Bright Era

Chapter 817: Break into the bridal chamber

Ying Zheng's face was blue, and his eyes flickered fiercely. He really wanted to give an order to light up a million soldiers and horses to besiege the three old thieves, and then chop them into meat sauce and feed them to the dogs. In the presence of his dignified Emperor of the Blood Qin Empire, he was so dignified to win over the important ministers who he valued, who could greatly help the Emperor of Blood Qin in the future. This is simply too deceitful.

But Lin Qi's words immediately made Ying Zheng burst into laughter.

He clapped his hands vigorously, and Ying Zheng said aloud: "Miao, Miao, the hair of King Dongshun, hahaha, it is really dark and supple. I think that a parent who suffers from body hair and skin will have no father without any damage. The mother is lawless. The Tianmiao is certainly the place where the people believe, but since King Dongshun has no intention of cutting his hair, it is better to stay in the dust and serve me."

Miao Wen took a look at Ying Zheng, and he said solemnly, "King Dongshun has to consider it."

Lin Qi threw the sea bowl on the table and sneered with his hands on his chest, "Of course this king has considered it. Could it be that this king is unwilling to shave his hair and worship him as a running dog under the gate of the Tianmiao? Killing people?"

Glancing at Miao Wen coldly, Lin Qi shouted coldly: "A few days ago, Venerable Miao Wen was ordered to kill this king by the host. I didn’t expect to be killed by this king. Could it be that the host had forgotten this matter? Lin Qi is a prudent person, this kind of thing will never be forgotten."

Miao Wen was stunned, he took a deep look at Lin Qi, then sighed, stood up and left. He walked through the hall step by step, and a lot of lotus-shaped energy was sprayed under his feet, cutting out a lot of deep lotus-shaped marks from the floor of the hall. Miao Wen remembered Lin Qi's face, and it was true that he sent Venerable Duo Wen to kill Lin Qi a few days ago, and then he didn't take this matter to heart—Lin Qi was in his heart at that time. Where is an ant-like character worth his attention?

Later, Venerable Duowen was killed and did not return to the Temple of Heaven. He only regarded it as Ying Zheng's personal action, and did not record this incident on Lin Qi. But when Lin Qi talked about it today, it was after a good news that it was impossible for him to recruit Lin Qi.

With a light sigh, Miao Wen took a few accompanying disciples and walked away. The killing intent in his eyes was awe-inspiring. Since Lin Qi is unwilling to worship himself, that means the family behind Lin Qi who dares to sack the God of Milo. It’s impossible to use the huge power that can smoothly looting several temples and altars of the Milo Sect.

Then, I can only find ways to get rid of Lin Qi. If you can't use it for yourself, you can't let Yingzheng use it.

It must be admitted that in the eastern subcontinent, the potential of the Temple of Heaven is stronger than that of the Blood Qin Empire. The Blood Qin Empire has not yet reported back the news of the Tiger Clan’s home robbing the Milo Sect, and the Temple of Heaven has already taken measures to respond to this feedback.

Seeing Miao Wen walking out, Fa Shanzhang chanted and looked at Lin Qi.

Lin Qi shook his head lightly. He said faintly: "Sorry, two hosts, this king doesn't know what you are interested in, but the two hosts appeared in this king's wedding so grandiosely to win over this king, this Not only is it disrespectful to this king, but also disrespectful to your majesty. The two presiding officers please go back, otherwise, you should blame this king for doing unkind things.

Pu He sneered. He was about to ridicule Lin Qi for a few words. Ying Zheng on the side had already stood up, and the ground suddenly shook, and Shuangyang Chilong City's urban defense formation faintly started. The terrible aura radiated from Ying Zheng, and then the powers of the demi-god realm, such as Zhao Lu, Wei Yao, and Su Mingzi, released their own aura, covering the two masters overwhelmingly.

Yingzheng said word by word: "King Dongshun is my son-in-law, you two, you can go back. The Temple of Heaven is beyond the world, so don't provoke red dust. Wouldn't it be good for everyone to be in peace? Why bother? When the soldiers meet, the heads are rolling?"

The host of Fashan looked at Ying Zheng coldly, and he suddenly sent a voice into Ying Zheng’s ears: "Your Majesty is so tyrannical, I am really not afraid that my temple will be destroyed by violence? You must know that for countless years, my temple is the East The true guardianship of the mainland."

Ying Zheng simply replied to him neatly: "I don't mind changing to another guardian inheritance. The Sect of Milo may not be so greedy! The Icefield Temple of the Snow Federation is also good! Even the Pantheon of the East China Sea Alliance of Nations, I don't mind accepting it. A concubine of the dragon race, is the host satisfied with my answer?"

Fashan's face changed slightly, he pondered for a moment, saluted Yingzheng Heshi, and then led the disciple disciple away with anxiety. Puhe saw the appearance of Fashan, he also got up and left without saying a word, and as he walked, he quickly exchanged opinions with Fashan Transmission.

When Yingzheng said those words nakedly, both hosts knew that they had read Yingzheng wrong.

