Bright Era

Chapter 650: The meaning of survival

"Asshole, are you all dead?"

The Owl of Moon was beaten severely by Xiong Wanjin, and he didn't recover for a long time. When he was crushed and beaten on the ground by Xiong Wanjin, he finally spit out the token in his mouth, before he had time to read the words and patterns on the token, he roared loudly.

The cavalry and infantry all around pulled out their weapons one after another, and at the same time they approached Lin Qi.

Lin Qi lifted his eyelids, he sneered, his hands formed a seal, and a purple light flashed abruptly between his eyebrows. The soul secret technique'Great Fear Technique' was silently activated, and Lin Qi left a seed of fear in the hearts of these soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, the seed developed and grown, and the bodies of these soldiers were taken aback. They were like children who were left alone at home. In the gray night, there was no light in the house. The gray mist slowly rolled over from the ground to them, and a twisted shadow slowly appeared in the thick and slippery mist. That is. . . That is. . . It was the darkest nightmare in their hearts that suddenly appeared in front of them.

A stern and miserable howl sounded, and thousands of soldiers dropped their weapons, yelled and fled around in embarrassment.

Their faces were panicked, their eyes straightened, and their bodies scurrying around stiffly. These people who were able to escape were still determined, and some people simply sat on the horse and stood still on the ground. Foam came out of their mouths. They were the unlucky ones who were frightened and passed out.

Some people's mouth was filled with yellow and green bile. They were frightened by the great fear technique and scared to death on the spot.

The Moon's Owl's body suddenly twitched, and he looked at Lin Qi in horror and despair: "Holy...Holy realm! Soul mage of the holy realm! How is it possible, how is it possible for the Protector of Xiqiang... Who the **** is, you guys..."

Xiong Wanjin bent down with difficulty, grabbed the token, and slapped Yuezi Owl's face fiercely: "Look clearly what this is, this is the token of the 18th Prince Dinghaiwang! His mother's , Dinghaiwang is your brother-in-law, Xiongwu's brother-in-law, and you Xiongwu's brother-in-law! Have you ever heard of Dinghaiwang? You are a hillbilly in a remote country!"

Yuezi Owl was at a loss, he had never heard of Dinghai Wang.

The Western Qiang Duhu Mansion is far to the west of the Xueqin Empire, and the fief of the Sea King, Haicheng, which ranks among the top three in the entire eastern continent, is larger in scale than Xin Dun Erke and Vias Port. Nearly a hundred times the size of a giant seaport city, it is located in the extreme east of the eastern continent. The distance between Xiqiang Duhufu and Haicheng, if ordinary people take ordinary means of transportation, it would take at least several years to finish.

Yuezi Owl, the local snake of the Protector of the Western Qiang Capital, how could he care who is the owner of Haicheng so far away?

But Moonz Owl knew one thing. The Blood Qin Empire pursued a feudal system of feudal feudalism. He was able to obtain the title of Prince and a fief of his own. This person was an absolute key member in the entire Blood Qin Empire. Not him or the people behind him can offend.

The face that was distorted with anger just now suddenly brought on a flattering smile, and the Moon Wolf begged Xiong Wanjin for mercy in a low voice: "It turns out to be... Yes... It's Mrs. Xiong, you, you are not, this is all. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding! The owl wolf is such a humble person, and you are tired to beat you personally. Didn't it hurt your hand?"

Xiong Wanjin straightened up, straightened his chest and nodded proudly. Then he gave Yuezi Owl a fierce kick, turned his head and smiled and said to Lin Qi: "Xiongtai, this kid is convinced. Look, do you want to ask about this?"

Lin Qi nodded, and he stepped forward slowly, overlooking the Moonz's Owl, who was lying on the ground and dare not move. After a few sneer, Lin Qi said calmly: "Get up and talk. What the **** is going on here? Why is your profound armor running on the wolf ride?"

The soldiers in the distance who were riding on the wolf woman's profound armor had already put on their suits and were approaching cautiously. However, the ground was full of robes yelling and frightened, and the leader of his family fell on Lin Qi and the others. These soldiers only approached cautiously and did not dare to really get close to Lin Qi and the others.

Moonz Owl stood up cautiously. He nodded and bowed to Lin Qi. He glanced fearfully at the token carved with dragons on Xiong Wanjin's hand to symbolize royal majesty. He respectfully accompanied his smiling face and said The reason why he came here.

All because of Longcheng, he issued a conscription order, giving the descendants of the refugees and the sinners and the abandoned people a chance to change their destiny. Therefore, the abandoned people in several provinces near the Xidi Duhu Mansion were crazy, and they rushed to the Xidi Duhu Mansion to prepare the whole clan to shelter under the Dragon City.

