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Under the fire in Jinling City, Ye Ming took Monk Wei and Jiaolong and dived into the icy river.

Each of them carried a large amount of magnetic explosives.

The winter wetsuits allow them to completely ignore the cold and biting river.

Although the river was very dark at night, this did not cause any difficulties for Ye Ming and the others.

Under the guidance of the system map, Ye Ming went straight to the bottom of the little devil’s moored warship.

The two monks Wei and Jiaolong followed closely behind Ye Ming.

The three people carrying the oxygen cylinder did not even need to ventilate, and went straight to the bottom of the little devil warship.

Soon, Ye Ming led them to the bottom of the first gunboat.

The gunboats of the Little Devil Yangtze River Fleet are basically river gunboats mobilized from Little Devil’s country.

Such gunboats, the small ones are only seventy or eighty tons, and the large ones also have a displacement of several hundred tons.

But such a small gunboat can run amok in the rivers and lakes of China.

Since the outbreak of the war, this fleet of the little devil has long been stained with a large amount of Chinese blood.

Under the gunboat, a package of high explosives wrapped in oil paper was tightly attached to the middle part of the gunboat’s underwater bottom.

The timed detonator is activated and the detonation time is half an hour later.

Radio waves cannot be transmitted underwater, so only timed detonation can be used.

The three people of Ye Ming, who were walking underwater, also began to separate.

Because they need to plant explosives, but there are quite a few.

Outside the port of Pukou, the little devil parked a dozen gunboats, as well as two old destroyers with a displacement of more than a thousand tons.

Ye Ming soon came under these two destroyers, both of which were built during the First World War, although they had undergone certain modernization, but the hulls were already somewhat worn.

In order to be able to blow up these two destroyers at one time, Ye Ming placed nearly a hundred kilograms of explosives under these two destroyers.

Ten minutes later, all the explosives were placed under all the ships, and Ye Ming pressed the sonar signal he was carrying.

The sonar signal transmitter sent out a specific sonar signal, and not far away, the two monks Wei and Jiaolong, who were also underwater, carried the sonar signal receiving device on their bodies, and after receiving the sonar signal, they immediately approached Ye Ming’s location.

Soon the three of them converged underwater and soon swam towards the reeds of Jinling City in the distance.

At this moment, the little devil navy on the river fleet, completely unaware of the warships under their feet, will soon become living coffins for burying them.

There was an explosion and fire in Jinling City.

Even if it is not the main formation of the Little Devil Navy, even if it is the River Devil Navy, it also looks down on the army.

He pointed fingers at the turmoil in Jinling City, and his words were filled with contempt.

This situation, among the little devils, is already a norm.

When Ye Ming and the three people went ashore by the reeds, and had not yet taken off their diving suits, Ye Ming looked at his tactical watch, stared at the little devil gunboats and destroyers on the river, and began to count down in his mouth.

When Ye Ming read the number zero in his mouth, the little devil gunboat on the face was submerged by the sudden water column almost at the same time.

At the same time, a huge explosion also came from the river.

Along with the high water column, there is also a fire rising into the sky.

Don’t look at the explosives installed under the little devil ship, there are not many explosives, but because the pressure in the water is eight hundred times that of the air.

Twenty kilograms of explosives, detonated under water, not inferior to the power of one or two tons of explosives under the air.

And this is why all warships are afraid of mines and torpedoes.

After the aftermath of the explosion, the chaotic general could hardly see a complete devil ship, only a large number of ship wreckage.

The two largest destroyers were also blown in two, and they were gurgling and bubbling into the river.

Regardless of the dock that had become a mess, Ye Ming and the three quickly changed into camouflage combat suits and sneaked into the city for the first time.

At this moment, the city has long been chaotic.

Accompanied by the explosion of air raids, there were also the sounds of fighting from time to time.

Ye Ming didn’t plan to leave just like that, today he wanted to kill the little devil in the city and bleed into rivers.

The three people who entered the city, under the guidance of Ye Ming, went directly to the little devils and spies who were being hunted in the city.

At the same time, Ye Ming was also directly in the other three groups in the city, targeting the devil gendarmes and spies in the city, and launched an attack and kill.

Not long ago, Ye Ming took three people and came to a street near Xuanwu Lake.

A truck full of spies stopped right here, and two dozen spies with pistols jumped out of the car.

However, just as these agents were about to break into a nearby house, a dense stream of bullets fell on them.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty spies who were completely unprepared all collapsed in a pool of blood.

The three Ye Ming who came out put down the whisperous submachine gun in their hands and took out the pistol.

Regardless of the eyes behind the cracks in the windows that quietly open in the nearby houses.

Walking to the street where this group of agents fell to the ground, raising his hand is a shot at the agent who is only injured and wailing.

On the street, there were more than two dozen spies, and there was not even a single living mouth.

Similar attacks are being staged in many corners of Jinling City at the moment.

The target of the attack was not only the special agents in the operation, but even the little devil’s gendarmerie team, under the attack of the three action teams of the guard squad, also paid a huge price for casualties.

On the other hand, the spies and the gendarmes never even found the enemy.

When they arrived at the site of the attack, they often saw only more and more corpses, and as for the enemy, they did not even see a shadow.

Ye Ming’s map covered almost the entire Jinling, and he could see clearly where the enemy was and where the three groups of the guard squad were.

Under his command, not to mention the little devil gendarmes and spies, they have long been in a mess, and even if there are more gendarmes and spies, they will not find the attackers.

Until the next morning, the attacks in Jinling City did not stop.

No one dared to open the door and go out into the street, because on almost every street, there was a lot of blood stains, and even many places of corpses that did not have time to be cleaned up. _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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