Bright Era

Chapter 644: Inspection angel

Today's second chapter.

Eat and drink enough and start working **** the codewords.


"What do you want to do? Dragon City! Don't cause trouble again, and then I will wipe your ass!"

Sitting in the shabby drawing room of the Governor's Mansion of Xidi Duhu Mansion, drinking crude tea, Lin Qi looked at Longcheng anger.

Longcheng smiled like a rascal, with his legs upright, his two hands gently slapped on the armrests of the large chair that had fallen out of paint. He shook his head triumphantly, and hummed slowly: "It's like how many times you wiped my ass? Didn't I just hook up two girls in Dunerker, and provoke a little bit of insignificance? "

Shaking his hand vigorously, Longcheng interrupted Lin Qi's words: "Don't talk about rushing to the palace at night! That's also your own willingness to help me? Hey, who is our brother with whom? Back then, could you Accompanying me to enter the palace of the Gaul Empire, can't I now accompany me to the capital of the Blood Qin Empire? Anyway, these two things are essentially the same, aren't they all rebellious?"

Lin Qi rolled his eyes, and Xiong Wanjin who was sitting aside coughed violently.

Can the Gaul Empire be compared with the Blood Qin Empire?

As the largest power in the Western Continent, the national power of the Gaul Empire is roughly equivalent to the sum of the three or five provinces of the Blood Qin Empire, and the population is even far less than the total population of the three or five provinces of the Blood Qin Empire.

The Blood Qin Empire divides the nation’s provincial-level administrative regions into third-class and nine-ranks ranging from first-rank to ninth-rank. Among them, there are as many as fifty-eight provinces at the core of the empire. Each province has There are hundreds of millions of people, and each province has a vast territory equivalent to one third of the Gaul Empire.

As for the provinces below the second rank, there are more provinces. Although these provinces have a smaller population and a smaller territory, these provinces add up to form the terrifying behemoth of the Blood Qin Empire.

In the Western Continent, there is also the so-called Continental Covenant that prohibits powerful actions above the Holy Realm, but there are no such harsh terms in the Blood Qin Empire. In the court and army of the Blood Qin Empire, the powerful figures of the Holy Realm are often seen. In the external battles of the Blood Qin Empire, a large number of existences above the Holy Realm are often dispatched to carry out devastating blows to the enemy forces. .

This is a powerful, tyrannical, rude, and iron-blooded empire. Can the Gaul Empire be compared with such a great empire?

Longcheng wanted to rebel with the strength of Xidi Duhufu, a province of nine grades, which is simply a joke!

Not to mention the strength of the entire empire, even the coalition forces of the eight-rank provinces near the Xidi Duhu Mansion can easily kill the entire Xidi Duhu Mansion without leaving any dogs—anyway, the entire Xidi Duhu Mansion is also There are not many creatures, and there are fewer than one million people registered in the Imperial Household Register.

"You are crazy!" Lin Qi glared at Longcheng fiercely. Xiong Wanjin whispered to Lin Qi and described in detail the size and strength of the Blood Qin Empire, and the tough methods used by the Blood Qin Empire against rebellions and rebellions over the years-indiscriminately, wherever the rebels went, no matter from The thief or not will be wiped out, and the nine races will be wiped out. This is the only policy of the Xueqin Empire to face the rebellion.

Longcheng looked at Lin Qi arrogantly, and he smiled and said, "I'm not crazy, I know what I'm doing. Anyway, you just treat it as a game and play a big one with me? As long as you can use the shortest I have attacked a few nearby eight-character provinces within a short period of time, and I will win!"

Lin Qi squinted, and Sha Xinyue sneered from the side: "In other words, you actually don't want to rebel at all?"

Long Cheng straightened his chest, and he frivolously hooked his finger at Sha Xinyue: "My daughter, don't talk nonsense, of course I want to rebel! I want to... I want to clear the side of the king! To be precise, I want to. Kill the Seventh Prince!"

Lin Qi silently, on the side of the government and the Qing monarch, why did he feel that Dragon City's words were unreliable? Perhaps Longcheng himself was a major scourge in the Blood Qin Empire, so he was sent to the sandy and windy place of Xidi Duhu Mansion. If you want to clear the side of the emperor, then someone will clean him up, right? Anyway, Lin Qi felt that it was his old friendship that was the fault of Dragon City, and he would never take care of the life and death of such a person.

With a wry smile, Lin Qi shook his head: "If you want me to do my best, I don't want to do it, but if you want to rebel, I can support you with a lot of things like grain, grass, ordnance, and military pay! I'm in the Western Continent. Quite a lot."

The spirit of Longcheng came up at once. He looked at Lin Qi with a smile, and proudly picked out a thumb: "I knew you were my noble person, Lin Qi! Nothing to say. , When I go back to the imperial capital, I must pack all the red card girls on the red pink map, so that you can relax! Hey, remember that year, your virgin..."

Lin Qi shook his hand and knocked the tea bowl out. Longcheng closed his mouth sharply. The tea bowl slammed into Longcheng's mouth, and the ‘pata’ was blown to pieces. Longcheng covered his mouth and hummed a few times, and rolled his eyes angrily.

