Bright Era

Chapter 595: Filial Piety Wushuang Xiong Wanjin

Apu looked at Xiong Wanjin in dismay.

Xiong Wanjin's size is very deterrent, nothing more. He is just an ordinary status fighter. As a ‘strong man’ who has just stepped into the lower ranks of heaven, he is confident that he will stabbed Xiong Wanjin to death with a finger. But it was such a Xiong Wanjin, who was covered in fat and looked like a pig, actually killed the dozen or so subordinates he had arranged outside?

Those subordinates are all lower-ranked holy guards of the Desert Temple, and all of them have high-ranking strength.

It doesn't matter if you kill the lower-level holy guards, but this tent, this tent is sealed by the heavenly witch priest sent by Apu's master to perform divine magic. Xiong Wanjin blew up most of this tent with a single blow. Doesn't it mean that he can deliver a heavenly level of lethality?

Xiong Wanjin also looked at Apu dumbly, and then he turned his head to look at Abu who was naked and leaning on the tent, with a thin wound on his left arm that was constantly bleeding black blood. Xiong Wanjin blinked his eyes, then yelled: "Patriarch Abu, what's the matter with you? Does your son want to kill you? This rebellious son, he actually dared to kill his father?"

A ray of hope flashed across Abu's face, and he yelled out loudly: "Young Master Xiong, help, Apu wants to kill me to seize power!"

The fat on Xiong Wanjin's face trembled violently, his complexion became extremely gloomy, and he slowly forced Apu like a fat bear blind. As he walked, Xiong Wanjin muttered in a low voice: "Mr. Apu? I'm very angry, my son! There are no parents in the world. You dare to kill your father to seize power. You are a scumbag!"

"Think about it, who gave you your flesh and blood? Who gave you your flesh and soul? Who taught you how to speak and call you when you were young? Who gave you warm clothes and food? Who gave you white silver and yellow gold Let you spend it at will? Who gave you the pretty maid who let you in the study..."

After a few dry coughs, an abnormal blush flashed across Xiong Wanjin’s face. He interrupted his explanation, and roared with righteous indignation: "Apu, you are an unfilial son who has been thundered this day. How dare you swear to your father? Knife? Why didn't Patriarch Abu throw you into a cesspit and drown, and treat your placenta as your adult?"

Apu blinked, and it took him a long time to realize what Xiong Wanjin's words meant.

Apu screamed angrily and pointed at Xiong Wanjin with a scimitar: "Kill him, pull his tongue out and feed the dog!"

The holy guards of the temple standing next to Apu pounced at Xiong Wanjin without saying a word. They drew out sharp double-edged arc daggers. The swords were as unpredictable as a poisonous snake, and they stabbed Xiong Wanjin with extreme intensity. The vitals of the whole body.

Xiong Wanjin sneered. He firmly grasped the basin-sized jade talisman in his hand, and blasted all his little grudge into the jade talisman. The purple jade talisman is carved with countless cloud and thunder patterns, and then a large number of complex magic arrays are sealed with rare magic materials such as magic gold, mithril, gold essence, and silver marrow. With the input of Xiong Wanjin's fighting spirit, large expanses of thunder and lightning spewed out of the jade charm. Before Xiong Wanjin was approached, a dozen of the temple guards were burnt into scorched corpses on the spot.

With a wave of his hand, a bolt of lightning struck Apu.

Apu grunted, and he slashed at the lightning with a machete. Hearing a crisp sound of ‘chih la’, Apu’s machete spouted countless thin electric lights, and Apu twitched and staggered backwards, faint black smoke continuously emitted from the Qiqiao. Xiong Wanjin rushed forward and waved the jade symbol to kill Apu alive.

Although Xiong Wanjin is a downright dude, he is indeed a downright filial son. He received the most traditional education of loyalty and filial piety in the big empire of the East since he was a child, and Xiong Wanjin sometimes became a very cute paranoid! Although he is no longer dull, but there are some bottom lines that he absolutely can't break through!

Apu dared to attack his father. How could Xiong Wanjin tolerate this kind of rebellious behavior?

Lightning shots everywhere, seeing that Xiong Wanjin was about to smash Apu to death with a thunder. A dark shadow in the oblique thorn suddenly rushed out, and he slammed Xiong Wanjin towards him. The black shadow was wrapped in a large black robe, but when his fist struck out, there was a terrible whistling sound of wind and sand, and red wind and countless yellow dust were looming around his fist.

Xiong Wanjin looked at the punch, as if he had seen a sandstorm hit him. He stepped back subconsciously, and the shadow hit the jade talisman with a punch, breaking the jade talisman to pieces on the spot. The jade talismans shattered, and a group of purple violent thunders roared out. Numerous electric snakes with the thickness of thumbs "cracked" around. When the clan elders of the Shatuo tribe in the tent were beaten to pieces, the shadows were also beaten. Dozens of thunder light hits, groaning backwards back and forth again and again.

