Bright Era

Chapter 688: Wilderness

The old man stared at his weird twisted arms in amazement, his old face twitching violently.

After Lin Qi hit the old man's arms with his fist, he felt that he was not hitting a person, but a python covered with grease. At most, ten percent of his boxing power fell on the old man's arm, and the other ninety percent of his boxing power was unloaded without a trace, and his footing was empty and unstable. So Lin Qi fell to the ground in a very embarrassed manner, and his forehead slammed into the floor.

With a ‘boom’, Lin Qi slammed into a big hole with a diameter of Michael’s, and half of his body sank into the hole.

Hu Xinzhu cursed angrily and quickly gave orders to the spy bosses. Several secret spy leaders dropped their swords and quickly took out a few talisman made of black jade. They injected their own fighting energy into the talisman, and these palm-sized talisman quickly emitted suffocating waves of powerful mana.

The old man sneered again and again, his arms shook, and the bones that had been violently interrupted by Lin Qi quickly connected. The old man's muscles twisted strangely, wrapping his broken bones firmly. With the help of the muscles, his arm moved very flexibly, as if he hadn't been injured.

"Boy, I really can't let you live!" The old man snorted coldly, his right hand opened, and his five fingers suddenly protruded a foot long. The huge right palm was like a big seal, which brought a breathless wind. , Slapped Lin Qi's heart with a fierce palm. The old man's palm exudes a chill, and the light blue ice cubes quickly wrapped his palm and fell like a meteor.

Hu Xinzhu exclaimed in horror, "Youlan Destroyed Handprint, Lin Qi, get out of the way!"

Like the church, Miró is a huge religious group that worships many gods. According to the level of status, the gigantic Mila religion is divided into three palaces, twelve halls, and one hundred and eight altars. The three palaces are the creation palace, the guardian palace, and the destruction palace. The twelve palaces belong to the twelve gods with the highest status. Among them, one of them guards the north and controls the heavens and the earth in the teachings of the Miras Church. All the power of the water source in the middle of the'blue water **** Ayu Mona'.

The Youlan Destruction Handprint, just like the church's divine art, is a secret technique inherited by the ghost of the blue water **** Ajun Mona, possessing the terrible power to freeze everything and crush everything. In the hands of a strong man in the Temple of Mirage God Sect Youlan, a single blow to Youlan Destroyed the big handprint, which can easily turn a large mountain into ice slag.

The old man's palm didn't have much power, but what was contained in it was the dark blue divine power of Ashmona, the cold blue divine power that was enough to freeze all things. Hu Xinzhu watched this palm slap, but Lin Qi was half of his body buried in the pit. He was so scared that sweat burst out all over his body.

With a hum, Lin Qi's body shook, and the surrounding ground suddenly poured out a rich yellow soil attribute natural element. Lin Qi's body was shining with a faint yellow light, and his whole person became like a clay statue. His body bent down slightly, letting the old man press his palm against his back.

With a crisp ‘pop’, the pale blue light covered Lin Qi’s body, and the terrible cold air quickly invaded Lin Qi’s body. However, the rich earth attributes and natural elements enveloped Lin Qi, and the erosive power of the blue divine power was weakened to the limit. Lin Qi took a deep breath. Suddenly, a large amount of sand and flames rose up from his body. The desert bracelet on his left hand gave off a faint brilliance, and the frantic burning sand and flames quickly dissipated the blue power.

The old man was stunned. He greedily glanced at the desert bracelet on Lin Qi's wrist, and muttered in an incredibly low voice: "The relics of the gods, the artifacts that were severely damaged in the battle of Gods? The Great Blue Body, no wonder the power it releases can resist your great divine power!"

Taking a deep breath, the old man sneered in a low voice, "So, today I will have a huge harvest! An artifact that may be restored, an inner armor made of ice spider silk for a thousand years, and the death of these people. The credit!"

The black jade talisman in the hands of the secret spy bosses has released a dazzling light, and it can launch a powerful blow to the old man. These black jade talismans were made by the top talisman masters provided by the Imperial Family of the Blood Qin Empire. Each talisman can release immense power. By Hu Xinzhu's side, there are only these top secret spy bosses. Hid such a piece of assassin.

When the old man's brows moved, he snorted coldly, and suddenly there was a continuous wave of water under his feet.

The faint blue water enveloped the entire quiet room, and the old man murmured: "My god, with your power, let me escape the lair of this **** heathen. I will offer you enough to satisfy you. Sacrifice, my youngest grandson, I will use him as a fire sacrifice on the day of the next full moon to please you!"

An endless will spread from the old man’s body, and countless strange figures flashed by in the faint blue water. The huge power made Lin Qi, Hu Xinzhu and others immobile. A strong light flashed, and everyone in the quiet room disappeared without a trace.

In the next moment, in a deep mountain more than 10,000 miles away from Shuangyang Chilong City, under a steep cliff, a pre-arranged magic teleportation array flashed with water, and the old man took everyone in the quiet room. Appeared out of thin air.

