Bright Era

Chapter 570: Bury a thorn

When Lin Qi rushed to a place a few meters away from Qingyan, the divine power in Li's body had disappeared. The armor on his body, as well as the magnificent golden light in his long sword, dissipated invisible, and the law of the thief going to the sky no longer had any resistance. Qing Yan blasted out a punch, and only heard a ‘click’, and Li’s right shoulder was shattered by Qing Yan’s punch.

Li vomited blood and flew backwards, fell heavily to the ground, and could no longer stand up.

Qingyan waved a huge stone shield and slapped Lin Qi immediately. Qingyan's face was sneered with a ferocious sneer. Because of Arthur's order, Qingyan couldn't kill Li, but killing Lin Qi was a little trick, and Qingyan still found it interesting. Crushing enemies with absolute superiority and exploding their bones piece by piece is Qingyan's greatest enjoyment.

But Lin Qi dropped the face-filled long sword in his hand. There was a blue-purple magic ball in his hand. He directly slammed the magic ball into Qingyan's forehead, then turned around and used the most It flew out at a fast speed. Lin Qi sprayed out a large amount of fire, and countless fire element elements in his muscles erupted frantically, pushing his body to shoot outwards at an incredible speed.

There was a sharp crack in the air, and Lin Qi's body instantly reached two hundred meters away. He clasped his head in both hands and threw heavily on the ground, following the appearance of Xiong Wanjin just now, rolling and falling into the one he had just summoned. In a deep crater blasted by the meteorite.

Qing Yan stared blankly at the magic ball falling above his head, and subconsciously swept towards the magic ball with a stone shield.

Arthur, who was not far from Qingyan, let out a horrified scream, and Arthur, who was so scared, turned around and fled, cocked his **** and got under the body of the Green Dragon King who was imprisoned on the ground not far away. The ugly face of the Green Dragon King twitched, it curled up, and its huge wings firmly protected Arthur and his vitals.

With a ‘click’, the purple magic ball burst open.

Countless mung bean-sized lustrous water vapor slowly flowed out from the magic ball. Scattered water vapor, like fireflies in the summer night, flew out in a wonderful arc. The surrounding temperature was dropping rapidly, and in the blink of an eye the air was frozen into pale blue snowflakes and fell rapidly from the sky.

Qing Yan's body was wrapped in a rich rustic, but the rustic was also freezing rapidly, a thin layer of ice flakes appeared on his body, and Qing Yan staggered forward for a few steps, but soon he stopped. pace. His joints were frozen stiff, and every step he took he felt a pain that the joints might break at any time.

The gentle blue snow flakes and the white cold light complemented each other, and the bitter cold air enveloped the space of 100 meters in radius. Everything is frozen in a small space. The soil, sand, air, human body, including those natural elements, are completely frozen. The most violent natural elements of fire attribute in the daily life are all plunged into dead silence, and only a faint cold light flickers in a pure vacuum.

True Forbidden Curse • Extreme Cold Nether Killing Ice and Snow Heaven Hell!

This is the lower-level forbidden spell of the Saint Master, and only the powerful Mage of Saint Master Peak and the powerful Magic Blacksmith of Saint Master Peak can ban this spell in the magic ball. Freeze everything and destroy everything, just like the ecstatic messenger of the legendary Hell and Hades, quietly taking away all vitality. Unlike the lava burst **** just now, this magic seems to have little power, but its destruction calendar is several times stronger than the lava burst hell.

Li's face turned pale, and the damage range of the magic ball was only a hundred meters in radius. He was punched by Qingyan just now, which happened to knock him out of this extinct ice and snow world. He was horrified and annoyed to look at Lin Qi's hiding place-this bastard, regardless of his life or death, brazenly used such a terrible magic ball!

A forbidden curse at the lower level of the Saint Master, such a magic ball is worth hundreds of millions of gold coins only from the materials, not to mention the use of a great master at the top of the Saint Master and a demon at the top of the Saint Master. Forge! Lin Qi, a fellow who claims to be a believer in the goddess of wealth, is he willing to use such precious magic items?

This kind of thing should belong to the category of a treasure of the country. Only a few extremely powerful empires in the Western Continent can have such terrible magic items. Lin Qi actually possessed such a precious instrument and used it here, and Li was really speechless.

The quiet, deadly frozen world lasted a full quarter of an hour.

Just as there was no sound when the Demon Sealed Ball exploded, the terrible cold air slowly dissipated and gradually merged into the air. After all, it was a forbidden spell released by the magic ball, and the duration was slightly shorter. If the real saint releases such a forbidden curse, he will be enough to freeze the space of a hundred miles for a few months!

Qing Yan held the shield high, braving the cold and stiffening in place. His body is bright and white, and his muscles and bones have become crystal clear in many places. Obviously, the cold air invaded his body and destroyed his body tissues, so that his body became like ice and snow.

Suddenly, I heard a ‘click’, the bright white frost on Qingyan's body burst open, and Qingyan's body shook slightly.