However, Longcheng's clean and neat letter was to "rebel" and to "pure the emperor's side." After his message was issued, the entire ruling class of the Blood Qin Empire was in an uproar. The governors of the Xiqiang Protectorate and several nearby provinces immediately received an edict from the top of the empire that they could unscrupulously prohibit the abandoned people on their territory from entering the Xidi Protectorate.

With the ass, you can know how much threat these useless, fierce and fierce and combative abandoned people will pose to the western part of the Blood Qin Empire after joining Dragon City's army. It is easy for the abandoned people in Xidi Duhufu to clean them. If all the abandoned people from the nearby provinces flood into Xidi, it would be a big trouble.

Therefore, Moonz Owl took his mysterious armor and ran the wolf on the border of the two guard houses to hunt down the abandoned people. These days, he has slaughtered dozens of abandoned people from large and small tribes. Today, he led his troops to kill a large tribe of abandoned people with more than 20,000 people, and then saw that the women of this tribe were born with exceptional water spirits, so he straightened their troops and did what Lin Qi and others had seen. Abusive activities.

"Shameless, **** it!" Sha Xinyue sighed faintly, and then pointed at Yuezi Owl's heart.

Yuezi Owl only felt a sharp pain in his heart, as if a thin needle had penetrated his body. He glanced at Sha Xinyue in horror. The thin needle suddenly became hotter and hotter. Moonz Owl's eyes spouted out, and his body burned into a cloud of ashes in the blink of an eye.

Sha Xinyue sneered. She glanced at the soldiers who were slowly approaching the mysterious armor rushing to the wolf rider, and gently gestured to the followers around her: "Kill all of them. Waste of food!"

There were no more than five or six thousand Xuanjia Rushing Wolf Knights. Lin Qi’s large-scale fear technique had already destroyed 80% of their combat effectiveness. The remaining thousand people with the strongest strength were only high-ranking fighters. , Any holy realm can easily kill them all.

Tucker and other soldiers rushed out with a gloomy face, and they mercilessly attacked these soldiers.

It can also be said that they were ordered to kill the abandoned people, but the abuse of women, this kind of thing cannot be explained in any case. Since they have done this kind of hurtful things, then they must be punished.

Even the elves and sisters have joined the cruel slaughter. A pair of transparent wings entwined with the breeze emerged behind them, and they flew high in the sky with their slender bodies. The two elven longbows uttered crisp screams, and the rain-like arrows shot towards the surroundings in the squally wind. The warriors of the black armor rushing to the wolves even saw the appearance of the arrows, they were condensed by magic. It penetrated the vitals of the body.

Lin Qi walked towards the white body with a sullen face.

Hundreds of women lay on the grass with their eyes absent, blood flowed into rivers and corpses piled up beside them, their relatives and their people were massacred, leaving only these women who had been tortured and humiliated. Lie here.

Lin Qi frowned. He glanced at these women lying motionless on the ground, and couldn't think of how to deal with them.

Sha Xinyue hurried over with two life mages. The two life mages who were born in the grassland temple chanted mantras in a low voice. The green breeze was blowing in the surrounding grassland, and the breeze with powerful vitality penetrated these. The woman's body quickly replenishes their physical strength and restores their energy.

After a short while, a woman who was the oldest woman who seemed to be in her early thirties stood up, took off the clothes of a dead soldier next to her without saying a word and put it on herself. The other women also got up one after another. They also took off the armor of the dead warrior without saying a word and put them on neatly, then picked up the swords, bows and arrows on the ground, and carried as many as they could.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Qi looked at these women in confusion.

The eldest woman turned around and bowed heavily to Lin Qi: "Thank you... We are going to Xidi, and we are going to join Governor Longcheng's army."

The other women also knelt to the ground and bowed to Lin Qi three times before they went on frantically collecting weapons and armor on the ground. This seems to have become their instinct, they have not let go of anything they can use.

Their movements are swift, proficient, and stable, and they don't seem like survivors after a catastrophe.

Lin Qi looked at these unusually resolute women speechlessly. They didn't speak, but what they did was telling Lin Qi that no matter what they suffered, they must live firmly. Even if their relatives are slaughtered, even if they are fucked, even if they are just a group of weak women, but they are still alive at all costs.

Just like the weeds in the desert, they are humble and inconspicuous, but they exist, they live, and they live steadfastly in places where people above them cannot see.

Lin Qi's spirit was a bit trance, there was a strange glow in his soul.

Silently took out three space rings that were not too small in capacity and threw them to the oldest woman, Lin Qi took them away without saying a word. There is food and water in the space ring, which can help these women walk through the desert.

The remaining space of the space ring allows them to install a large amount of ordnance. This can be regarded as a small favor to Longcheng.

Lin Qi comforted himself so much. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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