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Independent divisions have been expanded, and their weapons and equipment have become more advanced.

Li Yunlong became a deputy division commander and at the same time served as the commander of the Tiger Brigade of the Heavy Armament Brigade.

The name of the Tiger Brigade is the name given by Li Yunlong for the heavy armament division, and once the more than 500 tanks launch an all-out attack, they must have the momentum of descending the mountain.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie also became brigade commanders, mechanized infantry brigades, although not as many tanks as the Tiger brigades, but won in the rapid attack power and agility.

Seeing that Li Yunlong named the heavy brigade as the Tiger Brigade, the two did not show weakness, and after asking Ye Ming, the two mechanized infantry brigades became leopard brigades and cheetah brigades.

Ye Ming was also very crisp, and specially prepared his own honorary banners for the three main brigades.

One Tiger brigade, two Leopard brigades, also passed over there at the headquarters.

The headquarters originally planned to give these three brigades new numbers, but when they saw the unit numbers handed over by the independent divisions, they directly agreed.

At the same time, the headquarters fully agreed to the full integration plan of the independent division.

For this reason, Ye Ming almost spent 150,000 points to the point where there were only less than 5,000 left, which Ye Ming specially left for spare.

The various units of the Eighth Route Army also received a lot of weapons and equipment from independent brigades, and there were nearly 1,000 field artillery pieces and mortars alone.

Moreover, Ye Ming also provided a large number of mortars, rifle bullets and camouflage combat uniforms to various units of the Eighth Route Army.

Compared with the expansion speed of the Eighth Route Army, the batch of weapons and equipment supported by Ye Ming was still not enough, but it was enough to complete the replacement of 80 percent of the main forces of the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, Ye Ming also provided thousands of professional arms talents for the regiments of the Eighth Route Army.

Six aviation regiments consisting of 300 J-5 fighters were also handed over to the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army for command.

Counting the air power possessed by the independent divisions, the J-5 fighters currently owned by the Eighth Route Army have reached the scale of 600.

Although it is not comparable to the number of aviation fighters that are being restored by the North China Front, the qualitative gap cannot be made up in terms of quantity, unless the number of fighters of the little devil is large enough to produce qualitative changes.

The order for expansion was officially issued, even though it had entered La Yue, but it did not stop the work of the comprehensive expansion of the independent brigade.

Twenty thousand soldiers who had completed all training joined the combat sequence of the independent division.

At the same time, in the past few days, a large number of Kunpeng transport planes have landed in the Liujiabao Field Air Base every day, whether it is day or night.

A large number of weapons and equipment were successively collected by various main battle battalions.

Today’s winter, the independent division is in a hurry.

Because the little devil does not plan to let the eight roads last a year, but the little devil does not plan to launch an attack in the coldest moon.

What’s more, the logistics of the 300,000-strong army cannot be completed in just one or two months.

And this period was also a time for the Eighth Route Army to recover and rest.

The Laba porridge that he had drunk also announced his arrival.

The expansion of independent divisions is also proceeding in an orderly manner.

On the Xujia’ao side, every few days, a batch of recruits will be sent, which makes the establishment of various units of the independent division being improved every day.

But these days, the Air Force has not rested.

Although aviation fuel still needs to be purchased in the sign-in mall, the Air Force still insists on taking off every day to make trouble for the little devils.

A month has passed since the end of the Hundred Regiment War, and the Air Force is dispatching every day to destroy the artillery towers and strongholds that the little devils are trying to recover.

However, there is still a slight gap between the 50,000 enemies that the system needs to destroy.

But such an air raid also brought Ye Ming a little point, and the remaining 5,000 points before has now increased to 30,000 points.

No way, the points are spent too quickly.

Fortunately, now that a large number of weapons and equipment of the independent division are in place, fuel and ammunition supplies are also sufficient, and points do not need to spend too much for the time being.

Approaching the Chinese New Year’s Eve, the Air Force once again dispatched with the plan to destroy the railroad that was being repaired.

Ye Ming, who had been quietly thinking for a long time, personally led a combat squadron to dispatch.

In fact, since the expansion work began, Ye Ming has not led the air force to dispatch for the first time.

The performance of the J-5 fighter is still very good, Ye Ming, who also used the ace pilot training card for himself, plus three times the speed of normal people, not to mention an aircraft like the J-5, even a fifth-generation fighter can be perfectly piloted.

Especially Ye Ming’s physical fitness, when operating the aircraft, he can basically complete the various maneuvers that the fighter can make.

For modern ace pilots, the overload of 10G is already very against the sky, but Ye Ming can fully withstand overloads that exceed the human limit by three times.

Even the super-maneuverability of a fifth-generation aircraft can fly out of the extreme maneuvering of a fifth-generation aircraft in his hands.

Although the J-5 is not as good as modern fighters, it has an advantage that modern fighters do not have, that is, the fuselage structure is super strong, and it can fly out of various extreme flight actions at high speed.

Of course, without a vector engine, the maneuverability of the J-5 did not reach Ye Ming’s ideal.

But if it is against propeller aircraft, the ace pilot plus the performance of the J-5 fighter is enough to make the opponent desperate.

The flying squadron that took off went to the sky over the Jizhong Plain and joined the Air Police-2000 AWACS aircraft that were training here.

Recently, the army aviation of the North China Front is recovering rapidly, and occasionally encounters the little devil’s Zero fighter.

For a while, the reason why the system’s points can grow to 30,000 depends on the little devil’s fighter to provide.

If you shoot down a Little Devil’s Type 96 fighter in an air battle, you can get five hundred points.

And if it is an air attack on the little devil’s airfield, the points of a fighter of the little devil are only one-tenth of the air combat shootdown.

And if Ye Ming shot it down by himself, the points would be doubled.

This is also what Ye Ming discovered recently, so he has recently begun to like to fly a fighter plane out and do some activities.

In the winter, the take-off and landing of the little devil airport is also very troublesome, and whether you can meet the little devil plane to take off basically depends on luck.

But as long as the little devil’s aviation is dispatched, it cannot escape the eyes of the air police-2000, and the J-5 does not have a radar, but the airborne communication can be connected to communication satellites and can form a good cooperation with early warning aircraft.

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