile of ashes. Even all the sacred artifacts on their bodies were corroded and decayed by the ash gas, turning into flying ash and flying away with the small whirlwind.

Du Wen spit out blood, his eyes suddenly turned red. For these people, those guardian knights don't care. Such a cannon fodder church wants as much as it wants. With a single order, the church can at least arm millions of guardian knights. But these eighteen cardinals with the lowest level of cultivation are the middle-ranked saints, this is Du Wen's belongings!

The reason why Du Wen was able to secure the position of the chief chapel of the adjudication office of the church was because he had such a group of confidants in control of the real power departments of the adjudication office. Although he left a few **** confidants on the holy mountain to control his power, but without these eighteen cardinals, Du Wen's foundation in the church was basically uprooted. Think about the power over himself. A cowardly colleague, Du Wen's heart was as painful as a knife.

At this moment, Du Wen even wanted to use his own power to uproot the Assassin's Guild in the Western Continent, and to crush everyone in the Assassin's Guild, from the lowest-level assassin to the elder who had worked with him for hundreds of years. Ten thousand corpses! It was for a promise made by the nameless old guy, Du Wen excitedly brought his **** confidant to punish the heresy, and they were killed by the heresy.

"You are all going to die!" Du Wen looked at Lin Qi and his group angrily. A dazzling white light rose into the sky above his head. At an altitude of three to five hundred meters above the ground, this white light gradually merged into the air.

A magnificent voice came from high above, and a looming white figure gradually emerged from the void. An extremely large divine power was injected into Du Wen's body along the white light. Du Wen's body gradually grew, and gradually he rose to three meters above and below, and his whole body was enveloped in a holy white glow. Groups of hot air currents spread from Du Wen's body, and the ground around his body became scorched black at the same time, as if scorched by invisible light.

Clouds of blood mist spurted from Du Wen's body, and Du Wen burned one-third of his body's blood in exchange for a huge divine power instillation from the **** of dawn he enshrined. This divine power even exceeded the limit of Du Wen's body, making his body gradually semi-energetic. But such a powerful force has gradually pushed Du Wen from the upper stage of the Saint Master to the level of the Saint Master's peak, and there is a tendency to step past the bottleneck of the heavens and the humans at the Saint Master's peak.

The donkey calmly swallowed the sarcophagus into his mouth. He clicked his mouth and pointed to Du Wen with a smile: "This grandson is going to work hard! You said we should stay here to **** him, or hurry up Run away?"

Lin Qi moved his joints vigorously, and his whole body made a crisp sound. With a sneer, Lin Qi said sadly: "Can you beat him?"

The donkey hesitated for a while, his eyes drifted around and he lowered his voice and muttered: "I'm just a poor donkey. Of course, if you are willing to give me a few big breasted girls, I can try it hard. Of course, I'm not sure I can kill him, but it is almost impossible for him to kill me. Although the old wounds on my body have not healed, but..."

Lin Qi glanced at Alda: "This task is entrusted to you. I will try my best to get a few women with big breasts, long legs and big butts for this guy, no matter what method you use! Don't find human women, Look for those female demons. Anyway, among the beast demons of the demons are donkey head demons, right? The women of the demonic family shouldn't mind what happens to a donkey?"

Arda smiled incredibly lewdly: "Give them enough benefits, and they don’t care if they’re a donkey head demon or a real donkey! Great masters, demons are like this, as long as they have enough benefits, they can relax. Betrayed one's soul, flesh or virginity, what is that?"

A piece of saliva slowly hung from the corner of the donkey's mouth, and he was panting, huh, huh, and his two watery donkey eyes suddenly became sharp. He stared at Lin Qi fiercely and shouted: "Are you really going to find me a girl with big breasts?"

Lin Qi looked at the donkey without hesitation, his thumb pressed against his chest fiercely: "Deal for me, I will give you what you want! Of course, don't think about human women, but demons... ."