More than a dozen men with their upper body exposed, but with a linen cloth wrapped around their lower body, put their right hand on their chests, and bowed respectfully to the old man: "Honorable spiritualist Luo Jichan, are you back?"

Rocky smiled lowly, he shouted sharply: "Catch these lives alive, don't let one go!"

Hu Xinzhu quickly glanced around, and then sternly shouted: "Disperse, flee for yourself! Someone who fled back, report to your majesty that there are people from the Mirra Cult lurking in the imperial capital, otherwise the city defense formation of Shuangyang Red Dragon City , It is impossible for this old ghost to move to this place!"

The six secret spy chiefs listened to Hu Xinzhu's order and fled to the surroundings without saying a word. The secret spies of the Blood Qin Empire do not have high requirements for combat effectiveness, but they have extremely high requirements for escape and running skills. These secret spy bosses are all the strengths of the peak of heaven, but once they run at full speed, their speed is faster than The soldiers of the ordinary Saint Peak ran even 30% faster.

In particular, the black jade talisman in their hands contained but did not vomit, and the powerful mana fluctuations spread from time to time. Although the disciples of Luo Jiyan followed closely, none of them dared to really approach the secret bosses.

Rocky watched unhappily at the spy bosses who were running away, and he muttered in a low voice, "It's really useless waste. They will be sacrifices for the next full moon night. God will like these wastes. Of the soul."

Greedily glanced at Lin Qi who stood up embarrassedly, and Hu Xinzhu who was blocked in front of the four brothers, the brothers knocking bones, sucking marrow, cramping, and peeling skin. Go back to Shuangyang Chilong City to see your emperor, and you can't find out who ours is! Hehe!"

Yingqin shivered and softened to the ground. He looked at Luo Jiyan in horror and shivered all over his body and shouted: "Brother Lin, help, help! Where is this place? This king doesn't want to die here, Ben The king doesn't want to die here!"

While yelling, Ying Qin grabbed the twin sisters and blocked them as shields.

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at the embarrassing Yingqin. Lin Qi looked at Luo Jiyan blankly, while Hu Xinzhu sneered and sneered coldly, cursing "trash" in a low voice.

Luo Jiyan rubbed his hands in excitement. Lin Qi broke the bones of his arms just now, but now his bones are 90% healed. He looked at Lin Qi with confidence and smiled: "Then, baby, give me the bracelet on your hand, and then kill yourself, I will let you suffer less!"

Lin Qi sneered. He looked at Luo Jiyan coldly and said, "Are you confident that you can kill me?"

Luo Jiyan hurriedly nodded and said: "Of course, you have extremely terrifying power, but in front of the great power of my god..."

"Divine power? Those gods are shit!" A rough voice sounded from a cliff in the distance: "Hey, the dolls over there, where is his mother's Shuangyang Chilong City going? I'm going to Shuangyang Chi Dragon City is looking for someone, and his mother lost her way to hunt down a one-horned crystal leopard. Where is this mother?"

Everyone looked over there. The cliff where the big man was located was at least twenty miles away from this cliff. Twenty miles away, he could clearly hear the dialogue here and let out a soft roar—no Using any grudge, relying solely on his own loud voice, he can spread the sound for twenty miles, and it also shook the eardrums of a group of people with severe pain. This is simply a monster!

So far away, only Lin Qi could see the big man clearly.

He has a messy face and a majestic body like a bear. On his shoulders he carries a translucent unicorn leopard over eight meters long. This leopard struggled occasionally, and was immediately hit by the big man with a fierce punch on his head, causing sparks to splash in the head. The leopard let out a few sad wailings, obediently never daring to move anymore.

Just as everyone was watching, the big man jumped off the cliff over there, and after two breaths, accompanied by the terrible air tearing sound, the big man carried the huge unicorn leopard and rushed over. Without the slightest glimmer of grudge, this big man is running entirely on his flesh.

After two short breaths, he ran for twenty miles solely relying on physical strength, and the corner of Lin Qi's eyes twitched. This is something he can't do now! The physical stamina of this big man has exceeded the limit Lin Qi can imagine!

He threw the majestic and unusual leopard to the ground, the big man grabbed a wine pouch from his waist and poured a sip of wine, then opened his eyes the size of a copper bell, and stared at everyone fiercely. .

Then the big man suddenly pointed at Luo Jiyan, who was looking ugly, and laughed: "Wah, are you a member of the Milu gods? Hahaha, come, walk twice with Lao Tzu, I won't beat you today so your mother doesn't even know you , I am your son!"

Rocky yelled again in annoyance and fear: "This senior, I have no grievances or enemies with you!"

The big man sneered and threw a huge long sword on his back to the ground.

"But Lao Tzu has hatred with your Mila Sect! Lao Tzu was just the saint who did your Mila Shrine’s guardian shrine four hundred years ago. What you love and I want, originally we are adultery, you are not To say that I threatened with violence, you chased and killed Lao Tzu for three years!"

Rocky shook his body, took a few steps back like a ghost, then turned and ran. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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