Bright Era

Chapter 824: Must kill Yingzheng

Everyone present bowed their heads in thought, recalling the absurd past of Ying Zheng, the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire.

Like a Qianlong rising in the wilderness, during the war of all nations in the Eastern Continent, he supported tens of millions of troops in just three years, and had countless strategists. A few years later, he swept the world and laid the foundation of the Blood Qin Empire in just 30 years. Shocked the world.

After ascending to the throne, taking advantage of the religious war broke out between the Temple of Heaven and the Western Mainland Church and the Odin Temple, the nation’s elite soldiers were deployed to besiege the Temple. They attacked day and night for three years, killing and injuring countless elite disciples of the Temple, and even three guardians. His Holiness was forcibly strangled by the Yingzheng Israeli army.

Killing a demigod with a mortal army, even a demigod who has just stepped into the realm of a demigod, once again shocked the world.

After three years of siege, Tianmiao was beaten into misfortune. Those who were seriously injured Tianmiao elders had no choice but to open the Holy Land for those who were injured in the Primordial Holy War, fell asleep like the gods, and barely maintained their lives. After they left the customs, they were forced to win the government and retreat, and signed a covenant of mutual non-intrusion, imperial power and theocracy.

Subsequently, Yingzheng rested for 30 years and launched 18 consecutive northern expeditions. The ancestors of the Snowy Orcs of the Snow Federation screamed and screamed all over the ground. At the most miserable time, the ancestors of the Snow Federation were almost forced to retreat to the far north. The Odin Icefield! It's wrong that some ancient evil beings sleeping in the Odin Icefield moved after hearing the sound. In addition, the severe cold weather killed and injured a large number of **** soldiers and horses. Now there is no Snow Federation.

After eighteen northern expeditions and seizing a large amount of land in the north, Yingzheng unwillingly launched seven western expeditions, thus opening up the territory and expanding its territory by 200,000 miles. After forcing the small western countries to form an alliance against the Blood Qin Empire, Ying Zheng launched 23 Eastern Expeditions, pushing the eastern border of the Blood Qin Empire to the sea in one fell swoop, having its own outlet to the sea, and destroying the country in the process. More than a hundred?

Over the next hundred years, Ying Zheng had an indescribable interest in the East Asian subcontinent. All-round wars involving more than tens of millions of troops have been launched fifteen times in a hundred years. This has also become one of the reasons why the East Asian subcontinent and the Blood Qin Empire never end. During these fifteen southern expeditions, several ancient countries in the East Asian subcontinent that had been passed down for thousands of years were destroyed. Since then, the East Asian subcontinent has been trapped in endless chaos fighting for hegemony among hundreds of races.

Yingzheng started in the wilderness. He didn't like to study since he was a child. There are even rumors that after he became the emperor, Yingzheng is still an illiterate who doesn't know much. He has a tyrannical character, but is full of the simple cunning peculiar to the low-level farmers; he is cruel and easy to kill, and he does not know how many princes and ministers have been killed in his thousand years of reign. All the nobles of the large and small countries that he conquered will be executed; but he He is extremely benevolent to the people of the Li people, unless he is involved in the crime of treason, even if ordinary people curse him face to face, he is nothing more than taking off the emperor's crown and spitting in person.

And he is likable for women, so he once asked the Donghai Dragon people to contribute three hundred and sixty beautiful girls every year. After the arrogant Donghai dragon people resolutely refused Yingzheng's request, Yingzheng formed a large-scale navy, and swept many islands in the eastern ocean in turn, driving the East China dragon people far into the deep sea.

After repeated raids, but did not capture a beautiful and beautiful dragon girl in the legend, Ying Zheng issued an eternal wanted order, demoted the dragon people to slaves, and since then completely forged a deep hatred with the dragon people.

Mr. Ling, there are countless absurd things committed by Ying Zheng, and even he once commented on his lewdness and eroticism because a certain person in the temple presided over him. He ran to the temple presided over the family built by the descendants of the descendants of the secular world that day. On that day, the 18 young and beautiful women of the tribe who hosted the temple triumphantly announced the matter in the form of imperial decree after they were all pregnant.

The host of the Tianmiao was so angry that he vomited blood for three liters, and never reappeared in retreat. Yingzheng took the 18 women of the tribe back to the palace. One month after they gave birth, they played the gongs, drums and put on the red laurels. These 18 princes and princesses who had just been full moon sent them to the sacred mountain where the Tianmiao was located, and asked the Tianmiao to accept these nobles as disciples in order to continue to humiliate the Tianmiao.

Where is this kind of behavior like what an emperor of a huge dynasty should do? It is clearly a land-rabbit-hooligan behavior.

However, Ying Zheng was like a divine helper. He acted aggressively and did evil. He did countless weird and tattered things. The widows and wives of the countries he destroyed succeeded in assassinating him, but no one succeeded. Allied forces from various countries raised troops to attack him, but they were all killed. He defeated.

In the end, everyone in the world could only admit that Ying Zheng was a blessed person, and had lost the courage to confront him. That was the fastest time for the development of civilization in the Eastern Continent, and it was also the darkest time for many big-faced people.

Therefore, when the last one of the eighteenth tier of Yingzheng crossing the iron-blooded pass failed, news came that he suddenly died. Except for the countless people in the Xueqin Empire who were crying and worshipping, the people of other countries and major forces celebrated. , Singing and dancing the day Yingzheng died was set as the influential "Grace Festival" today!