The donkey rushed out like a bull in heat. He screamed and rushed to Du Wen who was receiving the indoctrination of supernatural power, and his two front hooves patted out like a storm. At this moment, the hooves of the donkey pierced the air, exploding the air, and even the void was beaten up with waves visible to the naked eye. The donkey fell into a violent state. With a little more strength, he could even directly crush the void. .

Du Wen, who was earnestly absorbing the divine power from the **** of dawn, was dumbfounded. His protective light was smashed by the hoof of a donkey, and then two hoofs that were as heavy as a mountain were slapped on his face. . The loud noise of'Papa Papa' was endless, just in the blink of an eye, Du Wen's towering nose collapsed, his big teeth flew out one by one, his jaw bone was beaten to a pulp, and his cheeks The bone was knocked into his skull by the heavy hoof, and the brain plasma and plasma sprayed out of Du Wen's seven orifices, and Du Wen was beaten there for a while.

With a flick of his finger, the donkey blasted out many hooves. Half of Du Wen's head was beaten to pieces, and even the white brain tissue in his head was exposed. But the divine light from the **** of dawn stubbornly enveloped Du Wen's body, no matter how the donkey beat him, Du Wen's life remained stubbornly in his body. The white divine light was shining, and Du Wen's injuries were healing rapidly. His collapsed facial bones quickly bulged, and the flying plasma and brain plasma continued to fly back into his body. The donkey beat fast, but Du Wen recovered faster.

The donkey was angry. Seeing that Du Wen's big teeth flew back to his mouth, the donkey howled, opened his mouth and bit on Du Wen's shoulder. With a'crack', two catties of flesh and bones were swallowed by the donkey. The donkey opened his mouth and screamed to the sky with great joy: "My big breasted girl! For the sake of the girl, even if you are facing the gods, uncle What am I afraid of?"

With red eyes, the donkey roared frantically: "The goddess of life, this big breasted girl, I just touched her **** back then! Damn a woman, is it great to have a coquettish face? Uncle, I was caught Seventy-odd estrus gods joined forces to hunt down! Uncle I was not killed at that time, so what if the **** of dawn gave you divine power?"

Lin Qi and the others were all dumbfounded, Xiong Wanjin touched Lin Qi's arm tremblingly: "Brother Lin, the donkey uncle, will he be true?"

Lin Qi was dull and speechless, while Alda looked at the donkey in admiration: "It's so great, it's just a little bit worse than the great master! The **** of the Goddess of Life? Is that also something you can touch casually? Goddess of Life Also known as the eternal Goddess, is the existence of the gods who value chastity the most... Isn't it easy for him to be beaten to death by those crazy male gods?"

The violent Arda shivered, and he looked at the donkey in horror. If what the donkey said was true, wouldn't he also be a terrible creature that survived the era of destruction, or even before the era of destruction? Arda looked at Lin Qi in awe and awe. What kind of freak is the Black Tiger family, and how can any weird thing have a relationship with them?

A knight of the apocalypse is shocking enough, and now such a terrible donkey has emerged.

The donkey opened his mouth like crazy and gnawed at Du Wen's body. Wherever his big mouth passed, Du Wen's flesh and blood flew all over his body, bones and muscles were swallowed by the donkey. Poor Du Wen hissed in pain, which was even more miserable than Ling Chi's torture. At least a sharp knife is used for execution, but the donkey is torn directly with big teeth!

Moreover, the donkey is gnawing and biting here, and has swallowed two or three hundred catties of the flesh and bones of Du Wen’s upper body. But under the protection of the **** of dawn, the flesh and bones of Du Wen are Constant rebirth. Du Wen grows as much as the donkey eats. Before ending the transfer of divine power, Du Wen could only passively accept the torture of the donkey under the protection of the divine light, and he did not even have the strength to dodge.

After a bite, the donkey's four hooves were still kicking and kicking Du Wen randomly. In the sound of ‘click’, all the bones on Du Wen’s body were basically kicked to pieces more than ten or twenty times. However, under the protection of God's light, Du Wen's bones quickly healed again and again.

Du Wen was so depressed that he vomited blood. When was he abused like this?

At this moment, Du Wen had even thoughts of death. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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