Ying Zheng is not winning, nor is it the blood of Qin emperors of the past. He is arrogant, domineering, arrogant, and rebellious. He has no temple in his eyes. He has no respect for the gods of the temple at all. This is a thorough The powerful emperor who turned his face away from the control of Tianmiao!

This is exactly what makes Fashan and Puhe puzzled-Yingyang should be the emperor who was brought to power by a certain force in the Tianmiao. According to common sense, shouldn't he have this attitude toward the Tianmiao? What makes Yingzheng so strong? Even faintly full of hostility towards Tianmiao?

After driving away the three hosts, Ying Zheng smiled and looked at Lin Qi: "King Dongshun, don't take these people who are scornful, thief, and deceitful. It includes the Miluo Sect or the League of Nations in the East China Sea, as long as the blood If the empire survives for a day, the status of King Dongshun will definitely be shaken."

Lin Qi took a deep breath, and then saluted Ying Zheng: "Your Majesty, don't worry, the minister knows the importance."

Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction, then raised the wine glass and drank a glass of grape wine, grabbing the queen's hand and striding out: "It's so good, I have enjoyed myself today, so please don't delay. King Dongshun’s good day is beautiful. I also invite all the Qings to enter the imperial city to discuss major issues with me. We have some appointments to negotiate with you."

"King Dongshun will arrange it by himself these days. I will give you three months of free control. After three months, I will see me again."

Ying Zheng strode out of Lin Qi's mansion, and many **** Qin officials followed him and left quickly. Ying Zheng is gone, and the important officials have to go to the imperial city to discuss matters. Who would dare to waste time here in Lin Qi? The so-called appointment is meant to fill the vacancies left by those powerful and ministers who were killed a few days ago. This is a big piece of fat. Which powerful person does not want to gnaw more for his family?

Lin Qi watched everyone leave in a hurry, even Longcheng and Ying Yu left in a hurry, Lin Qi couldn't help but sighed to the sky: "Alright, they are all gone, this is also relaxing! Bliss, this outsider The running water table continues to be placed. As long as someone pleases, even if they send a few coppers, let them eat as much as they want. My lord, we are going to do serious things."

When it comes to ‘serious things’, Lin Qi’s expression becomes extremely serious.

Although by mistakes, Lin Qi and Princess Qingli became married, but before Lin Qi truly took possession of Princess Qingli, out of the pride of a man, Lin Qi must tell her something thoroughly. Yes—Lin Qi must explain clearly to Princess Qingli about the issue of Yun.

Of course, Princess Qingli accepted Lin Qi's arrangement. This is the best thing. Isn't it a good thing for everyone to live in peace and comfort at home?

But if Princess Qingli relied on her identity as a princess, she must overwhelm Yun's head, or if she made a lot of noise about this matter, Lin Qi wouldn't mind giving him a severe lesson. Living in a group of bandits and pirates since he was a child, Lin Qi, who was able to dig out the eyes of his adopted son with a black beard at the age of ten, has not changed his face. In his bones, he is an outright rough man.

Disobedient woman, beat her up and be obedient! Who taught Lin Qi the original words? Is it a butcher knife or a hammer? Anyway, Lin Qi took this sentence deeply. After all, in the ancestral home of the Black Tiger family Duner Ke, Lin Qi had also seen countless times that the drunk family guards beat up his wife, crying and crying. Go away, don't those old ladies who are big cows and horses become well-behaved after a beating?

Don't look at what princess Qingli is, or what kind of heavenly prince, but is she not afraid of being beaten?

Lin Qi must let her know that her family can give her a betrothal gift and the unsullied flying phoenix jade bracelet passed down to the master's wife, but this does not mean that she is the real eldest wife of the master. In Lin Qi's heart, that little guy, who had lived with him for six or seven years in the Black Abyss God Prison, was the real candidate for the housewife in his heart.

What kind of friendship is there that is deeper than the life-and-death friendship cultivated in that desperate situation?

With a hint of wine, and with a sturdy air all over, Lin Qi shook off his lenient Jifu and strode towards his wedding room.

It was a huge abode, with nine rooms on the left and right, six inside and outside. This one was enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and the main room in it was extremely spacious, and it was due to bliss. Furnished.

Pushing open the door of the heavy phoenix-eyed red sandalwood, Lin Qi smiled and strode towards Princess Qingli who was sitting on the edge of the huge bed without making a sound.

But Lin Qi was still a long way from Princess Qingli, and eight beautifully born and expressionless palace ladies suddenly flashed over and stood in front of Lin Qi. They shouted in unison: "Bold, does King Dongshun not understand etiquette? How dare to approach Your Highness at will?"

Lin Qi was stunned. He pointed to Princess Qingli a dozen steps away and said coldly, "This is my woman, why can't I approach her?"

A wisp of coldness emerged from the eyebrows of a court lady, and she coldly shouted: "Be bold, do you really think you are a prince? Quickly kneel down and apologize to the princess!"

With a ‘wow’, the palace lady slapped Lin Qi's face.

Lin Qi didn't expect that this palace lady would actually hit someone. He was constantly tumbling about things related to Yun. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen. The slap hit his face crisply, and he didn't recover for a long while. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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