Bright Era

Chapter 601: hysteria

Flesh and flesh fly, people turn on their backs. Two thousand magic heavy crossbows mercilessly harvested all the lives that dared to approach.

If it were in the hands of the crossbowmen of the Gaul Empire, these magic heavy crossbows would not have been able to exert such an extinct lethality. But in the hands of these nomadic warriors, these heavy crossbows really turned into death scythes, slaughtering the enemy as they pleased.

Their prospects have nothing to say, their cooperation has nothing to say. Under Abu's mobilization, they clearly know who their goal is. No matter how fierce the enemy is, no matter how harsh the enemy's howl, no matter how the enemy howls and howl, just shooting waves of arrows is enough. This is much easier than using a bow and arrow. Drawing a bow and archery is an extremely laborious task, and a magical crossbow, even a child can wind it easily-all the work is done by the magic circle for you.

Each quiver contained twelve arrows, and after more than 13,000 quiver were shot out, the soldiers who charged in the front were completely wiped out. More than 80% of the warriors were blown to pieces by the magic arrow, and less than 20% of the warriors were battered and scarred. They fell to the ground crying and convulsing.

Abu grinned grimly, he drew out the scimitar, and licked the sharp blade hard. The blade slashed his tongue, and a strand of bright blood slowly slipped from the blade. Abu said grimly: "Children, go to a thousand people and get rid of all the wounded soldiers. The prairie, don't support these wastes! More than 20,000 people attacked and 2,000 people were wiped out. They are simply the shame of the grassland!"

Arda was suspended in the air, his body was twitching violently, and the black streamer visible to the naked eye rolled violently under his skin, continuously pouring into his eyebrows. More than 20,000 people were killed in battle, and thousands more were seriously injured and fell to the ground. Together with the mounts that were killed, Arda consumed tens of thousands of souls in this battle.

Before the creatures died, the soul fluctuated violently, and various negative forces of fear and despair spread rapidly. Arda swallowed these negative forces that were great tonics for him, and his own strength was rapidly increasing. Body, soul, fighting spirit, and mana, Arda is undergoing a transformation in all aspects. As long as he touches the door, he can break through from the lower level of the saint to the intermediate level!

The evil abyssal creature, the top existence among the demons, the royal bloodline of the Moon Demon clan, Arda's talent is truly unique, and the progress of cultivation is not comparable to that of normal humans. The most terrifying part of the demons is here. Give the demons enough resources to consume enough soul and blood, and they can improve their power almost endlessly!

Feeling the powerful magical aura in Alda, Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction. He greeted Abu and shouted: "Don't kill with a single knife... Cut their blood vessels and let them bleed slowly to death!"

Arda can step into the middle level of Saints with only a little bit of strength. What he needs is negative soul power to help him improve. Lin Qi cruelly let Abu's people torture the injured enemies, just to let those soldiers release more powerful negative forces in the slow death. This is good for Arda, and Arda is Lin Qi's slave. As he becomes stronger, Lin Qi is naturally also stronger.

Abu nodded excitedly. He shouted loudly, and personally led his tribe to rush towards the injured soldiers hundreds of meters away.

Aziz knelt down in front of Lin Qi respectfully. He looked at Lin Qi with twinkling eyes, and said in a loud compliment: "Great Elder Bear, Tiger and Leopard, your light is like a **** that illuminates the future of our Shatuo tribe. If we can get your pity, our Shatuo tribe will definitely become the most powerful tribe on the grassland!"

Lin Qi looked at Aziz with his gleaming eyes, he knew what this guy wanted-he was attracted by these magical crossbows!

Two thousand magic heavy crossbows, if faced with heavy infantry from the Western mainland wearing heavy armor and holding heavy shields, the lethality of these magic heavy crossbows is really limited. But facing these light cavalry on the Continental Bridge, they generally don't wear armor or just wear the most fragile ordinary leather armor. Two thousand magic heavy crossbows against such light cavalry have devastating damage.

In today's battle, it can be seen that more than 20,000 hostile cavalry were shot and killed in just half an hour. The magic crossbow at the Continental Bridge is indeed a big killer that can determine the future of a tribe. Aziz has ambitions. His ambitions even made Abu wish that he would die with the enemy. How could he miss this great opportunity?

Lin Qi squinted at Az, the warriors of the Shatuo tribe were holding the heavy crossbows, and they didn't mean to hand them over.

Obviously, these Shatuo tribe warriors once again exploded their nature-they saw the magic heavy crossbow so sharp, they absolutely reluctant to return these heavy crossbows to Lin Qi. Seeing them intentionally or unintentionally locked Lin Qi's gaze, they knew that they were willing to make a big deal of murder and money. Two thousand magic heavy crossbows are worth the risk.

