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The lively Spring Festival comes and goes quickly.

There is a good saying, the year is good, the life is sad.

It’s best to have a good year, but every day, day after day, it’s not so good.

Especially during the war years, life was even more difficult.

Just after the Lantern Festival, the weather has warmed up slightly, and according to the data of weather radar, the weather will be warmer for some time to come.

In various base areas, the people who had just finished the New Year began to move to the mountains.

In the warm weather, the little devil began to act.

Just as Ye Ming expected, the little devil gave reinforcements to ten divisions of the North China Front, which made the strength of Tada Jun’s hands increase a lot at once.

Although on the Tanggu pier, this group of reinforcements was killed by the air force of the independent division by more than 50,000 people.

But the base camp of the little devils also made up for the gap of more than 50,000 dead and wounded.

This makes the North China Front actually have more than half a million troops.

In one fell swoop, the North China Front became the largest front army in the Zhina dispatch army.

In order to retaliate against the all-out sabotage war launched by the Eighth Route Army, Tada Jun dispatched 12 divisions, five independent mixed brigades, two heavy artillery brigades, four cavalry brigades, three tank brigades, and 12 independent field artillery wings, with a total strength of 350,000, to launch a comprehensive sweep of all base areas in the central Hebei region of the Eighth Route Army and Shanxi.

Qi Xieyuan, a big traitor, also sent more than 100,000 puppet troops from North China to assist.

An army of 500,000 in total is approaching.

This was the largest sweep faced by the Eighth Route Army since the outbreak of the War of Resistance.

And the two words sweep, in the Chinese language, look very common.

However, in Japanese, the word sweep is a very bloody two words.

It represents killing, robbing, burning, and leaving nothing for the opponent after the sweep.

The Eighth Route Army, which had been prepared for this for a long time, began to transfer troops further after the Lantern Festival, and the people all began to transfer their troops.

At the same time, one combat order after another was also issued to every main force of the Eighth Route Army.

Under the orders of the headquarters, the 600,000 main forces of the Eighth Route Army, plus the militia guerrillas, district squads, and county brigades scattered all over the place, were all mobilized.

The little devil started a liver fire, but the side of the Eighth Route Army is not muddy.

Especially at the beginning of the new year, some of the main forces were all supported by a lot of heavy weapons, which increased the overall firepower of the Eighth Route Army by several levels.

Even those militia guerrillas, county brigades and other units have all changed into a lot of good equipment.

In the past, most of the militia still carried big knives and spears, but now, they all have rifles, although they are all old domestic rifles, but they are also very good, and there are not many.

Even the county brigade was equipped with a certain amount of artillery and grenade canisters, and the firepower of light and heavy machine guns was much strengthened.

If you even count these equipment, then the Eighth Route Army can actually mobilize troops, more than 800,000.

The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, which was originally planned to be transferred, found out after a comprehensive comparison of strength that although the little devil was menacing, he was not bad.

What’s more, it is not the little devils who are now in charge of air supremacy, but us!

Considering that the strength of the two sides is not much different, the headquarters immediately adjusted the anti-sweep plan formulated last year and reformulated a new combat plan.

The content of this new operational plan is very simple, that is, relying on the geographical environment of the base areas and relying on the favorable geographical and mountainous situation, we will launch an obstruction attack on the enemy who has come to sweep away, and comprehensively consume the enemy’s effective forces.

At the same time, the headquarters also requires all main forces to judge the hour and size up the situation, fight flexibly, and cannot blindly defend, nor can they fight hard with the little devils.

In each base area, carry out a comprehensive deal with the little devil.

For the independent division, there is only one simple order from the headquarters, that is, the little devil who came out of Taiyuan and handed it over to the independent division to be responsible.

Because of the little devils on Taiyuan’s side, the goal of the purge is the independent division.

And at present, Anhua County, Dehua County, and Ping’an County under the control of the Independent Division are blocking the way for the Taiyuan little devil to enter the Taihang Mountain base.

This is the inevitable collision between the two sides.

Soon, a large amount of information about the little devils sweeping troops in Taiyuan City appeared in the headquarters of the independent division one after another.

There are many little devils in Taiyuan City, because they are facing an independent division, plus there is already a heavy artillery brigade in Taiyuan City.

The 36th Division, the 37th Division, plus the 20th Division were the main forces.

Although the 20th Division was wiped out by most of its troops the last time it encountered the Independent Brigade, in the past two months or so, the 20th Division has not returned to China for reorganization, but has replenished a large number of elite soldiers from home and entered the 20th Division.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the 20th Division has basically been restored.

Three divisions, an external artillery brigade, a tank brigade, and a cavalry brigade.

The strength is nearly 100,000, and in Taiyuan City, there is also a 114th regiment, which can come out to support at any time.

It can be said that the pressure faced by the independent division is the greatest, bearing one-third of the power of the little devil’s sweeping operation.

With such a huge military operation of the little devil, it is impossible to hide it.

When the 20th Division drove out of Taiyuan and went straight to the county seat of Ping’an, this big battle was almost on the verge of breaking out.

Independent divisions have also begun to transfer troops long ago.

The air command of the independent division had already taken off when the 20th Division drove out of Taiyuan.

The air command is an air police-2000, on which it can command every unit of an independent division and obtain real-time information about every unit on the battlefield.

However, Ye Ming did not stay above the air headquarters, nor did he fly his No. 1 plane over the sky, preparing to seize air supremacy.

He directly followed the Leopard 1st Brigade, and the Leopard 1st Brigade commanded by Kong Jie would be the first main force facing the 16th Division.

In Ye Ming’s words, armored forces have never been for defense, and offensive is the mission of armored forces.

With defensive armored forces, it is completely soulless.

Of course, to attack is also to see the opportunity, blind attack, that is stupid.

The little devil has his eyes on the base point of the independent division, and in Ye Ming’s words, then I am still eyeing Taiyuan! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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