Bright Era

Chapter 557: Lava hell

Lin Qi pushed Yun Xiaojun to the ground, Yun Xiaojun had already begun to yell: "I know it's you, Yunlijun, would you dare to start with me?"

The answer to Jun Xiaojun’s screams was the heavy footsteps of the earth dragon. The three-headed earth dragon rushed to this side frantically. The knight riding on the earth dragon waved his heavy two-handed swords, which brought a whistling sound. Headed to Lin Qi and chopped off. Lin Qi raised his head and looked at the three big swords. The blade of the heavy long sword was shining with a dark green light, which was obviously poisoned.

Only assassins and assassins will do this, poisoning the weapon that is deadly enough, and striving to kill the target with one blow!

Lin Qi took a deep breath, his chest suddenly bulged, a hot air current brewing in his throat, the next moment Lin Qi made a high-pitched dragon roar into the clouds, a stream of black and red hot fire Roaring out, the translucent flame enveloped all the three earth dragon knights who rushed in.

This dragon breath almost sprayed out all the fire attribute elements accumulated in Lin Qi's body. The three earth dragons braked like a ghost, turning their heads to escape. The awe-inspiring dragon power emanating from Lin Qi almost frightened the three earth dragons to death. No descendant of any mixed dragon race can calm down in front of the real dragon.

The bodies of the earth dragon knights shook endlessly because of the abnormal movement of their mounts. The long swords they wielded lost their heads and flew past Lin Qi's scalp. Then the screams continued to sound, and the dragon's breath sprayed on them. The heavy armor on their bodies suddenly turned red, and then the armor became almost translucent, and drops of molten iron continued to flow down from the armor.

Fiery flames exploded from the masks of the Earth Dragon Knights, and their flesh burned in the melted armor, and the grease in their bodies was burned out by the flames and turned into fuel burning violently. The skins of the three earth dragons were burned into charcoal, their muscles turned into ashes in the dragon flames, and the huge body fell heavily to the ground. It was only a breathing time that the three earth dragons and their dragon knights were burned to ashes at the same time.

Dozens of knights rushed towards this side, and the three Earth Dragon Knights were their forwards.

When Lin Qi expelled the breath of the dragon and burned the three most powerful dragon knights present to ashes, the knights were all dumbfounded. They hurriedly stopped the born, took out the wounded crossbow bolt from behind, aimed at Lin Qi and pulled the trigger.

Lin Qi leaned down, and a white light appeared all over him, and he was about to attack these cavalrymen.

But it was Xiong Wanjin who was faster than Lin Qi, and Xiong Wanjin, whose body was shot out of seven or eight transparent holes by the crossbow arrows, howled in anguish, and got up from the ground embarrassed with blood stains all over his body. He took out a crimson crystal ball the size of a human head and threw it out with gritted teeth.

This is a magic ball. A powerful wizard uses some special natural crystals to ban a powerful magic. When using it, just throw the magic ball out, and the impact will destroy the balance of the magic ball. It can explode with great power.

Lin Qi, who was about to rush forward, felt the terrible aura from the scarlet magic ball flying above his head. He subconsciously pressed Yun Xiaojun, who was about to raise his head, to the ground, and then he threw heavily. Falling to the ground, he shouted: "Xiong Wanjin, rush down!"

Seven or eight transparent holes were shot through his thighs, arms, and shoulders. Xiong Wanjin, who was constantly spewing blood, was stunned, and then he cried and fell to the ground, rolling and sliding down like a ball. After crossing the road, he plunged into the deep ditch beside the road.

"Damn, help! I threw out that life-saving thing! That's the baby my elder sister sneaked out of my brother-in-law's storeroom!"

Lin Qi's scalp was numb, and Xiong Wanjin's eldest sister sneaked out the magic ball from his brother-in-law's warehouse? Xiong Wanjin's brother-in-law is a prince from the big empire in the east? In other words, this is the collection of a certain prince in the East?

Lin Qi grabbed Yun Xiaojun, turned and rushed towards the roadside. As he lowered his body and charged wildly, Lin Qi cursed loudly: "Xiong Wanjin, what are you thinking about? You want to harm everyone..."

Before finishing the last few words, a horrible red light broke out behind Lin Qi. The high temperature and heat wave swept across, and the flames immediately drowned Lin Qi, Yun Xiaojun and the donkey in. Groups of fireballs the size of water tanks were as thick as magma flying in all directions, and exploded quickly when they landed. Groups of small mushroom clouds rushed into the sky from all directions, contrasting with a mushroom cloud 100 meters high in the center.

The magic that is banned in this magic ball is outrageously "Fire Curse•Lava Blasting Hell"!

Heat waves and fires swept across the vast land, and everything that could be burned burned. Mud, rocks, sand, human bodies, and red flames enveloped everything and ruled everything. There was nothing left in this mile radius, and even other natural elemental forces were burned out by the flames.

In this place, the flame formed a small world that absolutely controls everything.

