Bright Era

Chapter 620: Wormhole

Everyone was horrified and moved. The Purple Widow was already extremely poisonous, but now that her size has swelled to such a huge size, one can imagine how much variation has occurred in this Purple Widow. I want to use my **** to know how terrible the venom sprayed by this purple widow is.

Everyone retreated sharply, only Tucker greeted him with a huge shield, and held up the shield to block the spray of poison.

Hearing a "chuck" thought, Tucker's magic shield sprayed out a large amount of white smoke, and the dozens of consecutively nested defensive magic arrays on the surface of the shield were burned to dim light, and several magic patterns were almost looped. Corroded and broken by venom. What's more shocking is that Tucker was sprayed by the poisonous syrup, and he was a little struggling, holding the shield and staggering back for several steps before he stood firm.

Sha Xinyue yelled loudly: "Be careful, the Purple Widow only has a child in the abyss. She appears here, and it must be left by the death of an insect controller."

As soon as Sha Xinyue's words were uttered, there was a harsh scream in the air. Eight consecutive cyan lights flashed past, and the eight red light-dazzling compound eyes on the head of that huge purple widow burst into a ball of meat sauce at the same time. The huge body of the Purple Widow twitched violently, and it let out a miserable howl, and a large swath of poisonous syrup spouted from its mouth again.

But this time it sprayed poisonous plasma and it was completely out of alignment, and all the poisonous plasma was sprayed randomly around.

With a ‘pop’, an arrow entangled in frost flicked past, accurately hitting the huge head of the Purple Widow. A faint layer of **** frost wrapped the purple widow's huge body. The purple widow's movements suddenly stiffened, and the poisonous paste sprayed from her mouth was frozen into blocks of ice.

"Die, ugly bugs, I hate spiders!" The barrel let out a low growl, and his body suddenly swelled to a height of fifteen meters, which is also the limit height for him to move freely in this tunnel. The huge warhammer was hit hard, and the warhammer of the barrel was also a big guy specially made in the Fifth Abyss. The square warhammer with a full circle of several meters hit the purple widow's forehead like a hill.

In the sound of'click', the Purple Widow was beaten to pieces by the warhammer. Its frozen shell shattered every inch under the violent bombardment. A large amount of viscous pulp spurted out of its shell, with a faint fishy smell. It's all over the floor.

Sha Xinyue cried out in surprise: "Be careful, don't damage its poison sac. Mutation to such a huge Purple Widow, its poison sac is extremely valuable!"

The barrel urn that had originally wanted to pick up the warhammer whip the corpse grumbled angrily, and slowly put down the warhammer, and the body also retracted back to its original shape. He took out a huge wooden wine barrel, poured a few sips of wine into the wine barrel, and laughed up to the sky: "Great master, the wine barrel is the most heroic warrior! Hahaha, no matter what bugs, you will be caught by the wine barrel. His supernatural power was shattered!"

Lin Qi patted the barrel on the shoulder and praised him a few words, and then accompanied Sha Xinyue carefully to the wreckage of the Purple Widow. In the messy soft tissue, Sha Xinyue slowly picked out a purple-black poison sac with a diameter of 10 meters. A gleam of light flashed in her eyes, and Sha Xinyue said cheerfully: "Sure enough, poison crystals have been condensed in the mutated purple widow's venom sac. My sand fox clan is proficient in insect control. This poison crystal is used to cultivate various mutated poisonous insects , Is extremely beneficial!"

Lin Qi took out a spear and stirred it randomly among the wreckage of the Purple Widow. Apart from the poison sac, this mess was a mess. Sha Xinyue also shook her head. She gestured to the three follower wizards behind her, and a ball of fire shot out, quickly burning the remains of the Purple Widow into ashes.

Alda on the side had carefully wiped the blood from the seven orifices with a handkerchief. He looked at the burning remains of the Purple Widow in embarrassment and couldn't help grinning. He just sprayed a bit of blood, and actually attracted such a huge poisonous insect, thinking about it, it is indeed a bit creepy.

Tucker waved his shield, shaking off the venom remaining on it. He frowned and muttered: "Very powerful poisonous insects have the strength of the peak of heaven! But miss, you said that the purple widow is a small insect, although its venom is powerful, but they do not have too strong personal strength !"

Sha Xinyue nodded very solemnly. She looked at everyone around her, especially Lin Qi, and then said solemnly: "Everyone has already seen the terrible ruins. Although the Purple Widow is extremely poisonous, Ordinary people can easily crush a Purple Widow as long as they are not poisoned. But I don't know what happened here, the Purple Widow has mutated into such a huge "Beast"!"

Lin Qi's face also drooped, a Purple Widow at the pinnacle of heaven, this is also Sha Xinyue's small team is too strong, causing it to be tortured and killed without exerting any power. Changed to other teams, even if that team was all composed of warriors and wizards at the top of the sky, this Purple Widow could almost easily wipe out humans of the same rank under twenty.

