Bright Era

Chapter 612: Holy Order

Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue got together, both of them with a grim sneer figured out how to use the power of the desert temple to strangle the pursuers of the Yun family, Arda and the donkey added from time to time. While she was talking, Sha Xinyue's forehead was sweating, and she looked at Lin Qi with **** eyes from time to time.

For a long time, the people of the Tiger clan gave Sha Xinyue the feeling that this group of savage freaks whose brains are filled with muscles is no different from the savages of Wudalian Island. What Tiger people like to do most is relying on their tyrannical body and terrifying power to smash everything in the most direct way, no matter whether it is a demon or a **** in front, these guys dare to punch straight up.

But Lin Qi in front of him was very different from the Tigers.

Perhaps Lin Qi's layout still has many flaws in Sha Xinyue's view, perhaps his layout is not sophisticated enough, and not perfect enough. But the various schemes Lin Qi put forward were so vicious and vicious, they weren't the tricks that a tiger tribe should be able to come up with.

Pressing the shock in her heart, Sha Xinyue stared at Lin Qi for a long time. This guy slipped out of the Black Abyss God Prison. I have never heard of anyone who can escape from the Black Abyss God Prison, but Lin Qi did it. What did he learn and experience in the Heiyuan Divine Prison? Lin Qi gave Sha Xinyue the feeling that this was not a child of the Tiger clan at all, but more like the flesh and blood left by her elders of the Shahu clan.

"Freak!" Sha Xinyue could only use this word to describe Lin Qi. Especially this freak also integrated the heart of the **** of desert, and sucked most of the power of the **** source pool into his body. What's more terrible is that he actually cultivated the Yunlong Clan's Secret Sutra of No Phase!

It is not only the Three Seas and Seven Wheels, but also the complete inheritance of the Secret Sutra of Wuxiang!

Coupled with his fusion of divinity and another very magical power, what kind of freak is this guy going to become?

After exhaling heavily, Sha Xinyue rubbed her face in a very impenetrable manner, and then shook her fist heavily: "Then do it as we planned! So all the chasing soldiers were killed, and Yin Qingyue was killed by the way. Those supporters in the temple also got rid of a fraction of them, with one stone with two birds, perfect, nothing better!"

After a hard slap, Sha Xinyue said solemnly, "Before you act, do me a favor!"

Pulling up Lin Qi, Sha Xinyue hummed a triumphant little tune and led Lin Qi and his group out to the depths of the secret hall. This is an extremely narrow and low corridor, and the winding corridor extends all the way to the underground. According to Lin Qi's estimation, they travelled all the way. This corridor took them at least several hundred meters underground.

At the end of the tunnel, there is a huge metal portal. The sleek red metal giant gate has no decorations. The rusty metal gate reveals an ancient sense of vicissitudes. Sha Xinyue pointed at the giant metal gate and said with a smile: "This is the secret storehouse of the Desert Temple. All the good things in the Desert Temple for so many years exist here. Anyway, I have to leave. The treasures in it can't be cheaper for others. !"

Lin Qi's eyes suddenly turned pale green, he squinted and glanced at Sha Xinyue: "So, at least it will be divided into fifty to five?"

Sha Xinyue jumped up as if she had stepped on her tail. She shouted hoarsely: "Nonsense! Sister, I have endured humiliation in the desert temple and endured all the catastrophes. It is so easy for me to have my current position. It's all looted here, and you're about to take half of your blue mouth and white teeth? Do you want to fight me?"

Lin Qi rolled up their sleeves, and Arda and Bilibili rolled up their sleeves with gentle smiles. The wine barrel drew out an extremely large warhammer without saying a word. Xiong Wanjin thought for a long time, and fumbled out two magic **** and held them in his hands.

The donkey grinned and bared two rows of big white teeth to Sha Xinyue: "Brother, it's settled! Little girl, you are not a big breasted girl, why are we taking you? You want to empty the treasure house here, you are alone Can you do it? Do you have such a large-capacity space ring? Five to five splits, fair and reasonable! In fact, we should divide it equally by head!"

Sha Xinyue's face turned green for a while, she stared at the donkey angrily, really wanting to strangle him to death.

Divide accounts by head? She is alone here, Sha Xinyue, and everyone else is on Lin Qi's side. If you really want to divide the account according to the head, how much can she get? Moreover, what the donkey said happened to hit Sha Xinyue's death hole-the reason why she has not attacked the treasure house of the desert temple is because she could not take away all the treasures of the entire treasure house!

The wealth accumulated over the years in this treasury is extremely large, and it is hard to describe his rich inventory with piles up.

With such a huge inventory of treasures, no space ring in the world can evacuate him, except for the artifact with its own space!

Lin Qi now has an artifact in his hand. Although it is a broken artifact, Sha Xinyue has also seen how vast the space is in the desert bracelet! The fault is that the donkey pointed out that the location of the source of the gods is the desert **** bracelet, and it is not that Sha Xinyue saw the desert **** bracelet being subdued by Lin Qi, and she would not touch the idea of ​​the desert temple treasury!

