Bright Era

Chapter 581: Great Gobi

There are only two commercial streets in the Iron Cliff Fortress. This is the only area available for merchants to come and go. The other places are all military camps and various forts. Because the commercial area in the fort is too small, it really has reached the point where every inch of land is worthy. Nomads like Abu who came from afar and sold livestock can only be stationed outside the city under the supervision of soldiers.

In the unique restaurant in Warburg, Lin Qi sat in the top seat, slowly tasting the nomad's favorite-milk tea! This is mashed with brick tea and mixed with fresh milk and boiled. Sometimes expensive spices such as sesame, salt, sugar, **** juice and even cinnamon and star anise are added. It is a special drink like thick soup that is better than tea. .

Nomads lack fresh vegetables and grains. This kind of milk tea is their superb medicine to dissolve greasy and nourish life. Nomads can not eat meat for three to five days, but if they are asked not to drink milk tea for three to five days, their bodies will have various problems.

I have to say that this turbid and viscous drink tastes weird. Lin Qi pinched his nose to drink a large bowl of milk tea. But Alda and Bilibili nonchalantly wiped out a big pot of milk tea quickly. After all, they had never drunk any weird thing when they were in the abyss. Milk tea is placed in the Heiyuan Hell, then It's already a delicacy.

The sturdy wine barrel sat firmly in the corner of the lounge. In front of him was a huge table on which was placed half a roast beef, three roast lamb and a big stewed pig's head. The barrel lifted up a jar of spirits and took a big sip, then grabbed the red-boiled pig's head and chewed the pig's ears with joy.

"Follow the master, happiness!" The barrel hummed vaguely from time to time. As long as this crude product has meat to eat and wine to drink, this is heaven. To be precise, he is the easiest person to satisfy Lin Qi besides Xuanlan. Of course, the wine barrel is not stupid, he will not forget to slap Lin Qi's flattery by the way while drinking spicy food.

Lin Qi smiled and nodded to the barrel, then grabbed a roasted lamb chop sprinkled with a lot of chili powder and chewed it carefully.

They sat down on the heights of the restaurant, just overlooking the entire street. Most people who came and went on the street covered their bodies and covered their faces with thick cloaks. To the east of the Iron Cliff Fortress is a large Gobi that spans thousands of miles from north to south and hundreds of miles from east to west. There are often strong winds that carry huge amounts of sand and dust into the city. This place does not wrap your body tightly. Find your own guilt.

Although they were all wrapped in cloaks, they were also very easy to distinguish.

In the cloak made of silk, there must be wealthy merchants from big countries such as Gaul, Caesar, and Vias Commercial Federation. They are always surrounded by a large group of bodyguards. Wearing muslin cloaks are generally businessmen from these small countries in the Eastern Plains. They use their geographical advantages to do business at the Iron Cliff Fortress. If they are lucky, they can always make a lot of money.

As for those who are dressed in coarse cloth cloaks, or simply wrapped in a piece of animal skin, are greasy and dirty, and smashed into a brutal and brutal atmosphere when walking, they are naturally the nomads. These people are extremely powerful in the Iron Cliff Fortress, and their temperaments are such that they act very arrogantly. At least half of the dozens of armed conflicts that erupt in Iron Cliff Fortress every day are related to them.

Xiong Wanjin tilted his body and leaned on a pillar, hugging a roast leg of lamb, eating happily.

A large piece of fat was chopped off from Xiong Wanjin's **** a few days ago, but after only a few days, his fat seems to have grown back. Although his **** was still painful and unable to sit or lie down, he was completely unhurt when he walked. Lin Qi and others were amazed at Xiong Wanjin's ability to recover. This guy is even better than Warcraft in terms of growing fat.

Swallowing the roast leg of lamb with gulps, Lin Qi always felt that Xiong Wanjin's body was swelling as the roast leg of lamb disappeared.

After finally swallowing the last bite of meat, Xiong Wanjin threw the lamb leg bones into the basket beside him. The basket was filled with lamb leg bones. These were the fruits of Xiong Wanjin's meal. After a satisfied hiccup, Xiong Wanjin yelled: "Xiongtai, when will the old Abu come over? It's been three days, we don't have so much time to wait for them."

Xiong Wanjin didn't know what Yun Haitian and the others wanted to do, but he knew deeply that once Yun Haitian they catch up, his party will be in great trouble. So Xiong Wanjin couldn't wait to leave Iron Cliff Fortress, as long as he could get one step closer to the east, he would feel much safer in his heart.

After all, Xiong Wanjin had a prince and brother-in-law. As long as he entered the territory of the big empire in the east, Xiong Wanjin would be shaken completely. Relying on the prestige of his prince and brother-in-law, Xiong Wanjin really did not put Yun Haitian in his eyes.

