Bright Era

Chapter 630: Defeated

A long robe, calm as water, Yin Qingyue stood there, forming a sharp contrast with the embarrassed twin sisters beside her. Huyu and Husu were tied firmly with thin red ropes, and they couldn't even straighten their waists. They were also stuffed with a white cloth in their mouths, and they couldn't make any noise.

The two women looked at Sha Xinyue pitifully, as if they had seen the owner's puppy, they almost wagged their tails.

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes and looked at Yin Qingyue quietly.

Yin Qingyue's hands were hanging beside her, her broad robe sleeves almost dropped to the ground. She also looked at Sha Xinyue quietly, her untied long hair flying freely with the wind.

The two women are stunning beauties with national beauty and fragrance, Yin Qingyue is more solemn and demure, and Sha Xinyue is more majestic and sacred. If Yin Qingyue is a clear lake in the grassland that can clearly reflect all celestial phenomena, quiet and pure, then Sha Xinyue is a snowy mountain standing on the edge of the grassland, covered by clouds, majestic and mysterious, but it is filled with fog. People can't tell what kind of person she is.

Both of them are such a magnificent person, with such knowledge and ability. If there is only Yin Qingyue in the desert temple, then the desert temple is bound to usher in a rare development opportunity. But when Yin Qingyue met Sha Xinyue, things became unpredictable.

The gust of wind swirled and flew over the plain between the two with countless yellow sand. I don’t know where some grass blades were torn by the wind. The yellow grass blades shivered violently in the whirlwind. The tough grass blades made a sharp scream in the wind, just like countless ghosts hissing. Howl.

The strange silence lasted for a full quarter of an hour, when the pervasive sense of killing between Sha Xinyue and Yin Qingyue was about to become real, and most of the people present even instinctively held their breath, Lin Qi was finally lazy. Yawned happily.

"You two, you are going to a duel, just draw your sword! If you are going to quarrel, someone in my place can replace you with a hearty scolding! But don't waste everyone's time like this, OK?"

Xiong Wanjin smiled and added: "Everyone is a big man, a kid is not talented, and the family can be called a wealthy person. This quarter of an hour is also hundreds of thousands of taels of real money in and out. I stay here silly. An informed and interesting little lady is happy."

Alda immediately slapped his hands and laughed: "What is that girl, because you still have a little affection with our great master, today we will not care about you. Hurry up and let you. People leave the way, otherwise, hehe..."

Arda shook his hand casually, and a scarlet fireball was condensed out of thin air in his palm. The magic power has reached the level of the peak of the saints, and Alda’s use of magic power has been extremely delicate. The heat of this fireball is extremely condensed and solid. Although it is only a fist-sized fireball, the inherent flame power is comparable to Alda. The sum of ten forbidden curses issued in the early days of the Saints.

He shot the fireball to the distance, and it shot out more than ten miles, hitting a small mountain. There was a loud noise, and a group of small red clouds rose into the sky, and the top of the 100-meter-high hill disappeared without a trace. After a full tea time, countless thumb-sized stones crackled from the sky. These stones were extremely hot, and many stones were still crimson.

Sha Xinyue smiled, and she smiled leisurely: "Yin Qingyue, don't waste time!"

Yin Qingyue also smiled. She smiled at Lin Qi and shook her head gently: "I knew that you and your people would be a variable. So I gave you my identity tokens and wanted to let you You leave the Continent Bridge as soon as possible. But Elder Bear, Tiger and Leopard, whether you really call this name or not, but destiny still makes us antagonize!"

Lin Qi shrugged, he took out the token given by Yin Qingyue from his sleeve, and threw it back to Yin Qingyue.

The big sleeve rolled back the token, and Yin Qingyue slowly nodded and said: "Fortunately, you accepted my token, otherwise, I really don't know that the Vice-Hallmaster will go deep into the forbidden area!"

Lin Qi and Sha Xinyue were all stupid there, they looked at each other, and Sha Xinyue frowned.

Lin Qi looked at Yin Qingyue solemnly: "You know, I will get acquainted with Sha Xinyue?"

Yin Qingyue nodded solemnly: "Under the guidance of God's brilliance, as the saint of the desert temple, I have the ability to see through the fate of others. Of course, my strength is still very weak, and I cannot see everything I want to see. However, the first time I saw you, I instinctively discovered that you and the Vice-Hallmaster will have a life-long connection, so why don't I leave a little preventive measure?"

Lin Qi's face became gloomy, and the donkey's face on the side was even more ugly. Lin Qi was annoyed that Yin Qingyue was actually used as a magic beacon, but he was full of gratitude and kindness towards her. The donkey greeted the 18th generation of Yin Qingyue’s ancestors with incomparable anger. He was very angry that he didn’t notice the mystery on that token. As a proud donkey, it was calculated by a little girl in this way. Tolerate your own fault!

