Bright Era

Chapter 626: Nirvana Spar

"Hey, I said, get those two grandsons out and put me in!"

"Absolutely conquering heavenly objects, this is the original mother-fetal liquid, the ancient treasure with the strongest vitality and resilience."

"It's really a waste of such a precious ancient thing to soak these two grandchildren! Hurry up, get those two grandchildren out and put me in!" When the donkey said here, his eyes Fire has already spurted out: "Such a pool of mother-fetal liquid, as long as I swallow them, my energy reserves are enough for me to waste thousands of years! Hurry up, get these two grandchildren out!"

Lin Qi stretched out his hands helplessly: "How to get them out?"

The donkey also closed his mouth, and his two long **** ears dangling unwillingly. This big pond is under the beam of light in the middle of the hall. Although I don't know how deep the pond is, it is more than one mile in diameter. But there was a transparent metal floor between this big pond and Lin Qi, and Lin Qi and the others had already tried it in the two corridors outside, and it was impossible for them to damage these floors.

When he was worrying, Cologne XVIII came over vigorously. There were brutal wounds all over his gray skin. It was obvious that he had just cut his body and treated himself with the bodies of his three brothers. His skin is healing quickly, and strange squirming sounds are heard in his body. It should be that his newly fused body is gradually returning to life under the nourishment of his body.

"My three brothers died here, and I have absorbed all of their bodies! The effect is much better than I thought! As long as there is enough energy to replenish, like the Du Wen magic stick last time, I have a sword Can kill a hundred!"

Cologne Eighteen Rumble said: "The energy core here is far better than I thought. Have you found anything valuable?"

The hooves of the donkey pointed towards the mother-fetal liquid pool: "The two grandsons inside are good things! But..."

Cologne XVIII raised his long sword without saying a word and slashed heavily to the ground. His long sword burst out with a faint gray light, and the one-meter-thick transparent metal floor was cut open by his sword. The wine barrel roared, his body swelled to ten meters or so, and then he fished out the two bodies covered in water from the pool and threw them on the ground nonchalantly.

The donkey laughed. He followed the gap cut by Cologne 18 and jumped into the mother-fetal liquid, and then unfolded his body very comfortably. Cologne XVIII widened his eyes and nodded vigorously: "Mother-fetal liquid, a good thing, can help me recover from my injury! Donkey, not only you, but me, and..."

The donkey who was soaking in the pool and moaning incomparably lustfully stiffened. He slowly raised his head and violently cursed: "Fuck your uncle... This pool... Well, grandchildren, after all, we also have this. Years of friendship!"

Opening his mouth wide, the donkey spit out two huge sarcophagi: "Three grandsons, come out to take a bath! The blood-sucking grandson, the half-dead grandson, and the big breasted woman, this is a mother-fetal liquid!"

Prince Columba quickly jumped out of the sarcophagus, then greedily jumped into the pond and swallowed. The thin bamboo pole staggered out of the sarcophagus, and Kui Lian gently supported him, and the two sank into the deepest part of the pond together.

Cologne XVIII gave a'buzz' laugh, then he got down on his body, got close to the bodies of the two men in the pool and sniffed carefully, suddenly a gleam of light flashed in his eyes: "It was using the blood of the gods. And a part of the body tissue imitation of the divine body... The Knights of Apocalypse... used to... similar experiments... failed... the divine body survived... the lack of divine soul blessing... failed!"

Cologne XVIII's body shook suddenly, and he recovered from that weird state. He sneered: "Loki wanted to create a god, but unfortunately he repeated our failure. The body of the god, as long as there is Enough resources and energy can be imitated. But without the soul, the divine body cannot be driven! This stupid guy, he is wasting the resources of this relic!"

With a cold snort, Cologne eighteen put away the sword, and then plunged into the mother-fetal liquid pond.

Sha Xinyue's fiery eyes stared at the two strong, handsome, and flawless bodies of the gods two meters away. She squinted and said with a smile: "The two handsome guys, the bodies of the gods, although they can't move, but they are seductive in the crystal coffin... No, it's also very face to show off as a collection! Brother Lin Qi, treat them Let me what? It's just two bodies, worthless!"

Lin Qi glanced at Sha Xinyue, then gently shook his head.

After thinking for a while, Lin Qi drew a Viper's straight knife, and stabbed the red-haired man heavily into the chest. With a loud bang, Lin Qi only felt a terrible counter-shock force coming up. The Viper's straight knife disintegrated from the tip of the knife, and in the blink of an eye, even the hilt of the knife was broken into sesame seeds. Metal particles.

But there was not even a white mark on the man's chest!