Lin Qi slowly swallowed a piece of lamb chops into his stomach. He said lightly: "Don't worry, it's okay. Abu and the others have more than 10,000 animals to sell, and they probably won't sell it so quickly. But you guys these days. How's your water and food stored?"

Arda patted his shoulder vigorously, and said grinningly: "Great master, don't worry, all the space rings we robbed these days are filled with food and drinking water, enough to consume hundreds of thousands of people a year. Up!"

Perhaps they were all born in the Dark Abyss God Prison. Lin Qi and Arda and Bilibili all contracted the same problem-they value food and drinking water reserves extremely. Especially Lin Qi, why did he complete the initial transformation of his body in the Black Abyss God Prison? Isn't it because he stocked a lot of food and wine that he had enough energy supply after taking the medicine left by Master Kecha?

So now no matter what Lin Qi and the others do, a large amount of food and drinking water has become their instinct.

In the Principality of Perland and Montenegro, Lin Qi and the others had stored a huge amount of food and water. But when they heard that there was a Gobi Desert further east, Lin Qi ordered Arda and Bilibili to go to the commercial area to buy more food. Because of their secretive and massive purchases in the past three days, the price of food in Iron Cliff Fort has suddenly doubled, which directly aroused the anger of the logistics officers of Iron Cliff Fort and caused a lot of trouble.

But this mess has nothing to do with Lin Qi and the others, and the wealthy and wealthy will not care about this little price fluctuation.

As Xiong Wanjin killed today's 57th roast leg of lamb, Abu, who was covered in dust, strode into the elegant seat. He ‘haha’ laughed loudly, grabbed the milk teapot on the table without notice, and swallowed the milk tea with the spout.

Grabbing a roast leg of lamb and gnawing a few bites, Abu triumphantly bowed to Lin Qi and said, "Elder Xiong, we are ready. We have sold 12,000 animals. Haha, we sold a good price!"

With a click of his mouth, Abu snorted a little sadly: "I just don't know which **** deliberately increased the price of food in the past two days. The food on the market is expensive and low. We only bought enough for the tribe to use for a winter. Food! Damn it. I was going to buy the food and salt the entire tribe needed for two years, but now!"

Shaking his fist fiercely, Abu gritted his teeth and said: "Don't let me know who they are, otherwise I will cut off their heads!"

Lin Qi and Arda glanced at each other, neither of them said a word. It seems that they are the culprit responsible for the soaring food prices in the Iron Cliff Fortress, which is not good to say to Abu. Lin Qi coughed and stood up. He nodded to Abu: "It's really unfortunate, but is the price of the goods fluctuating? Isn't it normal? Can we go now?"

Abu nodded in excitement. He slapped the barrel on the shoulder with a strong slap: "Of course, haha, we can go!"

Lin Qi had already explained to the wine barrel in advance, so Abu slapped him on the shoulder, and the body of the wine barrel was tilted and he staggered back two steps with muddy water. A dazzling light flashed in Abu's eyes, and he laughed more and more excited. With his head held up triumphantly, Abu stepped out of the seat first.

The donkey curled his mouth and murmured mockingly: "Grandson, this is a grandson through and through! Do you think there will be a big breasted girl in their tribe?"

Xiong Wanjin patted the donkey's head, then picked up the donkey and placed him on his shoulder. Xiong Wanjin was tall and sturdy, and the donkey's figure was small and exquisite. The donkey didn't look abrupt when riding on Xiong Wanjin's shoulders, just a little weird.

The group of people walked down the restaurant, and several tribesmen brought by Abu were squatting in front of the restaurant, looking grimly at the nomads across the street.

Abu chuckled softly. He glared fiercely at the nomads across the street, sneered disdainfully, and then attentively pulled Lin Qi's sleeves and walked out along the street with a group of people. The Iron Cliff Fortress.

This time Abu came to the Iron Cliff Fort to trade, and he brought a thousand players from the clan.

At this moment, these thousand tribesmen are waiting outside the Iron Cliff Fort with more than a thousand heavy-bearing two-humped camels. Each of these warriors is riding a steed, and all of them are wearing swords and bows, and they look awe-inspiring.

There was no time wasting, and no more nonsense. Lin Qi and others climbed on the camels specially prepared for them, and then Abu gave an order, and a thousand soldiers shouted at the same time, and they drove them into a row. The camel, carrying a huge load, slowly walked to the east of the Iron Cliff Fortress.

Thirty miles away from the Iron Cliff Fortress, the ground turned yellow. Lin Qi and his team officially left the Western Continent and entered the Great Gobi area of ​​the Land Bridge. The camel bell under the camel's neck made a monotonous whistling sound, and the long line slowly marched eastward, and the wind and sand quickly erased their traces.

At the beginning of the breeze, Yun Haitian turned out from behind a small mountain with six dark goblins and a group of warriors in heavy armor.

Looking at Lin Qi and his party going away, Yun Haitian smiled triumphantly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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