Bright Era

Chapter 583: Yun Jun

At the same time that Arthur was hysterical there, Jun Yun was also exploding with thunder and anger.

This is an ordinary mansion in Heigen City in the Caesar Empire. The ordinary mansion is not at all remarkably inconspicuous, just like this Heigen City, which is listed as a second-tier city in the Caesar Empire, whether it is architectural style, decoration, or even The flowers, plants and trees planted in the yard are all well-behaved and well-behaved, no different from the nearby houses.

But below this house, dense roads as dense as a spider web extend to almost every corner of Heigen City. Every well, every sewer, every courtyard of a mansion, these secret passages are like a big net, which firmly wraps the entire Heigen City inside. Even in the city lord's mansion of Heigen City, there are three secret paths lurking. Especially under the study and meeting room of City Lord Heigen, there was even an ingenious wiretapping copper pipe protruding from the ground.

Heigen City, this is a major stronghold of the Acacia family in the Caesar Empire, and it is also the true headquarters of the Western Continental Thieves Guild.

Jun Yun sat on the futon with a sullen face, staring fiercely at Jun Xiao and Jun Yun Li who were kneeling in front of him. The two hapless guys were sealed off from their anger. They kneeled on the ground with a weight of 500 catties of iron on their heads. Their clothes were light and thin, their knees were directly on the slate floor, and the weight on their heads was so heavy. There was blood oozing from their knees.

I don't know how long Yun Xiaojun and Yun Lijun's bodies began to tremble, especially when the cold sweat on Yun Xiaojun had completely soaked his clothes, Yun Xiao finally spoke slowly.

"I have two good sons!"

"Two **** sons who are as stupid as pigs, but think they are wise and martial!"

"It's still two **** who are in the same room and want to kill each other!"

A fierce kick hit Jun Xiaojun's chest, and Jun Yun kicked him and the iron block above his head more than ten meters away. The iron smashed heavily on the ground, smashing several floor tiles. Yun Xiaojun was crying and crying on the ground and couldn't move. His vindictiveness was blocked. The strength of Yunjun's kick was not small. He almost didn't get kicked, so he could just hum. Very good.

"When I found you, what were you going to do?" Jun Yun stared at Jun Xiao.

Jun Xiaoyun drooped his head and said nothing. When Yun Jun found him and Yun Li Jun, he just stripped Yun Li Jun's clothes, and was about to poke Yun Li Jun's whole body, ruining all his vindictive cultivation. In Yun Xiaojun's view, since Yun Li wanted to kill himself, he was just destroying his power, which was already very kind.

"You want to destroy your own brother!" Yun Jun roared aloud.

Jun Xiao unconvinced raised his head: "My real brother? He and I are not the same mother!"

Jun Yun clicked his mouth, then slapped Yun Xiaojun fiercely in the air: "Asshole thing! He and you are a father! He and you are your father's biological brothers, how could you behave like this to your brother? Huh? I taught you from an early age to have brotherhood and help each other, have you all recorded it in the **?"

Yun Xiaojun looked at Yunjun with a sad face, and he yelled: "But this time it wasn't me who took the initiative to trouble him. It was he who brought the killer camp and wanted to get rid of me with me! You said too, tooth for tooth, blood Return the blood. Whoever wants to touch our people, just cut them off! Didn't I follow your lesson exactly? Yun Li Jun wants to kill me, I will deal with him, is this not justified?"

Angrily spit out, Yun Xiaojun cocked his mouth and snorted coldly: "You to the tribe on the Vias Commercial Federation, hehe!"

Jun Jun's expression became extremely embarrassed. That's right, he was secretly calculating Yun Emperor's tribe behind him. That's right, when he targeted Emperor Yun, he simply ignored the old sayings about brotherhood and friendship. But this kind of thing, he did, but you, Yun Xiao, as the son of Yun Jun, can't say a word!

Slap your own Lao Tzu in the face, does this still have the Law of Heaven?

So Jun Yun jumped up furiously, and clutching Jun Xiao was a blow. Anyway, Jun Yun heartaches his youngest son. He punches to the flesh, but every punch hits Jun Xiao Jun’s thickest skin and flesh. Although Jun Xiao screams miserably, it does not cause him any practical significance. s damage.

Jun Yun Li grinned at the beaten Jun Xiao Jun, he knew that waiting for him would not be any good fruit.

When Jun Xiao was caught by Jun Yun, he was certainly planning to kill Jun Yun Li, but the cause of all this was Jun Yun colluded with Li and wanted to kill Jun Yun Xiao! This matter cannot be concealed from Jun Yun, one can imagine what kind of severe punishment Yun Li Jun will receive! Although Jun Yun himself is a **** who sneaks up on his own twin brother behind his back, this **** always likes to show the virtues of a moral master in front of his children, and he teaches his children and grandchildren every day. Love each other!

