Bright Era

Chapter 618: Ruins entrance

No words for a night.

Sha Xinyue didn't give too much introduction to the internal situation of the ancient ruins. After all, this was part of the experience, and Sha Xinyue did not get much information about the ancient ruins from the family. She just knew that it was an extremely dangerous ruin and got a map leading to it.

After resting in the valley for a night, Sha Xinyue led everyone out of the camp and quickly set off to the heart of Shuangshen Mountain.

From the valley of Huihe to the entrance of the ruins, the straight-line distance is less than five hundred miles. But in these mountains, once the distance of 500 miles in a straight line is detoured, it is a journey of thousands of miles at every turn. Fortunately, everyone in this team is a master. Except for Xiong Wanjin, which slowed down the schedule a bit in the way, the team basically followed a straight line towards the goal.

Along the way, Lin Qi and others also encountered some tyrannical beasts, and some strange and dangerous existences. But after all everyone's strength is placed here, and they easily solved the trouble along the way.

While on the way, Lin Qi also learned some secrets of the Continental Bridge from Sha Xinyue.

Like the Western Continent, the entire Continent Bridge is also being watched by an artifact suspended in the sky. However, the Void Eye over the Western Continent remained intact, and the artifact called the Mirror of Reality over the Continental Bridge was as dilapidated as the desert bracelet on Lin Qi's wrist.

What's more troublesome is that the Desert Temple and the Steppe Temple both control a part of the True Mirror, so the power of the True Mirror is much reduced. For example, before this departure, Sha Xinyue had already done tricks in the desert temple. Unless Lin Qi and the others erupted from the holy realm at an altitude of 100 meters above the ground, they would not be discovered by the mirror of truth.

"It's just that we still have to hurry up."

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes and smiled sly like a fox: "I'm not sure how long Huyu and Husu can restrain Yin Qingyue! Without my support, these two cousins ​​of Yin Qingyue's clan are two complete idiots, I There is not much hope for them!"

After sighing heavily, Sha Xinyue sighed: "But I left her with a lot of trouble in the temple, including the temple treasury that we evacuated...I hope Yin Qingyue won't vomit blood with anger. But it has nothing to do with me. I am now dead with the heretics who invaded the Continental Bridge."

Lin Qi looked at Sha Xinyue in amazement. He stammered and asked, "Huyu and Husu belong to Yin Qingyue..."

Sha Xinyue nodded vigorously, and proudly explained the origins of Hu Yun and Hu Su to Lin Qi.

Yin Qingyue is a lucky person. She was selected by the elders of the Desert Temple since she was a child, and was brought into the Desert Temple as a saint. As for Hu Yun and Hu Su, who were slightly older than her, their fate was extremely miserable. They are twins, and this is the source of their tragedy.

The **** of the desert and the **** of the steppe are legendary twin twins, so in the hearts of nomads, there are some very strange ideas-all twins, they are the existence of the blessing of the gods, and they are stained with the breath of the gods. .

In other continents, those who are blessed by gods have a bright future. But on the greedy Continental Bridge, the fate of these twins is extremely miserable. Just like Hu Yu and Hu Su were born, they were selected by Yin Qingyue's father as their future concubines!

In terms of blood relationship, Yin Qingyue’s father is the close cousin of Hu Yu and Hu Su, but Yin Qingyue’s father made such an incredible decision-as long as Hu Yu and Hu Su reach adulthood, they will marry Yin Qingyue’s Father, let him take away their virginity, and at the same time take away the blessings given to them by the gods with the art of sacrifice to the gods, transfer the blessings of the gods to Yin Qingyue's father, and grow the tribe from then on!

Whether it was ignorance or superstition, Yin Qingyue's father did just that!

Relying on his power as the tribal chief, Yin Qingyue’s father secretly took Huyu and Husu after they were born, and raised them on a small pasture unknown to outsiders, just waiting for them to grow up. Later, he brought them back to him and became his concubines.

It is precisely because Huyu and Husu represent the blessings of the gods. They were taken care of by a group of servants since childhood. They can get everything they want since they were young. No one has ever dared to disobey any of their ideas. They do whatever they want with those slaves, which has cultivated their unbearable temper!

Sha Xinyue entered the desert temple seven years ago, and Yin Qingyue became her most direct competitor.

In order to deal with Yin Qingyue, Sha Xinyue naturally had to conduct a comprehensive understanding of all the circumstances of Yin Qingyue, so Yin Qingyue's father was also investigating this shameful private activity by someone sent by Sha Xinyue. However, Sha Xinyue dispatched people to slaughter the small pasture, **** the soon-to-adult sisters Huyou and Husu, and changed their names to subdue them by means, and then cultivate them into the temple's equipment. Choose the saint.

"So, you can't blame me for the sins Huyou and Husu have done!"

Sha Xinyue smiled relaxedly: "Hu Yu and Hu Su are Yin Qingyue's cousins, and they are the cousins ​​of a direct relative! I look forward to what Yin Qingyue's face will look like when she learns about this. Unfortunately, I can't see it! However, I hope this matter can make her mind upset, so that no one can interfere with my experience!"

