Bright Era

Chapter 577: Punish **** hunt

Arda and Bilibili escaped into the darkness, facing these weird men in black, they could only counterattack in a way unique to the demons. But as soon as they escaped into the darkness, the darkness they were hiding in was expelled by a magical force. Their bodies were exposed in front of these men in black, and the long sword penetrated their bodies again, bringing up a large amount of blood.

Lin Qi was amazed at the sky!

The Eye of the Void must be the power of the Eye of the Void! Under the envelope of the Void Eye, as long as it is locked by it, it can no longer escape. Even if you are the most brilliant assassin, even if you are the shadow demon who is best at hiding in the demons, as long as you are locked by the Void Eye, you can no longer hide your every move.

The man in black rushed in front of Lin Qi, Lin Qi shouted angrily, swept forward with a big axe, and blasted out in a savage circle.

Lin Qili is infinite. Although the heavy axe in his hand is just an ordinary magic weapon, it also weighs more than two thousand catties. With such a heavy weapon, such a huge force issued a round cut, ordinary soldiers will be chopped into meat sauce as long as they touch a little bit of his weapon.

But the black-clothed men who rushed to Lin Qi's side shook, and the heavy axe penetrated directly through them.

Lin Qi failed in a round cut, his body was slanted to one side by his heavy blow, and the six long swords stabbed him firmly. Lin Qi's skin suffered a sharp pain. He absorbed the essence of dragon power and possessed a strong immunity to magic. He had strong immunity to various magic elements. But these long swords pierced him, Lin Qi still felt an extremely active and extremely agile elemental force penetrated his skin and penetrated his body.

The life wheel spewed blood, and Lin Qi's muscles and blood vessels compressed rapidly with his mind.

The long sword pierced Lin Qi’s body, but Lin Qi used the wheel of life to mobilize the blood qi throughout his body. His body was fine-tuned in time. The long sword only pierced his skin and flesh, and did not affect his meridians, bones and Internal organs cause real damage.

Lin Qi's eyes widened, and he looked at these men in black holding long swords with experience.

The donkey suddenly yelled: "I remember, these guys are the doglegs of the Void God Void Hunter, their bodies can escape into the void for a short time, and ordinary physical and magical attacks cannot harm them. Fuck you, uncle, These guys must be careful with their weapons. Legend has it that they are sacred weapons forged from the scales of the Void God, possessing the power to penetrate everything!"

The donkey spit out his tongue desperately: "Strange? Why does the grandson of the Void God have scales? Is he a reptile? What does the Void God look like? Bastard, who hit my head, I forgot! "

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and he suddenly let out a loud howl. The whistling made by Xuanhujin is deep and deep, and the voice is dense and straight through the internal organs, and is best at injuring the internal organs. But the whistling sound stimulated by the white tiger's fighting spirit is high-pitched into the cloud, the whistling sound is like countless sharp knives slashing around, has a strong damage to the body, and is best at destroying people's air points and meridians.

With a tiger roar, a vast expanse of cold light spurted from Lin Qi's mouth and shot in all directions.

The bodies of the people in black flickered, and instantly escaped five or six meters away. They avoided Lin Qi's whistling attack just right, and then rushed in front of Lin Qi again, and the long sword slashed at Lin Qi's body.

Lin Qi shook his head helplessly. He took out an evil shape from the Ring of the World, which looked like a piece of armor made up of countless black bones. This is a set of magic armor obtained from Osaki's warehouse, which has a very good defense. Lin Qi just tapped, countless bones splashed up, and quickly formed a set of evil armor on Lin Qi.

The six long swords fell like raindrops, and the ‘ding-dang-dong’ made a chaotic sound. The power of the void did not attack the armor, but tore the space where the armor was located, directly causing the destruction of the armor. Lin Qi sighed heavily, his body shook, and countless black bones were spilled, and they quickly sank into the ring of the world.

Obviously, no armor can withstand the power of the void. If you want to deal with these guys, you must think of other ways.

Taking a weird step back, Lin Qi and Arda stood back to back together. Bilibili, this guy was shivering and hiding among the four thighs of the two people. He squatted on the ground, staring fiercely at the area between the thighs of the people in black around him, carefully calculating what to do. In order to give them a good look.

Lin Qi and Arda were pierced with several transparent holes, but Lin Qi had a life wheel to control the blood qi in his body, his wound was closed, not even a drop of blood came out. But Alda was different. A lot of blood spurted from the sword on his body. Just when he leaned against Lin Qi, Lin Qi's clothes were mostly wet by Alda's blood.

"Great Master, this is not right, we can't escape into the darkness, and we can't hurt them, we..."

Arda couldn't finish what he said. A dozen black shadows flashed past them quickly, and there were a few "poofs", and Lin Qi and Arda got a few more wounds on their bodies. Lin Qi still did not shed a trace of blood, but his wound was slowly healing. Arda's magic body's resilience is also extremely amazing, but there are too many wounds on his body, and the speed of bleeding is too fast, and Arda's voice has become weak.

