Bright Era

Chapter 568: Law of the Jedi Counterattack

"This old immortal bastard!"

Seeing that the so-called Super Forbidden Curse of the donkey was such a coquettish blow, Lin Qi almost didn't vomit blood.

This old and coquettish guy, how can he be an evil existence handed down from the ancient times, and even the kind of existence that can be compared with Gawu’s father. His super forbidden curse is actually so bumpy, a beauty inspired by her chest is super strong attack? Such tricks. . . If such a trick can't kill people, laughter will make people laugh!

With a weak moan, Lin Qi closed his eyes.

In any case, the attack of the donkey was extremely powerful, and the super sacred weapon of the Black Sun Temple's secret black sun sky curtain was blown to pieces by him. God knows how powerful his strike is. Lin Qi also admired this guy to the extreme, he thought that he could not crush this dark sky.

The six priests of the Black Sun who were stunned were spraying blood and fell into a coma. The Black Sun Canopy is the secret sacred artifact of the Black Sun Temple. Their strength cannot fully stimulate the power of the Black Sun Canopy. They can only merge their souls with the sacred artifacts, and barely spread out all the energy together. The canopy of breath comes.

The donkey's arrogant blow smashed the body of the black sun canopy, and the souls of the six black priests were also severely damaged. Their souls were shaken as messy as tofu brains, and their internal organs were cracked with countless cracks. The six people fell on the ground and barely breathed. They weren't killed on the spot. This is because the dark sky's defense is amazing and the donkey has consumed too much power.

Smoke billowed from the panting donkey. With just one blow, he used all the strength of the milk, and now his four hooves are trembling. He fell limply on the ground, rolled his eyes and yelled, and then he heard a noise of'ticking', his neck actively rotated 360 degrees, and his skin quickly bulged out. The uneven things, accompanied by the harsh bone cracking sound, obviously the donkey's bones are breaking and breaking.

What's even more frightening is that the donkey's skin was actively cracked with tragic wounds, and the thick black plasma slowly flowed out. The donkey's breath quickly decayed, and his breath disappeared in the blink of an eye. No trace!

The donkey's heartbeat disappeared, the soul fluctuation disappeared, and the blood he shed solidified into a hard black mass on his body.

Regardless of the angle of view, the donkey has become a dead donkey. In particular, his limbs were bent at weird angles, and his body was piled on the ground like a puddle of mud. This should indeed be a deadly donkey!

Arthur, who was frightened by the shocking blow of the donkey, finally recovered. He glanced at the donkey that seemed to be'explosive' because of'energy backlash', and howled hoarsely: "Everyone joins hands. , Kill Law!"

Qing Yan, who had just retained some strength, snorted, his fist was suddenly wrapped in a thin layer of rock. When he shook his fist, the air rubbed against the face of his fist violently, and a reddish flame stirred. When he came out, Qing Yan hit Li with a heavy punch.

This punch was at least twenty times more powerful than the previous heavy punch. If Qing Yan hit this punch just now, he should have already killed Li. But just now Arthur gave the order, he asked to capture the target alive, so Qingyan slowly tossed the law with a bit of joking, and did not seriously kill.

But now the situation has changed suddenly, and the dark sky is broken, and the law is like a trapped dragon returning to the sea. Everything is different.

With a heavy punch, there was a sneer on Li's face. He raised his left hand unhurriedly, seemingly slow, but happened to block the wrist shield of his left hand in front of Qing Yan's heavy fist. On the golden circular wrist shield, a god-like pattern quickly lit up, and a thick golden light curtain with a finger emerged on the wrist shield. Qingyan’s heavy fists brought flames and the golden light curtain together, strong light and loud noise Quickly spread to the surroundings.

With two sounds of ‘kaka’, the ground on which Lihe Qingyan was standing cracked three or five cracks that were more than one foot wide and more than ten meters long.

The bodies of the two trembled violently, and Qing Yan's tall body staggered backwards, and each step made deep footprints on the ground. Li's body was squatting back sharply with a black smoke. The boots he wore suddenly rubbed against the ground, and sparks and thick smoke continued to spray out from under his feet.

After stepping back more than ten meters, Qing Yan stabilized his body with a gloomy face. He clenched his fists with both hands and touched his chest heavily, and drank ‘gravity’ in a low voice!

Li's body suddenly stopped amid the strange whistling of ‘woo woo’, and a gleam of yellow light enveloped his body. The gravity on Li's body suddenly skyrocketed dozens of times, and the ground under Li's feet became no different from silt, and his body quickly sank underground.