This is the impression that Ying Zheng, the founding emperor of the Blood Qin Empire left on everyone present.

Regarding Yingzheng, the disintegrating emperor, there are still people studying his life so far, because he sprang up too fast, because the process of his fortune was so incredible, because the things he did changed anyone else. The corpses have been broken into pieces, only he did so many **** behaviors without changing his face, and then he lived well.

Princess Ao Wan suddenly smiled bitterly: "It's not him, is it? Isn't it possible that Qin Ershi can't be possessed by Qin Ershi?"

The narwhal man also said with an awkward voice: "That tyrant, Ying Zheng, he once decreed that every meal must be made with whale blood soup made from the heart of our clan, saying that it can replenish vitality and let He was able to vigorously vibrate on his bed at night! In just a few years, no less than 30,000 of our tribe had died in his hands, forcing our tribe to escape far away."

Taking a deep breath, the narwhal whale man smiled bitterly: "It won't be him, such a tyrant, he should have been wiped out long ago."

The three royal orcs glanced at each other, and they said uncomfortably, "We also think it's Qin II, right?"

The representatives of other forces are in a better mood, even if they are possessed by Yingzheng, after all, the Blood Qin Empire has not attacked them yet. But the Snow Federation is different. A few days ago, during the civil turmoil of the Blood Qin Empire, the Snow Federation sent a large number of soldiers to seek bargaining. Now the troops of the Snow Federation are conducting tentative attacks against the elites of the Northern Frontiers of the Blood Qin Empire. Yingzheng, the once-in-a-lifetime tyrant came back to life, they must consider quickly ordering the retreat of the army.

But Empress Ming Lian's words ruthlessly shattered the last trace of luck in everyone present.

"It is Zhao Lu, the Chief Supreme Elder of the Blood Qin Empire Imperial City, who presides over the affairs of the Imperial City of the Blood Qin Empire." Empress Underworld said indifferently, "As long as you know the name of the'Blood Demon Emperor' Yingzheng. , We shouldn’t forget what a difficult character Zhao Lu is."

How could everyone ignore Zhao Lu?

In the short-lived imperial family of the Xueqin Empire, as long as you practice the ancestral iron-blooded emperor art, you are destined to have a hard time living over 500 years old. Generally speaking, living over two hundred years old is a lucky lucky person. In such an empire that lacks royal family elders to sit in, it is Zhao Lu who single-handedly formed the Blood Qin royal elders group composed of elite old eunuchs.

The number is unknown, but at least 100,000 old eunuchs are like a fortified city wall, firmly defending the royal heritage of the Blood Qin Empire. This group of disabled people hidden in the shadows guarded them with the loyalty of their hunting dogs. This empire is more than ten thousand years!

But Zhao Lu didn’t show up easily. For more than ten thousand years, he only showed up several times when the Blood Qin Empire was destroyed by the country, and every time he turned the tide, the Blood Qin Empire returned to its due track. .

But this time, Zhao Lu actually re-taken over the position of the Chief Supervisor of the Imperial City, and the implications of this are clear. You must know that after the death of Yingzheng, Zhao Lu immediately handed over his role as director to his godson. Except for Yingzhu, Zhao Lu has never served any emperor of the Blood Qin Empire!

"In addition to this, in the imperial city today, the people who get along with our Majesty day and night are not the Taifu Baoyunge and Taiwei Lingbao Army who wins the most trusted Taifu, but Su Mingzi and Wei Yao! I think, these two people's The name, the East China Sea Alliance of Nations and the people on the northern snowfields, should you remember them fresh?"

The faces of Ao Wan and the three orc royals became extremely ugly.

Su Mingzi, the first master of the Blood Qin Array, overwhelmed the sea and destroyed the coalition fleet of many sea tribes in one fell swoop. And Yao, the first murderous mad demon of the Blood Qin Empire, has a notorious reputation as a "pit demon". What he is best at is to kill prisoners. Every province in the Blood Qin Empire has a different amount left by him. Yes, at least a mass grave that killed 100,000 prisoners.

Zhao Lu alone can be said to be an accident, but when the two right-hand men around Yingzheng appeared, the identity of Yingzheng was already apparent.

Empress Ming Lian said calmly: "Our people lurking in the imperial city have also sent out the latest information. The dishes on this majesty’s menu are exactly the same as Ying Zheng’s favorite dishes thousands of years ago; and he doesn’t spoil him these days. Those empresses and imperial concubines, but those who do not care for the court ladies. My palace thinks that there is no need to say anything."

Master Miao Wen said gloomily: "The national power of the Blood Qin Empire back then was less than one percent of the current Blood Qin Empire. The Yingzheng at that time was able to cause all the forces in the East to be overwhelmed. Today's Yingzheng controls. With today’s Blood Qin Empire, hehe, if he doesn’t die, my Tianmiao and Mila Sect can protect themselves, but what about you?"

The three royal orcs of the Snow Federation shook their bodies and almost fell off their stools. At the same time, they remembered the painful past that their ancestors were almost wiped out thousands of years ago.

Princess Ao Wan sighed up to the sky: "I knew that, what do I want that Yulong Dadao?"

Master Miao Wen said grimly: "Ying Zheng must die! He must be killed!"

"How to divide the benefits of the **** Qin Empire, I will talk about it in the future! But our top priority is to win the government!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. , Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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