It is worthy of being the body of a **** imitation by the ancient relics using the unknown ancient magic technique, just this defensive power is extremely abnormal. Lin Qi's eyes became extremely hot, and he muttered in a low voice: "Dragon City said, that thing requires a lot of precious materials. How much money would it be wasted? And getting two women around... really. trouble!"

Sha Xinyue looked at Lin Qi in surprise: "What did you say?"

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and then asked Sha Xinyue a question that made her confused for a long time: "Souls, blank souls, do they care if their bodies are male or female?"

Sha Xinyue was dull for a while, and after a long time she stammered and said, "I think, I shouldn't care about it, right? Soul, blank soul... The concept of men and women should be cultivated? Especially? For the gods, many gods have lost their physical bodies. They can be male or female, or male or female. They don't care at all, right?"

After a hard slap, Lin Qi smiled and said, "Then, this is done!"

A tired, shameless light flashed from Lin Qi’s eyes. He smiled and looked at Sha Xinyue and said: “The noble desert temple great witch sacrifices to Miss Sha Xinyue, you promised that except for the poison of those purple widows Jing, are you not interested in any items obtained from this ruin?"

Sha Xinyue stayed there. She gritted her teeth and stared at the two handsome and perfect divine bodies for a long time, and finally closed her eyes: "But... this body has no meaning to you. I just want to treat them as collectibles! Brother Lin Qi, you really want to **** these two with me... The corpse is meaningless to you?”

Sha Xinyue opened her eyes sharply: "These are just two corpses. Are you reluctant to let them go? Oh my god, sister, I just store them with a pure heart that appreciates beauty. A man, what do you want them to do?"

"You... Could it be that... Have that kind of problem?" Sha Xinyue looked at Lin Qi secretly, and raised her mouth proudly: "Perhaps I want to promote it among the younger generation of all ethnic groups, you There is that kind of problem!"

Lin Qi's face turned pale, Xiong Wanjin had already covered his **** and stepped back, and then he laughed and shouted to Sha Xinyue: "This kind of thing is actually a gentleman, hahaha, many of this son Brothers, they have a few suave blue-faced confidants around them, that kind of charm, in fact..."

Lin Qi randomly grabbed an iron ingot and smashed it out. The heavy iron ingot slammed Xiong Wanjin's forehead fiercely, sending him hundreds of meters away.

"I have this!" Lin Qi took out two spars shining with magnificent light from the ring!

A faint divine coercion spread to the surroundings, and the two bodies on the ground twitched suddenly. Just feeling the breath of the soul, the two bodies have signs of activity.

Sha Xinyue’s beautiful eyes suddenly became like she-wolves. She screamed with a scream and grabbed the two Nirvana crystals in Lin Qi's hand: "Brother Lin Qi, take these two The crystals I used were given to me, my sister promised me! I am not enough alone, and I have dozens of relatives, and there are hundreds of cousins ​​and cousins, all of whom can be married..."

Lin Qi flew a kick when Sha Xinyue's claws were less than an inch from the Nirvana Spar, kicked her on Sha Xinyue's abdomen without hesitation, and kicked her more than ten meters away. He bit his tongue fiercely, a big mouthful of red blood spurted out, Lin Qi's eyebrows moved, and a powerful mental fluctuation broke into two waves wrapped in blood and rushed into the Nirvana spar.

Lin Qi's soul was in sharp pain. He separated two subtle soul distractions and poured them into the Nirvana Spar, and quickly merged with the two pure white spirits in the Nirvana Spar. Lin Qi immediately felt two emotions of admiration and attachment pouring into the spirit sea. He smiled and punched the Nirvana spar into the eyebrows of the two divine bodies with one hand.

Sha Xinyue cried and screamed, "Oh~~~Lin Qi, let’s discuss it! You don’t like young women. I have an aunt who lives in widows and is beautiful and beautiful. Do you like old women?"

Xiong Wanjin, who had just gotten up to the side, vomited a heavy mouthful of blood, and then looked at Sha Xinyue in embarrassment and muttered to himself: "Even my own sisters and aunts can sell clean in one sentence... this woman, In the future, the farther away from her, the better. When she sells me, she probably won't need a word?"

The two divine bodies had opened their eyes, and they were breathing deeply, and the air in the entire hall rushed towards them quickly.

In just a few breaths, two tall, handsome, flawless, and extremely powerful divine bodies have stood up, and then they looked at Lin Qi with admiration, and hugged Lin Qi's arms from left to right.

"My Father!" The two newborns with blank souls blinked their beautiful big eyes, staring at Lin Qi's face.

Sha Xinyue on the side was anxious, she smiled very flatteringly, and quickly ran to Lin Qi, winked at the two newborns and smiled: "I am your mother, dear child!"

Lin Qi's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood almost sprayed on Sha Xinyue's face. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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