Staring at Yin Qingyue tightly, the donkey mumbled: "It just so happens that you don't have a big breast, so, uncle, I will teach you a lesson!"

Sha Xinyue squinted her eyes: "Prophecy? Unexpectedly... You can actually have this kind of cultivation."

Yin Qingyue said solemnly: "Everything is the guidance of the gods, so, Deputy Hall Master Sha Xinyue, please confess your sins! In front of the light of God, all your disguise and sophistry are useless. No matter what your intentions and what you have Intentionally, the gods will give you the fairest trial!"

Sha Xinyue frowned: "But, little girl, are you so sure that I am guilty? Why do you have to convict me? What right and qualifications do you have to convict me? What sin do I have? Just rely on you to be so light In a few words, you dare to condemn me?"

Yin Qingyue raised her right hand: "It depends on what you have done over the past seven years! You wantonly disrupted the temple’s rules, monopolized power, persecuted all devout and faithful believers in the temple loyal to our God, and convicted and wiped countless innocent clergy at will. Yours Everything you do is in the eyes of my god, no matter how you quibble, you can't conceal your crime."

"Huyu and Husu have been captured by me, and they have already explained a lot of things. Vice-Hall Master, in front of God, you have no need to hide!"

Yin Qingyue looked back at the great witch festival of the six grassland temples, then turned to Sha Xinyue and sighed in a low voice: "Including this time, you deliberately let the only four great witch festivals who support me and support the orthodox temple of the desert temple fall. , How long can you hide all these crimes?"

"As the saint of the desert temple guardian, I am carrying the secret rune of the first generation of temple masters. When the temple encounters major changes, I have the right to ask the grassland temple to dispatch the temple guardian to help the temple. Therefore, deputy Lord, what I did today did not violate the doctrine of my **** in the slightest. Any of my actions are in the interests of the Temple of Desert. What I do today will not cause a conflict between the two temples at all!"

Yin Qingyue took out a palm-sized, red and yellow magic rune and held it high.

The six great witch sacrifices of the Prairie Temple stepped forward at the same time. They looked at the piece of rune, and they were a little panicked. They stood beside Yin Qingyue and looked at Sha Xinyue very seriously. .

Sha Xinyue opened her mouth, and then shook her head gently: "Damn it, Yin Qingyue still has this kind of thing in her hand? It seems that this is the secret treasure of the saints of the desert temple, so even the temple of the desert temple The Lord and the other great witch priests don’t know about this. Now it’s troublesome. There are more than 30,000 people here. Are we breaking through or..."

Lin Qi coughed lightly. He stepped forward two steps and said calmly: "You don't need to break through, and you don't need to do anything else. Actually, you don't need to waste saliva at all. Because Yin Qingyue brought people here, she actually I have lost!"

Gently waved his hand, Lin Qi sternly shouted: "Okay, don't waste time, we have to hurry. Yin Qingyue, the six great witch sacrifices, you are the scum that really destroys the heritage of the two temples and plots unruly against the temple. Do you know why Sha Xinyue brought us here? Do you know why Sha Xinyue stays here for a month?"

Yin Qingyue raised her brows, and there was a very strong warning in her heart, which made her feel very bad, as if something terrible and uncontrollable was about to happen.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the two newly-born gods walked slowly to Lin Qi's side, wearing wide robes. They raised their heads slightly, and stood quietly beside Lin Qi without saying a word. In them, there is a faint divine power spreading. It is not the divine power pressure generated by ordinary clergy after practicing divine power, but the divine power that truly belongs to the gods and suppresses all the power of the soul, body and body!

Only gods have power!

As for the appearance of these two people, their appearances have been circulated in the inheritance scriptures of the two temples. As long as they are the middle-level or higher clergy of the temple, they will worship their portraits countless times, and the pictures on their faces Every detail and feature are firmly in mind.

Yin Qingyue's face became pale, her body shook for a while, and then she staggered back several steps.

The six great witch sacrifices of the Prairie Temple simply dropped the scepters in their hands and bowed to the ground with five bodies.

Then, among the 30,000 temple guards, more than two thousand middle-level and above guard leaders knelt down crazily, their foreheads hit the sand heavily, even if the blood on their foreheads was dripping, they were still pious. Worship the gods he believes in.

The gods, the real gods appear!

Yin Qingyue did not attack all of Sha Xinyue’s testimonies. For the clergy, the gods are everything. The gods represent the supreme justice and absolute correctness. The gods cannot be wrong. If the gods are wrong, so is There is a mistake in your own understanding, not the mistake of the gods!

The gods stand beside Sha Xinyue, then Sha Xinyue is absolutely correct justice, and no one can question her anymore! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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