After pursing her mouth, Sha Xinyue murmured with heartache that her lips were blue: "It is divided into five and five, but I have the priority to choose. I can tell you exactly, unless I use the Sovereign Scepter to open the treasure house, you will touch At the gate of the treasure house, it is impossible to leave the desert temple!"

Lin Qi and Donkey glanced at each other, and then both showed weird smiles at the same time. They nodded at the same time and said, "Deal!"

Sha Xinyue gritted her teeth and took out the Lord of the Palace Staff, and then used a secret spell to slowly raise the metal gate 100 meters thick. The group of people rushed into the treasure house like a hungry wolf. Under the command of Sha Xinyue, Lin Qi opened the desert **** bracelet and searched the treasure house cleanly, and there was no hair left.

Although losing the support of the heart of the desert god, most of the virtual space in the desert **** bracelet collapsed, but the remaining space was dozens of miles in radius, enough to empty the treasure house of ten desert temples.

When they walked out of the treasure house, everyone including Sha Xinyue was blushing, and from the pores there was a glow that was unique to a nouveau riche. There is no mundane floating wealth such as gold and silver jewelry in this treasure house. What is accumulated in the treasure house are all kinds of magic materials and magic props accumulated in the desert temple for countless years, and there are many strange and weird antiquities remaining. This time, Lin Qi and others' gains surpassed Lin Qi's huge wealth in the Fifth Abyss in terms of quantity and quality.

When he walked out of the treasure house, Lin Qi looked at Sha Xinyue in surprise and asked the question he had always wanted to ask.

"Even if you are a rare genius in the Desert Temple for thousands of years, even if you are a disciple of the current Lord of the Desert Temple, how can you be allowed to do things in a desert temple? What about the old people in the Desert Temple? Where did they go?"

Sha Xinyue gave Lin Qi a weird look, and then showed a smug smile.

"Two years ago, the Southern Titan Great Icefield discovered some clues related to the God of Desert, which seems to be related to the awakening of the God of Desert. The elders of the Desert Temple were dispatched, and all the reclusive elders rushed to the Great Ice Field to visit the remains."

Shrugging his shoulders relaxedly, Sha Xinyue said calmly: "Now they are estimated to be still in the endless winter domain and those ancient existences in the depths of the Titan Icefield, right? For the awakening of the **** of desert, where do they have a temple of air traffic control? Of these things?"

Lin Qi and the donkey were dumbfounded, how did Sha Xinyue do all this? The elders of the desert temple are all out, no wonder that an empty desert temple is left and she can do whatever she wants. But I heard Sha Xinyue smile and said: "Originally, there was a palace owner guarding it, and the desert temple will not be chaotic, but the palace owner has been enlightened by me, and I will close the dead to pursue breakthroughs in the holy realm, and I will take the power of the palace owner... Among the remaining great witch sacrifices, there are six people who were buried by my Sha family thousands of years ago, so..."

Lin Qi was silent, but the donkey turned his lips, and started murmuring: "So, boy, don't get too close to the Sha family. Anyone who is targeted by their family will be bloody! If I remember correctly, at the end of the dark calendar, the three popes of the church at the time almost broke out in a civil war. It was the people of the Sha family who provoked. So...

Before the donkey had finished speaking, Sha Xinyue had already smashed his forehead with a fist.

The donkey closed his mouth immediately, and then took a deep breath: "Well, I don't care about the girl who is not big breasted! Let's start doing serious business! Time is almost running, we have to go to the East quickly, this is also considered ... Lin Qi's adult experience!"

Lin Qi suddenly turned his head and looked at the donkey. This time to go to the East, what is his adult experience? Why didn't the donkey tell him this?

Sha Xinyue also looked at Lin Qi in surprise, and then she suddenly smiled: "Ah, it seems that your adult experience will be completed after me. So, little brother Lin Qi, you really want to call My sister is fine!"

Not allowing Lin Qi to refute her own words, Sha Xinyue had already walked quickly to the exit of the secret hall, bent over to pick up the high crown of God that she had thrown on the ground when she entered the secret hall, and clasped it on her head, and then used a piece of fire. The red veil covered her face, and the aura on Sha Xinyue's body suddenly changed, and she became the master of the desert temple who was so high above that he could not be offended.

"I, got the decree of my god!"

"An evil heretic invaded the territory of my god."

"The gods are angry, and I am determined to sacrifice the pagans to my gods to calm the gods' anger."

"Provide the decree of my temple, mobilize all the holy guards of the holy woman's hall, and serve as the vanguard against the heretics."

"Summon four more temple guards to accompany the great witch sacrifices. The infidels must be cut to death, and they must not be left to defile the territory of my god.

Sha Xinyue's voice floated out of the secret hall, and the lightly faint voice spread throughout the desert temple, and the huge desert temple immediately boiled like an ant nest bombed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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