Lin Qi took a deep breath, he raised the world ring, wanting to launch a soul shock.

Arda squinted his eyes. He lowered his voice and quickly said: "The magical power of the soul on the ring of the world is very powerful, but I am afraid it is not enough to tear up the space and kill them. Master, activate the energy core of the ring of the world, and kill it. The strongest power burst out. Although the ring will fall into a period of months of weakness, these guys are dead!"

Arda said coldly: "The mind of the soul is the only power that can transcend space and time. Only the strongest soul spell can kill these guys who can hide in the void!"

Lin Qi's eyes narrowed. As Arda said, human thoughts and ideas are the only things that can transcend space and time. Arda's words are correct, only the most powerful soul impact can blast through the space barrier and kill these men in black.

But let the Ring of the World fall into a period of months of weakness? This is also a great influence on Lin Qi's strength!

Just when Lin Qi was uncertain, Xiong Wanjin cried and screamed. Lin Qi hurriedly looked over, just in time to see that the long swords of the two men in black brought up two pieces of white flesh and blood-that was they slashed Xiong Wanjin's **** fiercely, from his ass. Two pieces of white fat, the same size as the basin, and half a foot thick were drawn down!

Lin Qi looked at the two pieces of white fat trembling in the air, and the goose bumps on his body could not help but come out in large quantities. Poor Xiong Wanjin, he is not fatally wounded by these two swords, but his figure has completely changed. From his back to his thighs, his whole body has almost become one piece. flat!

Not only Xiong Wanjin, but even the barrel was stabbed several times. Fortunately, the barrel is tall and strong, and the vitality is extremely strong, and a few gentle stabbings on him are not painful at all. But obviously for a long time, the wine barrel will bleed too much and die sooner or later.

The strength of these Void God Hunters is not strong, and the strongest among them is only the lower level of the heavens. But they were blessed by the divine power of the Void God, no one could attack them, and they could hurt almost everyone, which made them extremely difficult opponents.

Lin Qi took a deep breath. He hurriedly drew a batch of life-saving potions and supplies from the world ring and threw it into a space ring, specifically throwing the magic circle of the teleportation circle into another space ring, and then he He bit his tongue and spit out a mouthful of blood on the three world rings.

The huge mental power blasted into the world ring, instantly filling the complex and precise magic circuit inside the world ring. Lin Qi touched the core of the world ring, the three world rings at the same time sprayed out a strong light that made people unable to face and almost blinded people's eyes.

Soul impact, soul flogging, soul extraction, three soul magics roared out. Lin Qi did not hesitate to exhaust all the magic power he had accumulated in the World Ring over the years, and for a while, even the single soul extraction turned into a terrible group attack magic. Large swaths of soul fluctuations swept across the four directions, and the green souls extracted ripples suddenly and shot into the eyebrows of those in black.

There was chaos in the surrounding void, and even the power of the void could not isolate the power of the soul impact.

Thirty Void Hunters and all three-eyed magic wolves exploded and died at the same time. At the same time, there were countless screams from the battle fort above. The five thousand soldiers stationed here were also affected by the impact of souls, and everyone fell into a severe coma at the same time. Fortunately, Lin Qi effectively guided the soul magic of the Ring of the World, and the power of the magic did not spread to the surroundings, otherwise the five thousand soldiers would have been killed just like these men in black.

With a ‘wow’, Lin Qi vomited a mouthful of blood. He mobilized the core energy of the World Ring. Although he successfully killed these Void Hunters, he was also shocked by the powerful and unusual magical energy, and his internal organs suffered serious injuries.

"Go, hurry!" Lin Qi yelled.

He felt a great danger approaching, he grabbed Bilibili, and ran forward with all his strength.

Under the leadership of Lin Qi, the group quickly escaped into the shadow of the cliff ahead. A terrifying golden torrent fell silently from a high altitude, and the cliffs covered the bodies of Lin Qi and others. The battle fort on the cliffs and the cliffs hundreds of meters thick were silently disappeared in the golden light. Lin Qi glanced at the completely destroyed cliff in horror, and hurriedly led people forward.

The golden torrents kept falling, chasing them like crazy.

At the beginning, these golden torrents still missed from time to time, but in the end, every blow was directed towards Lin Qi and others. Fortunately, Lin Qi was always able to sense danger in advance like a divine help, every time. And dangerously with the help of the mountains to withstand the attack of the divine punishment.

But after avoiding more than 30 divine punishments in this way, Lin Qi and the others rushed forward for nearly a hundred miles. This is a small flat land in the mountains. The surrounding area is empty and unobstructed. They just rushed into this place with a golden light. Just whizzed down and fell. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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