"Hey, how funny the little brother Lin Qi was back then. Now that you have grown up, it's really boring! You don't want to mix up with such interesting things as rebellion, you can often encounter such things. Is it?"

Longcheng grumbled and complained here, and Xiong Wanjin looked at Longcheng like an idiot. Slaughter City, Blood Spirit Dragon City, the name Xiong Wanjin was also heard back then. After all, Xiong Wanjin, as the dandy son, and the prince Ding Haiwang as his cheap brother-in-law, is naturally familiar with the names of the young handsome men in the Blood Qin Empire. of.

As the strongest young man in the Blood Qin Empire in the past two decades, the name of Dragon City can scare a group of people. But before Xiong Wanjin rushed to the western mainland to do business, he also learned from his brother-in-law that Longcheng had been relegated because he was involved in some internal disputes with the royal family.

In the Blood Qin Empire, royal disputes are the Dragon Lake and Tiger Lair, and the people involved have always been smashed to pieces, and no one can retreat. Longcheng can safely leave the great vortex of the imperial capital, which has already broken the eyes of countless people. But this guy is still restless. He has been hidden in the snow in places like Xidi Duhu Mansion for several years, so he still wants to rebel?

Rebelled with the power of a mere Xidi Protector? What is your blood Qin Empire?

Xiong Wanjin shook his head vigorously, and then grumbled: "It really is that crazy dog's subordinate, this kind of thing..."

Longcheng seemed to have heard something, he quickly glanced at Xiong Wanjin, and an extremely sharp light flashed in his eyes. Xiong Wanjin hurriedly shrank his head, never daring to look at Dragon City again. The nickname "Mad Dog" is the name of the man behind Dragon City in the Royal Family of the Blood Qin Empire. It is a mad dog who madly bites anyone who catches it. When Dragon City was demoted, this guy was confined. The Imperial Capital.

Longcheng is yelling and rebelling here, and it is probably related to that mad dog.

But Xiong Wanjin just didn't understand. Longcheng really thought that even if he had tossed a million troops in Xidi Duhu Mansion, he would be able to produce a result?

Lin Qi glanced at Xiong Wanjin. After all, Young Master Xiong Wu had a prince and brother-in-law who was named king. Perhaps he could get some useful news from Xiong Wanjin. Looking at Long Cheng's crazy appearance, Lin Qi knew that he shouldn't want to know anything meaningful from him.

Just as Lin Qi was thinking about whether to mix with the muddy waters of Dragon City, a strong spatial fluctuation suddenly passed from behind the Governor's Mansion.

Lin Qi was taken aback, but Longcheng jumped up all of a sudden. He cursed and rolled up his sleeves, and shouted: "Long Tiebi, go and see who is here! This is from the Imperial Capital to the Guardian of Xidi The one-way teleportation circle of the mansion, which **** came here to feed the sand?"

The sound of armor crashing quickly disappeared, and the governor's mansion was not large. After a short while, a sharp and unpleasant shout suddenly came from behind.

"Ah, you guys are getting more and more courageous, you don't even listen to our family's words?"

"Oh, you still dare to beat people? Bastard stuff, bastard! Our house is an angel who is ordered to inspect. You dare to beat the angels, do you want to rebel?"

The sharp slap in the face of'crackling' sounded, and the sharp voice suddenly turned into a stern wailing: "Help, kill, Xidi Capital is going to rebel, they beat the angels, they beat the angels, this is disrespect to your majesty , This is rebellion!"

"Help, it's really killing, it's bloody...Oh my god, oh my god, you die-hard soldiers, you..."

The slap in the face was earth-shattering. Lin Qi tilted his mouth and looked at Longcheng, who was standing there constantly smiling, and asked softly, "Would you like to go and see? This slap is really crisp of!"

Longcheng sneered. He squinted his eyes and waved his hand gently: "Let's go and see. It's just a few eggless dogs, hey, say I rebelled? Am I thinking about rebelling? They are really right!"

With a smug grinning sound, Longcheng led Lin Qi and his party out of the living room and quickly walked to the backyard.

As mentioned earlier, the Governor's Mansion of Xidi Duhu Mansion is no more than one acre of land. This backyard is just behind the dormitory of Longcheng. It is a small flat courtyard. The silver-gray sandstone is carved with a rune pattern similar to that of the Western Magic Array, but it is quite different. This is a one-way control and one-way open teleportation array.

The so-called one-way control and one-way opening means that there is no way to control this magic circle on Dragon City, and only people on the other end of the magic circle can use this magic circle at will. Including Dragon City, if someone wants to use this magic circle, they need to use a special technique to notify the other side of the people, let the other side of the people to control, in order to open this magic circle.

Now in this small flat courtyard, dozens of well-dressed guards are being put on their necks by swords, forced to kneel on the ground and dare not move.

Each of the five eunuchs wearing cyan python robes had their faces swollen high and running around the ground spraying blood.

Long Tiebi and Long Tiehe were waving their big slaps, chasing these five hapless eunuchs angrily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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