After cautiously reminding each other a few words, the group of people continued to maintain the formation just now and walked deep into the corridor.

This road traveled more than six miles, passing at least ten damaged heavy metal doors along the way. Judging from the traces left by the door frames, some of these portals were blasted open by pure strange power, some were melted by strange energy, and some were directly obliterated by strange things.

Lin Qi and the others also tried, no matter what method they used, they were unable to cause any damage to these broken metal gates. The more you walked inward, the higher the hearts of Lin Qi and others, and every gate they passed by warned them that this is a real archaic relic and a place where people may die at any time.

Continuing to travel inward for a while, a strange fishy smell suddenly floated in front of them, and the light released by the light ball suddenly spread to the surroundings, and they had reached an extremely large space at the end of the tunnel.

Then everyone was stunned here. In this huge space more than two miles long and 100 meters high, there are a dozen huge purple widows. Basically all the purple widows are the same as the one Lin Qi and the others killed. One head was about the same size, only the one in the center was the Purple Widow, who was thirty meters away, lying on the ground in a very leisurely manner, tearing up a group of beast corpses that did not know where it came from.

Lin Qi subconsciously swallowed and spit, and it was just a dozen ‘little’ purple widows. How did this purple widow, who is 30 meters high on the ground, grow into it? Moreover, its carapace is no longer purple-black, but the entire carapace has become pitch black. The thick carapace is faintly shining under the fire light, and it has already brought a layer of spar characteristics.

Lin Qi and the others illuminated the group of worms. They stayed for a while, and then the biggest purple widow came out. The other worms rushed over here at the same time.

Sha Xinyue immediately yelled, "Arrow!"

The sharp sound of breaking through the air resounded like a storm, and dozens of jumbled cyan rays shot out. All the eyes of the Purple Widow rushing here burst open at the same time, and a light blue arrow was inserted into each eye. Then a dozen white ice arrows also tore the air and shot them, accurately hitting the spiders' heads.

More than a dozen white spiders crawled forward slowly, and the barrel quickly expanded to his current limit of fifty meters high, and then walked over with a grinning grin, one by one, the slow-moving purple The widows trampled to death one by one.

The huge purple widow in the center slowly raised her head. On both sides of its head and mouthparts, there are densely packed twenty-four scarlet eyes. So many eyes are staring at Lin Qi and others, everyone All I felt was a chill in my body, rushing from the tail vertebrae to the Tianling Gai.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, he walked forward quickly, took out a strong crossbow, and pulled the trigger at the huge purple widow.

Three powerful crossbows screamed and ripped through the air, but the Purple Widow waved her claws quickly and easily blocked the three arrows. The three arrows inscribed with Explosive Fireball exploded, leaving a few faint marks on the claws of the giant Purple Widow.

The mage behind Sha Xinyue suddenly made a move. They raised their staffs at the same time. With the low spell sound, dozens of bursting fireballs of sand and flames screamed out. The huge purple widow raised a few arms and legs to protect the front door, and the fireball hit its arms and legs and exploded, but it only left a few wisps of black smoke on its paws, and did not cause it to Substantial harm.

"Magic immune carapace!" Sha Xinyue applauded vigorously and exclaimed: "This is the perfect shell that the emperor of the Abyssal Insect Beast could have. Didn't you think that this guy also has it? Take off its carapace. This is the best product for making good armor. material!"

Looking at this huge purple widow, Lin Qi exhaled heavily. Magic immune carapace? In other words, ordinary magic can't deal with it? That can only be beaten hard.

Of course, Lin Qi has another choice, even the so-called magic immune carapace, generally speaking, has the ultimate endurance. If Lin Qi used the Forbidden Curse, this insect that should have already stepped into the Holy Realm would definitely not be able to bear it. But once the forbidden curse is used, the carapace is over. It's strange that Sha Xinyue didn't fight him hard!

With a heavy sigh, Lin Qi drew the heaviest axe in the ring and rushed towards the Purple Widow with a shout.

"The magic is not valid, do it! Be careful not to be touched by the poisonous syrup, then it is really dead!"

With a ‘hum’, Lin Qi's entire body was covered with a white halo thick with fingers, and the bodyguard made up of the white tiger's fighting spirit was bright and clean, as if a layer of white crystal was wrapped around Lin Qi.

Lin Qi rushed faster, but the barrel was faster. He had absorbed enough dust to create a thick layer of lava armor on the surface of his body, and then he vacated and provoked, unexpectedly sitting on his ass. The slender waist of the Purple Widow.

The barrel monster smiled and dropped the warhammer, then his hands clasped its head tightly, making it unable to move anymore.

Lin Qi laughed loudly and slashed at the Purple Widow with a big axe. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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