Bright Era

Chapter 591: Bad woman

After slapped twice, the girl was beaten to dementia.

Shaking her head embarrassedly, the girl's neck bone made a rubbing sound. Lin Qi is not a person who pity and cherish jade, and he has been in the Black Abyss God Prison for so many years, so it is natural to start with nothing. These two slaps shook the girl's neck bone. It is possible that the bone cartilage of the neck was worn out, which caused her to have this kind of noise when she shook her head.

There was blood dripping out of her nostrils. The girl looked at Lin Qi in a daze, and suddenly howled hysterically, "Kill him, kill him for me!"

Waving both hands, the girl's sharp nails grabbed Lin Qi's face. She howled frantically: "Kill him for me. If you don't want to be executed by the whole clan, kill him for me! Even if you die, kill him for me!"

Several sturdy fighters jumped out of those tents again. They just witnessed the scene where Lin Qi smashed his companion's scimitar with his body. They looked at each other and gave a wink. These fighters pulled out their waists. The dagger that he wore, daringly rushed towards Lin Qi. The short knife exuded a faint cold light under the starlight, and stabbed Lin Qi's weakness, liver, heart, neck and other vital points.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and he slapped the girl's face again with a slap in his head, and then flicked his finger gently.

With a'pop', a dark red magic pattern appeared at the feet of the soldiers who rushed up at the same time. The powerful magic wave spread rapidly, and a few weird whistles of'huhuhu' sounded, and the flames of the diameter of the meter were from these soldiers. He rushed straight under his feet and quickly burned them into a mass of ashes.

High-level magic hellfire pillar, a common magic used by fire magicians to massacre low-level enemies on a large scale. The amount of mana consumed is not much, but the power of the flame is concentrated, and it has a strong destructive power against a single target. However, Lin Qi's control of magic power was as bad as ever. The hellfire pillar he sent out quickly expanded, and in the blink of an eye it turned into several giant fire pillars with a diameter of more than ten meters and spraying up to 100 meters high, burning several meters on the ground. Deep tumbling crater of hot magma.

With a quick finger, a few black fireballs the size of a water tank roared out and blasted into the tents with a thunderous force. In the dull sound of the explosion, the firelight rolled up, several tents were blown to pieces, and several figures were howled in the firelight.

The girl was stunned, her entire face was deformed by Lin Qi. She watched in horror as Lin Qi easily destroyed all the guards around her, and then screamed hoarsely: "You are dead! Stupid guy, you don't know who you offended! You absolutely... "

The donkey came over and knocked the girl out with a hoof. His hooves patted the girl's chest unsightly, and then he sighed heavily: "As flat as Bilibili's chest, I am not interested in her, uncle!"

Lin Qi rudely turned the girl's body for a while, but couldn't find anything valuable. He removed the only spatial ring in the girl's hand, and the powerful mental power rushed into the ring like a tide, tearing the girl's spiritual brand inside to shatter.

The volume of the ring is not large, that is, the volume of three ordinary wooden boxes. Lin Qi immediately sneered. From the size of the space ring, one could intuitively judge the level of a person's identity. The girl yelled loudly, but the space ring on her body only had such a small capacity, which showed that her identity was not much higher.

Shaking casually, the mess in the ring fell out one after another. There is nothing to say about some colorful intimate clothes. These clothes are made of fine silk. They are extremely expensive clothes in the western continent, but Lin Qi can’t describe it as a rich or enemy country now, and he doesn’t think these. How an eye-catching clothes are.

In addition to the close-fitting clothes, there are some powders and ointments to moisturize the skin, etc. The fancy gadgets used by these women are packed in exquisite gold and silver containers, each of which is of excellent quality. Lin Qi recognized that the two kinds of incense powder were special products of a thousand-year-old shop in the big empire of the East. The Black Tiger family had looted several merchant ships at sea, and they contained this kind of incense powder, so Lin Qi recognized it.

"Rich man!" The donkey smiled with his tail cocked. "But this girl's mouth is too stinky, should I take all her teeth off? Not a woman with big breasts, it's too much, since she doesn't have big breasts, she wants it What do you do with a white tooth?"

Lin Qi ignored this apparently psychologically unbalanced donkey. Alda and Bilibili were enjoying their beauty, but he was the one who was alone. The donkey was already in jealousy. If you give him a bit of trouble , He still doesn't know what to do.

Throwing the messy things used by those women into the puddle, there are a few more valuable things left in the ring.

Several highly airtight porcelain jars contain various highly toxic powders and ointments. Reminiscing that this young girl can control the Purple Widow to kill more than ten miles away, these highly toxic drugs are also what they should be. In addition, there are several pungent plasters and pills, which should be the antidote to those poisons.