Jun Yun Li's behavior this time violated Jun Yun's taboos. Whether he will be punished and locked up in a small black house, or he will be punished to face the wall for a hundred years, it depends on Jun Yun's mood. Anyway, Jun Yun was reluctant to kill his son. Yun Li had a ten-percent certainty, but all kinds of suffering were inevitable. This time Jun Li would definitely suffer great suffering.

Yun Xiaojun was tossed around like a scarecrow, madly pressing him to the ground and beating him severely. Yun Xiaojun was beaten up and howled, and in the end he almost burst into tears like a three or five-year-old child. Jun Yun was beaten, Yun Xiao was beaten with bleeding from his mouth and nose, and his face was bruised and swollen.

Just as Yun Jun frantically beat Yun Xiao Jun, and resolutely fulfilled the eternal teaching of'being a filial son under a stick', a mysterious dark shadow sneaked out of the shadow of the corner, sending out a light. The scroll of black light was presented to Jun Yun.

"Old ancestor, this is information from the Retribution Temple. The red-clothed archbishop Lu, who participated in the assassination of Master Xiaojun, was seriously injured and unconscious and was taken back to the Retribution Temple. His close guard was attacked and killed by a powerful abyssal force. The strange thing is that our eyes and ears placed next to Prince Arthur of the North Sea said that Arthur seemed to have some strange misunderstanding!"

Jun Yun was stunned, he took the scroll and read the information on it carefully.

"Interesting, it's really fun!"

As one of the thirty-six archbishops of the church's dark church, Jun Yun is the so-called archbishop of the church. As far as the church bishop is concerned, he belongs to the kind of hidden power that the church can't see people and light. The so-called light is bound to have shadows. On the bright side, the church is so glorious, righteous, and inviolable, but behind the scenes, the church has too many shameless and secretive activities that need to be dealt with!

For example, assassinating a certain king, subverting a certain country, or setting off turmoil in a certain area to facilitate the presence of church forces. These things cannot be done grandiosely by the power of the church on the bright side, but the archbishops of the dark hall are the best candidates for this dirty work.

Therefore, there are not many archbishops in the dark church, but they have an extremely important position in the church. Every archbishop of the hidden hall is equivalent to a special commission directly under the Pope’s Chamber, and even has the power to supervise and secretly arrest official clergy.

It is precisely because of this that the bishops of the dark churches are deeply rooted in the church, and gradually developed an extremely large potential. Therefore, Jun Yun was able to obtain confidential information about the Temple of Punishment for the first time, and to know what happened to Arthur.

"It's so interesting!" Yun Jun jumped up with joy: "Aha, the chief elder of the Eastern Empire Xiong's family, Xiong Hubao? This identity is really...this is an excuse that a genius criminal can only think of! Oh, this little one! What method did the guy use to make the upstart Arthur believe that Li had murderous intent on him?"

After squinting his eyes for a while, Jun Jun nodded: "If it were me, I have a hundred ways to make the law sound as I want! Then, this kind of technical problem can be ignored. This is just a small method. But Arthur misunderstood Li, and Li was unconscious, and it would take at least one year of treatment and recuperation to recover!"

The man in black murmured: "Ancestor, the Void Temple testified that the abyss creature summoned by the bear, tiger and leopard killed Li's guard!"

Jun Yun shrugged: "Then, this is killing people, or rather, this is deliberate production of evidence! Well, we are instructed to send people around Arthur to influence his thinking and tell him that this is Li's intentional killing. Miekou! Tell Arthur, that Li knew that there were eyes and ears that Arthur had inserted in his bodyguard, and these people unfortunately saw the scene of Li and the bear, tiger and leopard colluding, so they kept killing all the guards. !"

"It is impossible for the goddess to compromise with the abyss creatures, but it is not a minority of the rich and powerful families in the east who collude with the abyss creatures!"

"We must let Arthur know one thing, Li's really wants to kill him, because Li wants to collude with the rich of the East!"

"Let Arthur think about this for himself, why did the abyss creature kill all the punishment knights and priests, but the law is not damaged?"

The man in black laughed strangely, he responded in a low voice, then looked up at Jun Yun: "Do we need to arrange several actions against them?"

A terrible and fierce light flashed in Yun Jun's eyes, he pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded.

"Arrange for a few dead men to assassinate Arthur, Li, and people related to the punishment temple a few times. It does not matter whether they are killed or not, as long as the punishment temple is messed up. The punishment temple is messed up, the rest of the church The temple will naturally be implicated. And the church is in chaos..."

Shrugging his shoulders lightly, Jun Yun drooped his mouth and made a grimace: "As long as the church is messed up, it will not do us much good, but it will definitely not hurt us, right? Anyway, tell me to go on. The more the water gets mixed up, the better. I like the feeling of fish in troubled waters!"

The man in black gave a strange laugh, and quickly sank into the darkness in the corner.

Jun Yun relaxedly danced round dance steps on the spot for a while, then he grabbed Jun Li by the hair, dragged him up abruptly, and pressed him to the ground to be beaten. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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