A large yellow mist sprayed from the stone shield, which quickly poured into Qingyan's body. A strange sound of "ticking" came from Qingyan's body. It was the power of the earth quickly rushing through the frozen meridians and air pockets of Qingyan, and quickly recovering the damage he had suffered.

But before Qingyan regained his mobility, two black shadows suddenly flashed past Qingyan.

With a few crisp sounds of "chichichi", Qingyan's one hundred and eight most important air pockets were pierced by black thorns. These are the hands and feet that Arda made. The thorns he used were produced in the abyss world. They were the ‘thorns of a thousand tribulations’ that could only grow after the abyss ogre vine swallowed countless poisons. This kind of thorns is highly toxic, and once it enters the flesh and blood, it immediately merges with the body and cannot be dispelled at all.

Even if the air pocket was pierced by the Jingmang thorn of Myriad Tribulations, Qingyan was even more than half destroyed.

But what made Qingyan even more desperate was that Bilibili held a magic dagger and lightly swept over his head. The cruel Bilibili pierced Qingyan's eyes with a dagger, and pierced his eyeballs. Frozen by the terrible freezing air, Qingyan was still severely injured despite the protection of the earth shield, and his body was in a state of zero defense at this moment.

Eyeballs were destroyed, Qing Yan let out a desperate roar, and gulped out frozen black blood clots.

Because of Qingyan’s extremely tyrannical body, Bilibili’s strength is far inferior to him, so Bilibili just pierced his eyeballs and was unable to continue. Otherwise, with Bilibili’s mind, he would definitely stab his dagger. Entering Qingyan's brain directly ended his life.

Before Qingyan recovered from the two heavy blows, a long halberd brought a dragon-shaped light and shadow, and pierced Qingyan's lower abdomen fiercely. This is Jun Xiao's shot! Just now, the donkey swallowed the enemy who had besieged Yunxiaojun and rescued him. Yunxiaojun was very wise to wander around to find a chance to shoot. Now Qingyan was hit hard one after another, Yunxiaojun immediately took advantage of the power of the top sacred artifact to hit Qingyan.

‘Hehe, hehe, hehe’!

Along with the deep laughter, Lin Qi slowly got up from the pit. He walked over at a slow pace, walked to Jun Li's side for the first time, and then banged a finger heavily on Jun Li's eyebrows.

This finger did not take Yun Lijun's life, but Lin Qi also used some soul secret method to ban Yun Lijun's soul! He grabbed Yun Lijun and threw it to Yun Xiaojun: "I think this can represent my goodwill! We should not be enemies, we should be friends, we have common enemies, what do you think?"

Yun Xiaojun took Yun Lijun, he smiled grimly, then nodded to Lin Qi, and took Yun Lijun without saying a word and sank into the darkness.

Lin Qi smiled, will the Acacia family be very happy? With Yun Xiaojun’s dude character, although he could not kill Yun Lijun himself due to the blood of the family soul, he would think of a better way! Jun Li attacked Jun Xiao, this incident will make Jun Yun very happy! A fire broke out in the family backyard, and the existence of Jun Xiaojun was a poisonous thorn in the heart of the Acacia family!

Before the attack, Lin Qi had already done tricks on Yun Xiaojun while he was in a coma. He is not afraid that this kid will get rid of his control, as long as Lin Qi finds him, he will be a puppet of Lin Qi.

What makes people most proud of now is that Yun Li and Yun Xiao, who knew Lin Qi's identity, have left, and Arthur and Li who were present didn't even know Lin Qi's name! So, Lin Qi is going to do something more interesting!

Qing Yan lay on the ground holding his severely injured lower abdomen and groaned, but no one paid attention to him. Lin Qi glanced at Qing Yan coldly and gestured to Xiong Wanjin who was standing by. Xiong Wanjin arrogantly walked over, grabbed a machete and struck Qingyan's neck down. In the sound of ‘clang, Xiong Wanjin’s machete was shaken by Qingyan’s neck with numerous cracks.

Xiong Wanjin didn't get discouraged and took out a lot of heavy weapons, and seriously began the great task of'cutting off the head of Qingyan.'

Lin Qi walked slowly to the ugly face of Li. He took a deep look at Li, and then knelt down in front of Li on one knee.

Two boxes of precious magic metal were placed on the ground by Lin Qi. Lin Qi looked at the surprised law and said deeply: "I heard that Miss Yin from the Temple of Punishment is the only beauty in the world! The goddess of wealth testifies, I am willing to use what I have. Property as a dowry gift to marry the noble Miss Yin!"

Li's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a needle, and he felt extreme horror and danger from Lin Qi's body! Lin Qi’s behavior is so weird, so weird, he must have some ulterior motives, but Li doesn’t know what Lin Qi wants to do, he doesn’t know who Lin Qi is, this is what scares him the most The place.

Arthur's angry roar came from under the frozen green dragon king's fleshy wings.

"Asshole, what are you talking about? Lil, do you dare to promise him?"

"Assholes, you are all assholes. The sound is mine. Don't even want to touch her hair!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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