In addition to these drugs, there are two brilliant daggers. The weird short sword is shaped like a machete, but it is bladed on both sides, and the blade is densely engraved with golden and silver magic patterns. These are two magic weapons of excellent quality. The poor girl was caught by Lin Qi before she could use the weapon she was able to use. The two daggers had not had time to see the light.

In the end, there was a crimson iron plate in the ring. The iron plate tentacles shaped like a flame were hot, and it should be made of magic metal extracted from lava. The iron plate is carved with dense flame patterns, and in the middle is a temple suspended high in the clouds, and underneath is carved countless figures looming and worshiping the temple.

"The priest token of the desert god!" Lin Qi patted the iron sign and frowned.

Unlike the churches in the western continent, the nomads of the Continental Bridge have their own beliefs. The gods they worship are extremely complex, and almost every tribe will have its own gods or other chaotic supernatural beings. However, there are two gods with the highest status in the Continental Bridge. One is the **** of desert who dominates the Gobi Desert, sandstorms, flames, death, and highly toxic substances; the other is the **** who dominates grasslands, lakes, rivers, life, and nourishment. God of the power of all things and countless beasts.

The legend of these two gods is a pair of twin twins, they have diametrically opposed powers, but their relationship is excellent. They all have a group of powerful subordinate gods to follow, they used to shine in the ancient war of the gods, and violent conflicts broke out with the church gods of the western continent.

But after all, because of the small number of people, the gods of the desert and the steppes fell into eternal sleep under the beating of the church gods after a period of time. But in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people on the Continental Bridge, the status of these two gods is supreme and unshakable. They are the masters of everything, and their will represents everything.

Therefore, the desert temple and the grassland temple have a very high status in the mainland bridge, and the priests of the two temples are even more powerful than the witch sacrifices of other affiliated temples. The girl just said that all the warrior members will be put to death. This is not a lie. As the priest of the **** of desert, she does have this power-as long as she gives an order, any tribe below 10,000 will be easily annihilated. .

"It seems to be a hornet's nest!" Lin Qi patted the girl's swollen face, and then laughed weirdly: "But it might be an opportunity. You said that you killed this woman, and then put the black pot on Yun Jun's great grandson. Will it be fun?"

The donkey slapped his chin with his hoof thoughtfully, and he muttered in a low voice, "But how do you plant it?"

Lin Qi took a deep breath, the white tiger fighting energy in his body rushed rapidly in the sea of ​​qi, and the many air pockets near the sea of ​​qi were mobilized with Lin Qi's mind, and the wisps of white tiger fighting energy began to flow along a brand-new circulation. Gradually, the sharp and domineering white tiger's grudge turned into a faint cyan, and a very fine cyan aura slowly shot out from Lin Qi's fingertips.

"This is..." Donkey's eyes widened.

Lin Qi smiled weirdly: "Mr Yunxiao, the kid didn't want to be frightened, he vomited all his nine towns' exercises. This is the exercise technique practiced by the Qinglong clan and the most people of the Yunlong clan. It's just for planting!"

The donkey tilted his head and looked at the girl's horribly swollen cheeks. He pondered for a while, and finally nodded: "Well, this woman is not a big breasted woman, so just kill her and plant it! But if the people in the desert temple don't know this What to do with grudge?"

Lin Qi straightened his chest and said grinningly: "Of course you have to keep your name for the murder. I will use a big book in blood here, "The murderer is also the Haran Empire Acacia family Yunlijun." This is the black pot, huh! "

The donkey looked at Lin Qi ‘admiringly’, and he muttered: "The stupidest grandson knows that this is blaming!"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders, "But this vindictiveness is real! Jun Yun can't tell even if he's covered in mouth!"

The donkey was silent for a while, and then nodded heavily. Two big tears slowly slipped from the corners of his eyes: "Then, you can do it! Hey, what a good girl, it's not a big breast, it's still dead It's a pity! But since it's not a big breast, let's die if you die!"

Lin Qi stared fiercely at the donkey with ‘crocodile tears’, and was about to point the girl’s eyebrows.

It was too late and fast, and a sharp eagle crowed from high in the sky. A soft and tender voice sternly reprimanded: "Bold, you dare to hurt my sister? Stupid, humble thing, you and your people are dead!"

Two cold rays of light shot down from high altitude. They were two double-edged short swords shaped like a crescent moon, and they shot down at Lin Qi and the donkey with a chill. The dagger rubbed violently against the air, and suddenly burst out a large flame. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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