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“Monk, immediately report this situation to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, and at the same time generate electricity for the Liujiabao field airfield, dispatch bombers, and bomb the little devil’s troop carrier.”

Ye Ming knew very well that after his order was given, it was already very good that the bomber could arrive within three hours.

After all, if you bomb the little devil’s troop carrier, you must replace the ammunition originally carried in the bomber with 500 kg of aerial bombs.

And in fact, this 500-kilogram missile does not have a guidance function at all.

And Ye Ming could not let the bomber drop bombs at an altitude of five thousand meters, because the little devil air defense position in the port and the anti-aircraft fire of the little devil warship on the sea surface would ruthlessly tear the H-20 strategic bomber to shreds.

But if he didn’t come to bomb a circle, Ye Ming was really unwilling.

Without guidance, there is no know, and the height of 10,000 meters is 10,000 meters to drop bombs.

However, when I think that there are still a large number of compatriots around the port, once 10,000 meters of bombs are dropped, I don’t know how many bombs will fall on the heads of my compatriots.

Ye Ming, who was a little unwilling, did not wait for the Wei monk to establish a good communication, so he said: “Forget it, don’t call the bomber.” ”

Since Ye Ming had the system, he had no indecision, but in the face of bombing attacks that might fall on his compatriots, he could not give such an order.

“As long as these little devils are in the land of Huaxia, we can eliminate them one by one, and this day will definitely not be too far away.”

Ye Ming, who had great confidence in himself and the system, did not regret it after canceling the idea of bombing.

Because he knew better that even if the bomber came, the bomb would not fall on the side of his compatriots, and at most it would kill some fish in the sea.

If you want to hit a ship at sea and drop a bomb at an altitude of 10,000 meters, there is simply no hit rate to speak of.

And if you bomb the port, it is almost equivalent to bombing the entire Tianjing.

Not to mention that the bomb will fall on the compatriots, even if it falls on Lend-Lease, the diplomatic pressure that needs to be borne by the Eighth Route Army is really too great.

After weighing the pros and cons, Ye Ming also decisively gave up the idea of bombing.

However, giving up the years of bombing does not mean that you really have to give up.

He doesn’t have a bomber in his hands, but he has J-5 fighters.

Bombers cannot bomb at low altitudes, but the J-5 fighters already have the ability to dive and attack on the ground at low altitudes, which is not worried about accidental injuries, not to mention that against small devil ships, fighters will be more effective.

“Call the headquarters, I had an unexpected gain in Tianjing, and I found that the little devil had a large number of troop carriers and was docking in Tanggu, and I requested that all the air force fighters be dispatched to carry bombs to attack the troop ships.”

In response to Ye Ming’s message, not long after, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army responded and agreed to Ye Ming’s attack request.

Immediately, Ye Ming also formally issued an order to the air force to attack, and each fighter carried as many bombs as possible to attack sea targets.

To every qualified person of the Eighth Route Army, dive bombing of moving targets at sea is a basic skill.

Moreover, the J-5’s sweep wing layout and sturdy flap structure originally have a strong dive attack capability.

When the order was given, Ye Ming actually knew better than anyone that this attack would probably lose some planes and pilots, but he still did not hesitate.

Compared with the damage that so many little devils will cause to the base area after they go ashore, it is very likely that a little loss will be acceptable.

What’s more, if you can’t even bear the damage in battle, then what kind of little devil to fight.

Under Ye Ming’s order, in a number of field airfields in Shanxi, Jian-5 fighters began to hang 500 kilograms of bombs.

Although only one 500-kilogram bomb can be hung under each wing, this powerful bomb is also the greatest threat to ships.

Only one such bomb is needed to blow up a troop carrier of thousands of tons.

Fighters, loaded with fuel and bombs, began to take to the air.

The first wave of attacking aircraft took off from various airfields, and under the command of the ground radar command system, the aircraft of the first wave of attacks, gathered together, formed an attack formation consisting of sixty fighters.

At the same time, Ye Ming’s side also received news from the air force headquarters that the sixty planes of the first wave of attacks would arrive over Tanggu Port in 40 minutes.

The eighty planes of the second wave of attacks will arrive in an hour.

The 100 planes of the third attack wave will arrive in 90 minutes.

After determining the information that the Air Force was about to arrive, Ye Ming focused on the system map.

This time, Ye Ming came to Tianjin, under the guidance of the system, preparing to find King Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace and then kill him.

When he arrived yesterday, the system also gave further information, confirming that King Hatohiko Asakamiya would arrive at the dock of the Oniko Transport Department tomorrow.

When arriving at the British Concession Hotel, Ye Ming’s map also appeared a skeleton target information.

The skeleton information on this map is the location of King Hatohiko Asakamiya Palace.

The transport ship Chrysanthemum Maru was docking at the moment, and Ye Ming also saw many generals of the little devil, and after the Chrysanthemum Maru transport ship was successfully docked, they arrived at the edge of the dock.

Being able to let the little devil send out so many generals to greet him, plus there are systematic prompts, Ye Ming knows that the target is about to appear.

However, the transport ship docked on the dock, the target did not appear at the first time.

Instead, these generals waiting on the ship boarded the transport ship, and they should have gone to meet King Hatohiko of Asakamiya Palace.

Ye Ming was not in a hurry, and the sniper rifle set up in the window of the hotel had already been prepared.

A huge desk stretched out the window, covered with a thick quilt, the window was ajar, and the muzzle was nearly half a meter from the window.

People outside can’t see the muzzle at all.

The Wei monk on the side was holding a photo of King Hatohiko of Chaoxiang Palace in his hand.

This is given to Ye Ming by Li Kenong, and it is a photo that intelligence officers got from the little devil two years ago.

Although it is black and white, the photo is taken clearly.

Monk Wei noted the appearance of this person in the photo and helped Ye Ming find his target.

It’s just that the other party is too holding his breath, and he is not in a hurry to get off the boat, which makes Ye Ming can only wait for the other party to appear for a while. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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