Lifting her eyes and looking ahead, Sha Xinyue said calmly: "This ancient site is the common forbidden area of ​​the two temples. All clergy are strictly forbidden to approach this ancient site within a hundred miles. Anyone who violates the order will be thrown into the gods. The brazier burned to death. So, I can’t let Yin Qingyue know about the things I entered here, otherwise the two temples will become chaotic at the same time. This is not in my interest!"

Lin Qi nodded heavily. He didn't expect Hu Yun and Hu Su to have such a past. It's no wonder they would become the current stinky virtue. When Yin Qingyue discovered the truth of the matter, Lin Qi was a little bit expecting her face.

However, Yin Qingyue is a good person, but Sha Xinyue is also good to Lin Qi. Lin Qi knew what position he should maintain, so Lin Qi could only say sorry to Yin Qingyue.

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi casually killed a vulture that fell on him from a high altitude, and continued to stride forward.

It took three days, and the group of people came to a small desert outside the entrance of the ruins without disturbing anyone. This is also the only flat area in the Shuangshen Mountain. The ground is covered with thick yellow sand in a radius of more than a dozen miles. Thirty-six square metal platforms are neatly erected in the yellow sand. These platforms are not known for how many years they have experienced. The wind and sand blown by, the mottled surface can no longer see their original appearance.

Standing on the edge of the desert, looking at these metal platforms that were nearly 100 meters high and ten meters long and wide, everyone could not help but breathe out.

These surfaces were covered with thick sand and dust, but the platforms exposed a little metallic luster in some places were like thirty-six ancient beasts squatting there, exuding a terrifying breath of rebelliousness. Time has left them in dust, but it can't obliterate the peculiar charm of these platforms that makes the mind shake.

Lin Qi walked slowly to a platform, he drew a big axe, and severely scraped off a large piece of sand in front of him. Sparks splashed around in the sharp ‘crunch’ sound, and a clean-scraped platform surface was exposed. It was a layer of peculiar silver-white metal, which Lin Qi had never seen before.

Reaching out and touching the piece of metal, Lin Qi only felt a little tingling in his palm, as if he had been hit by lightning magic. This metal platform has been standing here for many years, but there is still energy surging inside it.

Sha Xinyue also walked to Lin Qi's side. She frowned and touched the silver metal surface that Lin Qi had scraped out. She couldn't help but shook her head.

"I've heard of these metal platforms. It is said that once the goblin grandmaster of the Goblin Continent sneaked into here, just to study what metal these platforms were made of. But with the insights and methods of the dwarfs in the Goblin Continent, They can't destroy these platforms, even if they want to get some metal powder down as samples, they can't do it."

Sha Xinyue sneered at the corner of her mouth slightly, and said: "More than fifty goblin grandmasters were killed or injured while studying these platforms, and the remaining half was found by the patrols of the two temples. They were captured alive and taken to the goblin. Several empires on the mainland extorted a large amount of property."

Lin Qi glanced at Sha Xinyue curiously, he pondered for a moment, then swung a big axe, and slammed the axe on the silver-white metal.

Sha Xinyue's strange cry suddenly escaped into the dust and disappeared without a trace. Lin Qi's axe smashed on the platform, only to see a group of dazzling electric lights spray out, and Lin Qi's axe was hit by a'click'. It melted into a plume of blue smoke. Lin Qi howled miserably and was hit by the terrifying electric current hundreds of meters away. He lay on the ground and twitched for a full quarter of an hour before spraying electric sparks.

But within the quarter of an hour that he convulsed, everyone who wanted to help Lin Qi was chopped by lightning, and the sand and stones around him were all melted into crimson glass.

After spitting out a puff of black smoke, Lin Qi gritted his teeth and got up: "I admit, this ancient relic is really dangerous!"

Sha Xinyue turned pale with fright, she rushed to Lin Qi angrily, pointed at Lin Qi's nose and yelled: "Lin Qi, I Sha Xinyue didn't offend you, and I still share the pool of God's Source with you! It’s not your unbeatable muscle bumps! You won’t be allowed to touch any items in the ruins without my order in the future, you know? Even if it’s a mass of garbage, you won’t be allowed to touch it!"

Sha Xinyue was really almost frightened. The electric light was extremely powerful. Although it didn't kill Lin Qi, her body could not bear it. Lin Qi's big axe, which should be a high-grade magic weapon, was instantly vaporized. If Sha Xinyue was hit, she would probably have to be half-baked even if she was not cut into a plume of smoke.

Angrily, she pointed to Lin Qi to reprimand for half an hour, and Lin Qi, who was blaming herself, raised her hands high and bowed her head begging for mercy. Then she stopped reluctantly.

Once again, he severely warned everyone who was accompanying him, and only then did Sha Xinyue carefully lead people to the entrance of the ruins. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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