Lin Qi guarded Yun Xiaojun in front of him. This was his shield, and he couldn't let him die so easily. The flames burned Lin Qi's body, and Lin Qi breathed heavily, sucking all the flames around his body into his body. It was precisely because Lin Qi frantically absorbed the surrounding flames that a low-temperature area with a temperature close to zero appeared near his body.

Jun Xiaojun cursed something frantically, the corners of his mouth twitched and his face turned blue, and he looked like an evil spirit, and no one knew what he was cursing. His eyes were mad and messy, and obviously he had already thought of something--his brother, Yun Lijun whom he looked down upon wanted him to die and wanted to kill him together.

Under Lin Qi's protection, Jun Xiaojun felt the violent and devastating torrent of flames around him. If he was enveloped by these flames, then he must have been burned to ashes. This is a fire forbidden curse banned by a real great mage, but it is not comparable to an ordinary forbidden curse and high-level magic. Although this lava blasting **** covers a small area, everything within this area will be burned.

Seeing Lin Qi's body spraying out a faint red light, and his expression serious and constantly absorbing the surrounding flames, Jun Xiao suddenly felt extremely safe. His psychology was completely distorted, and suddenly he no longer hated Lin Qi, but transferred all his hatred to Yun Lijun.

"Give me a sword, and I will help you kill Jun Li!" Jun Xiao snarled at Lin Qi almost frantically. When his life was threatened, Yun Xiaojun didn't care who cooperated with him, he was satisfied as long as he killed Jun Yunli. Although Xiong Wanjin smashed the Demon Seal Ball, the capital of all the culprits was Jun Yun Li, and he must kill Jun Yun Li, the cheap seed.

Lin Qi's body was fiery, and the terrifying flame energy traveled through his meridians, distilling his white tiger fighting qi to be more refined and refined. He felt his body burning, and every cell and hair of himself turned into a violent flame. He breathed deeply, using the power of the flame to continuously strengthen himself and his body.

The dull sound of gold and iron clashing crazily sounded in Lin Qi's body. The white tiger's fighting energy and the violent flame force collided with each other, strengthening Lin Qi's meridians and air pockets time and time again. The white tiger's fighting qi violently opened up and polished Lin Qi's meridians and cavities again and again, and the flame power expanded Lin Qi's meridians and cavities time and time again, and his body was constantly improving in this almost abnormal tempering.

Hearing Yun Xiaojun's roar suddenly, Lin Qi smiled grimly: "Oh? I understand your mood! Look, we have a common enemy, Yunlijun, don't we? He won't let me go, but also I won't let you go!"

Taking out a bottle of secret medicine prepared with the secret formula of the gods, Lin Qi poured the medicine into Jun Xiaojun's mouth.

"If you can help me kill Yun Lijun, I can help you get your cut off ears back!" Lin Qi smiled weirdly: "Of course, only my friends can get such treatment! I will help you kill Yun. Li Jun, but you have to sign some...sign some things!"

Jun Xiao nodded without hesitation. At this moment, he had forgotten that Lin Qi was his enemy. He just wanted to kill Jun Li. He put all the blame for his suffering on Yun Lijun!

If Yun Lijun hadn't just sat and watched, he would not have been captured by Lin Qi!

If Jun Li hadn't sent someone to assassinate him, he wouldn't have fallen into this kind of danger!

Even Yun Xiaojun felt that Yun Lijun provided him with information and asked him to attack Lin Qi and others at the same time. This was also Yun Lijun's conspiracy against him.

That's right, this must be a conspiracy, Yun Lijun must want to kill himself and Lin Qi together, so he would do so many things.

Yun Xiaojun screamed frantically, his severed hamstrings were healing quickly, and his injured lower abdomen air pockets were quickly recovering function. The strength of the holy realm is recovering quickly. Yun Xiaojun gritted his teeth and took the sharp sword that Lin Qi handed over, and muttered in a low voice: "Mr Yunli, my brother, you are a bastard, I will not forget Yours! Everything you did to me today, I will give you back!"

Lin Qi looked at Yun Xiaojun with satisfaction, this kind of dude is really so lovely! He doesn't even need to provoke him. This guy has already targeted his people. What a wonderful thing?

The raging lava **** lasted for a full tea time before it slowly dissipated. A large pit with a diameter of more than two hundred meters appeared on the spot. Everything in the pit was burned out. The smooth surface of the pit was as smooth as a mirror, even The figure reflects.

Except for Lin Qi, the donkey and Yunxiaojun, the knights and the carriages just now disappeared. They were completely gasified as soon as the lava **** broke out. Only Lin Qi and the donkey rely on their strong strength and special physique immune to fire. Survive from this hell.

Xiong Wanjin got out of the deep ditch with his head probed. He looked at Lin Qi and the donkey, who were entangled in warmth, in horror, and spread his hands tremblingly.

"I swear, I didn't mean it! I didn't expect the power of this thing... so great!"

Lin Qi hadn't spoken yet, suddenly there were dense footsteps in the distance. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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