Bright Era

Chapter 609: Three rounds of condensation

When Lin Qi jumped into the pool of the gods, he just felt that the surrounding area was burning badly. Although the temperature was hot, he could still bear it.

But as the power of the source of the gods continued to merge into his body, Lin Qi was shocked to find that the essence of the gods and dragon power that had been fused with his body suddenly poured out, like two huge vortexes frantically extracting the power of the gods around him. Especially the divinity, it is better to swallow all the surrounding power like a black hole.

The body of the source of the gods is the broken heart of the **** of the desert, and a part of the **** of the desert’s natal artifact. I don’t know how to fuse together, forming a unique existence between the tool and the living body. . The red sap in the pool of the **** source is all the essence of the **** of the desert, full of the original power of the **** of the desert, and full of the power of the **** of the desert.

As long as people with the same attributes dip into the pool of the source of the gods, they can get huge benefits. After all, every drop of the power of the source of the gods in the pool of source of the gods is produced after the power of faith of millions of believers has been refined and condensed for many years, and then smelted by the law of the gods of the desert. Regardless of the various laws and attributes in the power of the gods, each drop of the power of the gods, in terms of energy intensity, is equivalent to the aggregation of all the spirits and spirits of a lower-level warrior and a lower-level mage. .

The so-called agglomeration of all the spirits and spirits of a lower-ranking mage and warrior is equivalent to grinding the two men into meat sauce with a meat grinder, and then extracting the essence of flesh and blood by means of demons, including all of them. The aggregation of blood, essence, soul power and fighting power.

The power of the source of the gods in this pool is more than ten million, and the body shape and the essence of dragon power in Lin Qi are swallowing the power of the source of gods in a big mouth.

Every drop of the power of the source of the gods poured into Lin Qi's body, like a powerful magic from the burning soul of a heavenly magician exploding in Lin Qi's body, and like a heavenly warrior burning his soul to smash Lin Qi. One knife.

Lin Qi's body almost disintegrated when the first wave of the power of the gods rushed in. Fortunately, the two gods and the essence of dragon power firmly protected his body, which barely allowed him to retain a human form. Then these two magical powers transformed Lin Qi's body into a pure energy body in an instant, causing him to temporarily lose his cumbersome physical mortal womb, and madly swallowing the power of the gods around him.

Countless comprehensions about the law of flames slowly flowed through Lin Qi's soul, and every drop of the power of the gods poured into Lin Qi's body, like a powerful and unparalleled mental impact attacking his soul. Fortunately, the soul guardian great blessing technique protects Lin Qi's soul. Despite the violent laws, Lin Qi's soul stays still, but stays firmly in the sea of ​​spirits, absorbing those mysterious and mysterious laws. Sentiment.

The **** of the desert is called the **** of the desert because he has mastered the powerful laws of fire, storm, sand and dust, the power of destruction and so on. But the core of the **** of the desert is flames-flames destroy creatures and create deserts, flames urge the air to cause violent winds, deserts and violent winds form a dust storm that exterminates everything! In the final analysis, the core power of the **** of desert is the power of flame!

The endless sense of law was absorbed by Lin Qi, and the tyrannical force wreaked havoc in Lin Qi.

But soon Lin Qi could no longer withstand the influx of violent energy. The divine nature and dragon power essence swallowed the power of the **** source too fast, and Lin Qi had no time to make any adjustments to the power of the **** source that poured into his body. Although the body had been completely energized and turned into a transparent light and shadow, Lin Qi still had a fatal feeling that his body would collapse in an instant.

Uncontrollable Lin Qi raised his head and yelled to let Alda and others enter the pool of the gods to share their pain.

If Alda and others can't share the pain for themselves, then they can only let the donkey come down. With the near-immortality ability of the donkey, it should be able to withstand the infusion of more and stronger divine origin power?

After Arda, Bilibili, Wine Barrel, and Xiong Wanjin actively or passively jumped into the Pool of God's Source, Lin Qi's pressure was suddenly reduced by more than half. The pool of **** source is transformed by the heart of the **** of desert, it has its own instinct like a living thing. Lin Qi was alone in the pool of the gods, and the power of the gods could only rush to him alone. With the absorption of the essence of the gods and dragon power in Lin Qi's body, Lin Qi naturally couldn't bear such violent power injection.

But when Arda and the others entered the pool of the gods, these powers were immediately divided into several parts of varying sizes.

The pressure dropped suddenly, Lin Qi exhaled heavily, then sat cross-legged in the pool of the source of the gods, silently running the three seas and seven rounds.

The white tiger fighting spirit cannot be mobilized at all at this moment. The white tiger fighting spirit is a metallic method of fighting spirit. Lin Qi just mobilized a trace of the white tiger fighting spirit, the power of the gods burned Lin Qi's white tiger fighting to nothing, and even was almost invaded by the power of the gods. Qi Hai burned all the white tiger fighting qi he had obtained through painstaking practice.

Lin Qi was shocked, he could only and only dared to run the three seas and seven chakras.

After all, the Three Seas and Seven Chakras are cultivation techniques without any attributes, and to open up the three seas and condense the seven chakras, this is a method for strengthening the physical body and forging the foundation, and there is no conflict with any attribute energy! What is especially wonderful is that certain advanced techniques in the Three Seas and Seven Rounds require powerful attribute energy to promote.