This is the power of Qingyan. The rock titan at the peak of the saint has the ability to control gravity and the earth. These two talents have been displayed. Qingyan has killed hundreds of enemies in the deep underground. You know, even if the saints are buried in the ground thousands of meters deep by the Qingyan raid, they will all be killed in nine deaths, let alone the law of the realm of saints in strength?

"Here!" Li, who was quickly buried in the rolling mud, yelled at most of his body.

The dark sky was shattered, and nothing could stop the law from contacting some unpredictable existence. Strands of golden light quickly ooze out from the air in all directions, and continue to merge into Li's body, and Li's low and powerful prayers sounded like heaven, slowly sounding at the core of everyone's soul.

"My lord, my god, the lord of my body and soul! Give me the power to punish all evil and destroy all evil barriers in the world!"

"My lord, my god, the ancestor of the noble blood that I have! Protect me from any evil, let my heart always uphold your righteous way. I will not be lost, I will not be weak, I will always walk on On the road you specify, I will spread your will, inherit your glory, cover your brilliance, and let justice and axioms replace all laws and become the only constant eternal way!"

The night sky above everyone's head changed color, and the sky, which was two miles in size, turned pale gold. A Ruoyouruowu figure appeared in the golden sky. Everyone could not see him with naked eyes, but everyone's souls were aware of the existence of this figure.

This figure sits on a high throne, and a huge scale is inlaid on top of his throne. The golden flames entwined a sharp sword and became the main beam of the balance. On one side of the balance was a hot golden light, which was the weight of the balance. On the other side of the balance is a slowly beating heart. Every time it beats, everyone's hearts beat together.

Lin Qi's eyes widened in horror, he was full of divinity, so he saw this seemingly illusory figure.

Is this image the **** of punishment?

Li's body stopped sinking. He held the sword in both hands and slowly looked up at the sky: "My lord, my god, the ancestor of the blood that I have, give me your power and let everything All of the evil will turn into nothingness before your power!"

A drop of light the size of a thumb is like a gold solution slowly falling from high above, from the heart on the flat side of the day. This inconspicuous spot of light fell exactly on the center of Li's forehead, and instantly blended into his body.

Li took a deep breath, and his heart beat suddenly, beating extremely powerfully. The terrible divine power is full of their blood. Every time his heart beats, he roars like Hong Zhong Dalu. The loud noise of "Dang~Dang~Dang" makes everyone dizzy, and the heart follows his The heartbeat throbbed with twitching pain.

Three pairs of translucent wings spread out from behind Li. With the lightly waving wings that were nearly ten meters wide, Li's body broke free from the restraint of gravity and flew into the sky lightly. Li held the golden long sword in both hands, and hot golden flames spurted from his eyes.

"The fragile human body can only withstand this force for ten breaths! But... enough!"

Li condescendingly overlooked the ugly-faced Qingyan and others, and said majesticly: "I declare that you are guilty, and you will be destroyed. And Arthur, your crime today...looks in the face of Lord Gerdas. Come on, I can forget the past. But I will take you back to the temple of punishment and send you to the purification grotto to reflect on today's crimes!"

Arthur's face became extremely ugly. The Purification Grotto of the Temple of Punishment, of course he knew what the **** it was, it was a place of torture that made people worse than death. That is the favorite place of penance for fanatics like Li, and a place of despair that scares all other people with normal brains.

"Qingyan, kill him!" Arthur jumped off the back of the two-footed dragon, and then gave the sage-level two-footed dragon a kick: "Green Dragon King, cooperate with Qingyan, kill this guy! Kill! He, I will play the Great Sanctuary and let your children and grandchildren hatch a thousand more dragon eggs!"

The eyes of the two-footed flying dragon lit up, and he hissed, rushing to Li in front of Qingyan. He opened his big mouth and sprayed a sticky green venom. There was black smoke floating out of the cruel green viscous venom, and hundreds of fist-sized skulls shot out in the black smoke. This was a powerful attack that mixed the two elements of undead and poisonous magic.

Li sneered, his figure swayed, and waves of strong golden light spread from the wings behind him.

"Green Dragon King, you are the property of the Temple of Punishment, so you can live without death!"

Wherever the golden light passed, the mixed magic expelled by the Green Dragon King vanished instantly, and dozens of tiny chains made of golden light penetrated the Green Dragon King's body, confining him to the ground firmly. The incarnation of Li, as a golden light, swiftly traversed the surroundings, and hundreds of Arthur's subordinates didn't even see his figure clearly, they were easily beheaded by him with a single sword.

Including those warriors in the holy realm, they were unable to resist or defend, and the law broke through their bodies with just one sword.

With a loud bang, Li killed all of Arthur's subordinates. When the first sword struck Qingyan, his attack was finally intercepted.

Qingyan held a strange-shaped stone shield and firmly supported the long sword in Li's hand. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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