"Damn it!" Xiong Wanjin murmured, he threw himself at the dying Abu, grabbed Abu on his shoulders, and rushed out of the tribe like a mad bear.

It is clear to me that the thunder symbols used by Xiong Wanjin were the treasures that his elder sister surreptitiously took out from the private library of his prince and brother-in-law, and the thunder that inspired him could easily kill the fighters below the middle rank. However, the single blow of that black shadow actually shattered the thunder talisman, and he was hit by dozens of thunders in a row without any problems. Obviously, he was at least a superior existence in the heavens.

Although Xiong Wanjin has a sense of righteous indignation, he is not a fool. Not only is he not a fool, but he is more cunning than anyone else. What is the most important natural instinct of a dude? Put oil on the soles of the feet and leave immediately when the chance is not good.

So Xiong Wanjin ran fast, and he kindly grabbed Abu and took away.

Panting and rushing forward with fat fat, Xiong Wanjin took out a few detoxification pills and stuffed them into Abu's mouth: "Patriarch Abu, these are all good things that my eldest sister secretly stuffed me to save my life. I don’t know what kind of poison you have, but, it’s always effective! But if the drug conflicts cause you a little headache, brain fever, diarrhea and vomiting, please forgive me!"

Abu glanced at Xiong Wanjin with a complicated expression, then closed his eyes and forcibly swallowed the pills. He never dreamed that when his son was trying to seize power in the tribe, the only person who came forward to save him was actually the fat man he didn't care about! Lin Qi and the others are certainly powerful, but this fat man is just an ordinary status fighter, and Abu has never regarded Xiong Wanjin as a thing!

Unexpectedly, he actually saved himself!

Feeling the pill quickly turning into a cool or hot air current in the stomach rushing to all directions, Abu muttered in a low voice, "Thank you... If I can live tonight, the Shatuo tribe will be your eternal friends! From my ancestors' The soul swears that I will be your most loyal friend!"

Before Xiong Wanjin had time to talk, Apu's sharp scream was heard from behind: "That fat man robbed A-Daddy, stopped him, stopped him, and killed him! Quick, quick, quick, kill that fat man!"

Following Apu's cry, more than a dozen warriors rushed to this side. Apu has arranged a temple and guard outside Abu's tent, not to mention, he has arranged a lot of manpower outside. Some of these fighters were his **** confidantes, and some were elders from the clan he had bought. Now, hearing Apu's cry, these fighters immediately rushed over here.

Xiong Wanjin ran forward with his tongue out, panting, and even if he had the strength of status, his weight was a huge burden. When he ran, he could be described as shaking and shaking. The heavy footsteps can be described as dead by him. Waking up from the ground.

Seeing a group of cavalry rushing in front of him, Xiong Wanjin didn't even have the strength to dodge, he could only grin and rush forward with his fat. While rushing, he took out a lot of pills, medicine powder and potion for treating internal injuries and poured into his mouth desperately.

With a ‘click’, Xiong Wanjin ran into a galloping war horse head-on. His body shook and continued to run forward, the warhorse let out a big mouthful of blood, his long neck was broken into several pieces, his huge body flew back more than ten meters, and he fell heavily. Fell to the ground.

The cavalry on the horse's back also screamed. Xiong Wanjin's heavy impact did not know how strong it was. The heavy force hit him through the horse's body, smashing his leg bones and pelvis on the spot. Smashed.

Xiong Wanjin also took a breath of blood, his red eyes widened, and he ran straight towards the brightly lit depression a dozen miles away.

Although he didn't know where Lin Qi and the others had gone, Xiong Wanjin knew that as long as there were any weird noises nearby, it must have something to do with Lin Qi and the others. And just now Xiong Wanjin heard the heavy footsteps of the cask running out, vaguely running in this direction, so Xiong Wanjin was sure he could find Lin Qi there.

As long as Lin Qi and Arda are two sacred realms, plus that terrible donkey is there, who is Xiong Wanjinxiong Fifth Young Master afraid of?

Carrying Abu and rushing out of the Shatu tribe, Xiong Wanjin screamed with his tongue out: "Apu, who was struck by thunder, dare to stab his father, God will not tolerate you! Daddy Xiong! Uncle rescued, you just wait to be cut by a thousand swords, you rebellious bastard!"

Amidst the wild laughter, Xiong Wanjin carried Abu and ran out three or five miles quickly. Originally, Xiong Wanjin couldn't run so fast, but he couldn't hold it back. He took out a magic charm to increase running speed and hit him. This made him so fat he flew like a clever canary, leaping lightly. To the brightly lit depression.

Abu firmly grasped Xiong Wanjin's shoulders, and muttered with great emotion: "You have a good father to teach such a son who knows how to be filial!"

Xiong Wanjin grinned triumphantly and laughed: "Isn't it? I thought that Young Master Xiong Wu broke the body of eighteen people in Liuxiang Pavilion, but his body wasn't enough and was caught there. It was my father who concealed it. My mother secretly sent money to redeem someone! My father, that's really nothing to say!"

Abu dumbly shut his mouth tightly. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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