Bright Era

Chapter 622: Tough kill

"See the dead!"

Lin Qi's heavy axe and the silver long sword in the puppet's hand touched together, only felt that the tentacles were soft and unbearable. His axe with all his strength was like it had fallen into a pool of glue, and all his power was poured out. . What made him even more depressed was that the long sword was still shaking violently, at least tens of thousands of times in the blink of an eye, Lin Qi's wrist was numb, and a good magic axe. Suddenly, it shattered into countless pieces with a'click'.

Everyone was shocked, and the puppet that Lin Qi had touched had rushed to Lin Qi less than half a meter in front of him like a ghost. The high-frequency oscillating long sword pierced Lin Qi with a harsh tearing sound. Heart. This puppet is made of mercury. It has no obvious joints. The puppet's movements are weird and random to the extreme. The angle of the sword stabbed is extremely strange. Just now, Lin Qi lost his axe, and his strength made him too old. Throwing forward, there is no room to turn around and avoid.

With a crisp sound of ‘pop’, three arrows that had disappeared hit Lin Qi’s left shoulder heavily, and the arrows exploded, bursting out a dazzling flame. Lin Qi staggered a few steps to the right by the arrow's explosion and impact, and the silver long sword pierced his shoulder. Although the blade did not touch his body, the blade violently concussed. The wind knife had torn open his clothes, and a shallow, thin blood hole was formed on his skin.

"These puppets are weird, don't fight with them!"

Before Lin Qi had finished speaking, Tucker had already rushed up with Wu Yong. He waved that huge shield, and a heavy shield shot at the puppet who rushed forward. In the murmur of'chacha', Tucker's magical heavy shield was split into four equal pieces of scrap iron by three long swords. A puppet group slammed into Tucker's embrace, and the puppet's shoulders snapped forward. , Tucker snorted, the breastplate disintegrated into countless pieces, and a blood arrow spurted out of his mouth.

Tucker was hit by the puppet and flew backwards, but Tucker was also brave. When he flew upside down, he grabbed the wrist of the puppet that hit him, clung to the puppet’s arm and pulled it together. After flying fast.

The puppet's body was swiftly twisting and changing in the air, and its right arm was imprisoned by Tucker, unable to move, but its left arm fell like raindrops, smashing its head and face toward Tucker's body. Tucker's body was ‘banged’, and his body swayed wildly in the air, like a sandbag being beaten madly.

"The swords of these guys are particularly powerful, but their power is not strong, at most equal to the saint's mid-level warriors!"

The soldiers around Sha Xinyue all cursed in a low voice, not strong? At most equal to the middle-ranked saints? Hell, only Tucker, who has the blood of the Earth Titan, can say this. The faces of the silver coin and copper coin brothers turned black. Although they were lucky enough to step into the holy realm with the help of the power of the source of the gods, they are thieves. Can their power be compared with fighters?

Tucker tried to twist the puppet's arm as soon as his thick arms pressed hard. But the puppet's arm suddenly softened, turning into silver juice and fleeing from his fingers. Tucker's hand fell suddenly, and his body fell heavily to the ground. The right arm of the puppet he had dragged away recovered his freedom, and a swift sword struck Tucker's neck.

With a loud ‘Dang Cang’, Lin Qi took out a large iron ingot from the ring and smashed it towards this side at a distance of tens of meters. Just now the elves used arrows to solve Lin Qili's sword-piercing disaster. Just as Lin Qi stood firm, he saw Tucker in a desperate situation, and he immediately smashed out this iron ingot weighing a hundred jins away.

The square iron ingot brought a vicious wind and hit the back of the puppet with a whirr. The three-meter-high silver puppet flew up with a bang, and was smashed by the iron tens of meters. In addition, half of his body was twisted and scattered by the iron block.

"Don't touch their long swords, attack their bodies with violence!" Lin Qi flew up and kicked the puppet that almost pierced his chest, and roared loudly.

The long swords of these puppets are weird and very weird, and that kind of weird high-frequency oscillation is enough to destroy all physical attacks. But their bodies didn't seem to be too weird. If they were only the mid-level saints, Lin Qi had a thousand ways to break them into pieces.

'Haha~Aha~', the sound of heavy footsteps sounded, Xiong Wanjin did not know where he took out a huge iron plate, the iron plate about one foot and two meters thick was held in his hand, like a lady's hand A small folding fan of sandalwood was waved lightly by him.

I don't know what's going on, Xiong Wanjin has only been promoted to the lower level of the heavenly strength in the pool of the gods, but his whole body has completely turned into the crystallization of the power of the gods. His physical strength has also developed to the point of inhumanity. Although his vindictive level is terribly poor, his perverted power can just deal with these perverted puppets.