With the help of the donkey, Lin Qi initially condensed the wheel of life.

At this moment, Lin Qi's fate wheel opened, and a red light was emitted from his chest. The essence of the gods contained in the power of the gods was continuously injected into the fate wheel, and after purification and processing of the fate wheel, it was injected into the sea of ​​blood. In fact, the essence of the gods in the power of the source of the gods is extremely pure, and Lin Qi has no qualifications to purify and process, he just passes the life wheel through a hand to brand these essences of his own.

The power of the **** source is the full attribute energy condensed by various forces such as essence, qi and god. In addition to the natal essence corresponding to the essence of blood and blood, it also contains a huge amount of power similar to fighting qi, energy similar to mana, and the power of the soul source. After all, this is the power of the source of the gods, the so-called power of the source of the gods is the original power of the gods, and the power contained therein is all aspects.

Lin Qi injected the power of vindictiveness from the power of the **** source into the sea of ​​qi, blended mana into the center of his forehead, and the power of the soul source into the sea of ​​spirit. The perception of the various laws is gradually absorbed and refined by the soul, transformed into Lin Qi's own perception of the law of flames, and gradually integrated into Lin Qi's body of the two gods and dragon power essence.

The Three Seas and Seven Chakras were running at full force, and Lin Qi heard a loud sound of ‘walala’.

All the meridians and cavities near the sea of ​​qi began to creep and expand under the urge of huge force, just like Lin Qi condensed the chakra on that day. Condensed near the heart is the life wheel that can control the blood and essence of the whole body. From then on, Lin Qi can accurately control every drop of blood and vitality; and Lin Qi condenses in the periphery of the sea of ​​qi, which can control the qi collaterals of the whole body and can be precise The power wheel that controls every trace of grudge!

At the center of Lin Qi's eyebrows and on the periphery of Linghai, Lin Qi also began to mobilize his mental power, gradually condensing a continuously rotating purple canopy. This is the spirit wheel of Linghai, like the life wheel and the power wheel. After the achievement of the spirit wheel, it is a magical instrument in itself, allowing Lin Qi to control his mental power to the smallest degree.

And the spirit wheel is a barrier to the spirit overseas, the spirit wheel is not broken, the spirit sea is not dry, and the soul is immortal.

The eyebrow mind chakra, the heart chakra, and the lower abdomen strength chakra correspond to the spirit sea, the blood sea, and the air sea respectively. After the three chakras are successfully developed and condensed, the three seas and seven chakras complete the initial training.

With the help of the huge power contained in the power of the gods, Lin Qi almost passively condensed the spirit wheel and the power wheel in just one hour, and then he quickly started further training after he fully extracted the power of the gods, that is Constantly relying on external forces to continuously expand the scope of the three seas, and constantly condense and enhance the power of the three chakras, so that they become stronger and stronger.

Lin Qi's body was twisted, and every muscle and meridian in his body was fine-tuned with the movement of the three seas and seven chakras.

The Three Seas and Seven Chakras are to adjust the acupuncture points of human meridians from the day after tomorrow to transform the human body into the most beneficial physique for cultivation. However, this forced transformation is extremely painful. It depends on the Yunlong clan of the Vias Commercial Federation that no one has practiced the Three Seas and Seven Wheels, and you know how painful it is.

Lin Qi whistling lowly, he took out the matching seven round pills and swallowed the spirit round pills and the force round pills.

As the two huge medicinal powers poured into his body, Lin Qi's muscles, bones, and internal organs were all undergoing subtle changes as the medicinal powers washed away. The spirit wheel and the power wheel are completely formed, a purple-lighted wheel shines through Lin Qi's eyebrows, and near the lower abdomen is the whistling sound of fighting energy rushing through the meridians, and the chest is full of blood, and the blood is roaring. Like thunder.

But the speed of the influx of the power of the gods from the outside did not decrease, Lin Qi's heart moved slightly, and he simply started the next step of cultivation.

The power of the source of the gods can be said to be the most mysterious and powerful of all energies known today, with the power to turn corruption into magic. If the power of the source of this **** source pool is fully utilized, at least it can create the existence of several peaks of the saint master. Lin Qi would be really stupid if he didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Blowing red light continued to pour into his body, Lin Qi gradually pushed the power of the source of the gods to nourish the body, and gradually condensed four chakras in his body.

One of the rounds is located under the power wheel, and the whole body flashes with yellow light. It is the earth wheel and the fundamental wheel. This round can strengthen the foundation, replenish the bone marrow, and cultivate the vitality, which is the foundation of the flesh.

There is another round between the chakra of life and the chakra of force. The whole body water waves twinkle. It is the chakra of water and the chakra of essence. This round of taking water nourishes all things and breeds vitality, can breed essence, and is the source of life.

There is another round between the spirit chakra and the life chakra. The flames soar into the sky. It is the chakra of fire and the chakra of essence and blood. It is the true source of blood qi breeding, the core of the sea of ​​blood and the chakra, and it is the actual meaning of the seven chakras. The wheel of control.

The last round is above the spirit wheel and below the heavenly spirit. This round is unpredictable like a haze. It is the wheel of air and the wheel of wisdom. It is the core of human intelligence and the place where the power of the soul originates.

Lin Qi gathered these four chakras together, and the four source chakras of earth, water, fire and wind moved at the same time, which corresponded to the four most important elements of life. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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