With a weird pursed smile, Lin Qi sighed softly. With a wave of his hand, an irresistible force swept out. The heavy crossbows in the hands of the Shatuo tribe warriors all around flew up, instantly Lin Qi took back the space ring. The arrows on the ground also sank into Lin Qi's hands like a bird thrown into the forest, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Aziz who was stunned with cold eyes, Lin Qi's fingers lightly stroked his neck: "Azi, you and your people were very unfriendly just now! But I forgot to tell you that I am not only A powerful warrior, I am also a powerful magician. Therefore, these heavy crossbows with engraved magic circles, unless you get my consent, you can't use them at will!"

Gently patted Aziz, who was sweating coldly on his forehead, and Lin Qi flew up and kicked him to the ground: "Old man Qing said that you are unfamiliar wolf pups. This is true! I knew that. Just leave you here to die, and I just slipped away! A bunch of bastards, I have provided you with the most powerful magic arrow!"

Although the arrow formation formed by 2,000 heavy crossbows is powerful, it is impossible to withstand the raid of more than 20,000 cavalry without damage. If you use ordinary arrows, theoretically at least tens of thousands of cavalry can break through the defense line of the arrow array and rush over. Lin Qi specially provided 20,000 boxes of magic arrows to the Shatuo tribe this time, which allowed them to have such a brilliant fighter.

Unlike ordinary arrows, once a magic arrow is shot, once it touches the target, it can inspire the magic circle on the arrow to burst out with powerful lethality. For example, a magic arrow inscribed with fireball, the power after the explosion is equivalent to one-third of the lethality of a magic fireball inspired by a common wizard. It is precisely because of the expensive magic arrows that there are almost two thousand magicians spraying magic, which easily killed more than twenty thousand cavalry.

Lin Qi didn't expect that these nomads on the Continental Bridge were indeed white-eyed wolves. Just after they were out of danger, they exposed such a strong prying heart to themselves. No wonder businessmen in the Western mainland say that trading with these nomads is the most dangerous thing, and these guys can turn into bandits at any time!

After being kicked to the ground by Lin Qi, Aziz just smirked a few times. He winked at the people around him. All the people showed kind smiles, nodded and bowed to Lin Qi.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, and he turned his head to look at the donkey lying on the sand and burping.

Just now when the arrows were all fired, the donkey sneaked out. He swallowed the only a dozen heavenly warriors and the beasts they were riding among the 20,000 warriors, and then swallowed hundreds of them. A high-ranking fighter, then wandered back. It seemed that these nomadic warriors did not have the appetite of the donkey, and he did not make a supernatural event that caused the sudden disappearance of more than 20,000 warriors.

The wine barrel rubbed his huge nose in dissatisfaction: "Great master, why are they all killed when the wine barrel hasn't been working?"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and took a relaxed look at the road when he came: "Don't worry, you have a chance to shoot! Az, I won't provide you with any weapons in the next battle! If you don't want to be killed, just Rely on your own strength and fight hard for your own lives!"

Seeing the undisguised greed and ferocity in the eyes of Az and his people with his own eyes, Lin Qi no longer had a good impression of these Shatuo tribes. Well, Lin Qi now treats them as pure tools, and he doesn't have any friendship with them anymore. Tools can be worn out, and Lin Qi will not feel heartache if he loses too much.

Az's face changed, he was about to speak, and Arda suddenly released a terrifying breath that frightened him in the sky.

Dark air entangled in his eyes, and thick black smoke rose faintly from Alda's body, condensing three pairs of mist-like wings behind him. Then all the abnormalities suddenly converged, and Arda slowly fell to Lin Qi with a wicked smile.

"Great master, I have progressed smoothly!" Arda licked his lips contentedly: "Killing and destruction, desire and ambition, really are the most suitable way for me to practice! How about we kill Abu and all his sons, We occupy the Shatuo tribe, and then go to war with other tribes! I feel that the next time I advance, as long as 100,000 strong warriors die in battle, I can have enough power to rise to the high rank of saints. !"

Aziz's face changed, and the soldiers around him retreated. Arda is now an intermediate saint? A middle-level saint who wants to conquer a tribe with hundreds of thousands of people like the Shatuo tribe is simply a matter of waving his hand!

Aziz looked at Lin Qi in horror and knelt to the ground subconsciously, knocking his forehead heavily on the ground.

Before Aziz opened his mouth to beg for mercy, before Lin Qi opened his mouth, a sharp voice had come from behind.

"A group of incompetent waste! These **** sand thieves are just a group of humble field mice! I must punish their tribe and kill all their tribesmen!"

"My most loyal follower, use your power to kill these damned sinners!"

"They dare to beat my sister, the noble saint of the temple, Huyou like that, they all deserve to die!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for it. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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