The three puppets armed with long swords rushed to Sha Xinyue's group aggressively. There were only five mages standing beside Sha Xinyue, and the fragile mages happened to be the easiest targets for these puppets to kill. The puppet rushed up with heavy steps like a violent wind, but Xiong Wanjin waved a huge iron plate, like a hurricane, pounced at them from the diagonal thorn.

When the puppets were ten meters away from Sha Xinyue, Sha Xinyue smiled and gestured to the elf sisters in the distance. The elf's bowstring shook rapidly, and dozens of Frost Arrows shot continuously on the metal floor in front of her. A layer of ice half a foot thick suddenly formed on the smooth metal ground. As soon as the three-headed puppet stepped on this piece of ice, his body suddenly fell backwards uncontrollably.

Xiong Wanjin just arrived, and with a wave of the huge iron plate, three puppets were smashed by the iron plate and flew high in the loud sound of'Dang Cang', and one head hit the metal ceiling. Xiong Wanjin jumped up endlessly. His plump body, like a ball, jumped up to a height of more than 100 meters. He gritted his teeth and waved the iron plate, and hit the three puppets with another iron plate. .

The material used to make these puppets is extremely weird. It is a malleable metal material like mercury. Xiong Wanjin fiercely gave the three puppets an iron plate, and they stuck to the ceiling like three pieces of dough. But it didn't take long for their bodies to gradually squirm, and soon turned into three complete puppets and jumped down from the ceiling.

Lin Qi snorted coldly, Bilibili and Arda drew the attention of several puppets briskly, and gradually led them towards Lin Qi's direction. Lin Qi gave a long roar, and the whole white tiger's fighting spirit suddenly started. A white light tiger with a body length of more than ten meters jumped out from behind him. This huge white tiger snarled up to the sky and then was grabbed by Lin Qi.

The huge white tiger shrank rapidly in Lin Qi's hands, and in the blink of an eye it became a cat that was only half a foot long. Lin Qi clasped the small white tiger formed by half of the white tiger's fighting spirit in his body with both hands, and stared at the eight puppets rushing in front of him.

With a shake of his hands, the white tiger in his palm turned into an extremely dazzling white cold light and roared out. Arda and Bilibili stretched out huge fleshy wings behind them and quickly rose into the air, whistling the white light and engulfing the eight puppets.

At the same time, a large amount of magic and arrows poured down, along with Lin Qi's vindictive attack, involving these puppets. This was a blow by Lin Qi and the others with all their strength. The wizards of the three desert temples beside Sha Xinyue, the sisters of the elves, and even the sisters of Blue shade all issued the strongest magic attacks.

The eight-headed puppets were shattered by the terrible attack, and their limbs were broken and thrown in all directions. From the broken limbs of these puppets, the complex pipelines in their bodies could be seen shining with glaring energy spar.

Köln XVIII, who had been standing by and waiting for the opportunity, roared in a low voice, striding forward at the eight badly injured puppets. He murmured: "Low-level humanoid weapon with self-healing ability...Number...No...Factories...Unknown...Inquiry code...Rejected...Preliminary judgment, not right. The faction of the square faction belongs to... give priority to order execution, plunder... supplement consumption!"

Like a greedy tiger, Cologne XVIII pounced on these puppets who were slowly wriggling. Lin Qi and the others were horrified to see that the hands and feet of these puppets were blown into a pool of silver juice slowly flowing towards the puppets, but as Cologne XVIII pounced on them, these puppets sent out at the same time The sharp chirping sound.

The other four puppets abandoned the counterattack against Tucker and Xiong Wanjin. They turned around at the same time and quickly rushed towards Cologne XVIII.

But Cologne XVIII rushed to the eight injured puppets regardless, and eight gray tentacles with the thickness of thumbs suddenly stretched out from his back, and pierced into their bodies fiercely along the wounds on the puppets. The bodies of these puppets suddenly stiffened, and the frantically flickering energy spar at the wound suddenly went dark, and then a deep humming sound came from their bodies.

The gleam of light in Cologne's eighteen eyes was getting brighter and brighter, and his body was trembling violently, and the faint light rolled rapidly on his body. He turned his head to look at the donkey, and said in a low voice: "Block the four puppets, I need a little time to replenish my strength!"

The donkey was dumbfounded, and then he stretched out his hoof to Tucker and the others with a strange smile: "Then, grandchildren, go and kill these four grandchildren!"

The expressions of Tucker and others became extremely ugly, Lin Qi grabbed the donkey's long ears with a gloomy face, and slammed him at the four puppets heavily.

The donkey uttered an angry curse, and then he suddenly turned into a thick black smoke, a big mouth came out from it, and the four puppets were swallowed by the terrifying big mouth with a ‘click’.

After chewing hard a few times, the donkey poking out of the smoke suddenly opened his mouth and vomited a burst of black smoke, and then heavily vomited out four broken puppets.

"Blood and fleshless, although donkeys are not picky eaters, this thing is really not a ration!"

Tucker's face became even more weird. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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