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The construction of the Liujiapu Air Base, which has been under construction last year, has not stopped until now, and the scale of the airport has long been expanded to a fairly large extent.

Located in Liujiapu Air Base, surrounded by mountains on three sides, almost the entire semi-circular valley has been built into an air force airport.

Two more radar stations have been built on three high mountains, and a ground satellite reception center has been built at the airport.

Specifically designed to receive Air Force global positioning information.

Last year, as the Chinese New Year approached, the third and fourth main runways were being built at the airport, and now the sixth major runway has been built.

Inside and outside the airport, there are large construction machines everywhere, hollowing out the belly of the three-sided crater, and excavating large hangars inside the mountain.

Ye Ming had prepared hangars for more bombers in the future, and the twenty B-52H thermofortress bombers he obtained by signing in accounted for only one-sixth of those large hangars that were empty.

And there are also a large number of hangars, which are being excavated.

Ye Ming, who made a fortune, did not think too much about it, and directly bought a hundred B-52H stratofortress bombers in one go.

To this end, he also purchased millions of tons of aviation fuel to replenish the oil depot at the airport.

Millions of tons of ordinary bombs of various types were purchased to replenish ammunition depots in the airbase.

These cost Ye Ming a total of 150,000 points, but for Ye Ming, who had 600,000 points, it was a small meaning.

The most important thing is that Ye Ming feels that if this war continues, the points will soon break through to one million.

When such a large bomber force arrived, the air base was also busy at once.

The bomber pilots and crew, who had been training, also quickly assembled at the sound of the assembly whistle.

In the air base, a large number of pilots have been reserved, and even bomber crews have been formed in the hundreds.

It’s just that there have not been enough bombers for them, and now, the bomber crews are naturally excited one by one.

And the bomber ground crew, who have been following the idle space, can finally get busy every day with the ground crew of the fighter today.

Looking at the busy airport, Ye Ming smiled slightly, especially when he saw the busy young people in the airport, with energetic faces, he was always very pleased in his heart.

Finally, it was not in vain to cross this time.

This kind of thought in his heart always makes Ye Ming feel happy and satisfied.

After one hundred and twenty B-52H Stratofortress bombers arrived at the air base, Ye Ming opened the sign-in mall again.

Type 89 122-mm 40 tube belt rocket launcher, which is also good east

For good things, Ye Ming never searched.

Three hundred and eighty vehicles were purchased in one go, and the twenty obtained by signing in added up to exactly four hundred.

Don’t look at Ye Ming from the era of precision strikes, but he is also a person who advocates firepower.

Traveling back to the present, especially after understanding the firepower gap between the Eighth Route Army and the little devils, I have always been worried that the Eighth Route Army will suffer losses in firepower.

Simply put, it is a phobia of insufficient firepower.

Therefore, all kinds of artillery, all kinds of light and heavy weapons, were sent to the Eighth Route Army as much as possible.

And their own troops have made super firepower, and the logistics troops alone are getting bigger and bigger.

However, the combat effectiveness of the independent division was also made super strong by him.

In less than twenty-four hours, 50,000 little devils were completely annihilated, which is definitely the first combat strength in the whole country.

Rocket artillery is a weapon that everyone who likes firepower is extremely fond of.

Ye Ming is no exception.

Compared with the lethality of heavy artillery, rocket artillery is the most terrifying in terms of personnel destruction.

In particular, the Type 89 122 millimeter 40-tube tracked rocket launcher, an advanced rocket artillery delivery platform, only takes half a minute, and these 400 vehicles can even wipe out millions of square meters in a volley.

Not to mention the siege of the city, even if it is to raze a city, it is not a difficult thing.

After Ye Ming spent 200,000 yuan on points in one go, the Y-2 Kunpeng transport plane also landed quickly at the airport.

Ye Ming also informed the artillerymen of the independent division in advance who were waiting for the rocket artillery to arrive, and asked them to come to the air base to receive equipment.

On this day, Ye Ming has been busy.

It wasn’t until eight o’clock in the evening that Ye Ming was busy with the work in hand.

The headquarters of the Liujiabao Independent Division, a four-story small building that has just been put into use for a short time.

It is a modern command center that integrates modern communications and computer control, and can be connected to various equipment of satellites and Air Force datalinks.

However, rather than staying in the headquarters, Ye Ming actually preferred to follow the troops on the front line.

At night today, Li Yunlong also rushed back from the front, and Zhao Gang, who came down from the Air Police-2000, also came back.

After a brief meeting, Ye Ming said: “Our strategic bomber group has arrived, and the rocket artillery unit is also heading to the front line, joining the heavy artillery brigade and the heavy artillery regiment to which the three main brigades belong.

The content of this meeting in the evening is to revise the battle plan we have made earlier.

Our original plan was to encircle and annihilate the subsequent 36th and 37th Divisions in the north of the Taihang Mountains after encircling and annihilating the 20th Division.

But since the bomber fleet and the Type 89 122 mm 40-barreled tracked rocket launcher arrived ahead of schedule and were able to participate directly in the battle early tomorrow morning, our plans needed to be adjusted. ”

When the words fell, Ye Ming picked up the baton and landed in a small town near the northwest of Jinzhong-Fallen Leaf Town.

Fallen Leaf Town, a very common town name, but the residents of this town have long since moved.

And just half an hour ago, after a long march, two divisions stopped in this town.

“Now the 36th Division and the 37th Division stay in these two towns, and the puppet army that originally accompanied them, one division is located in Lujiatun, three kilometers northwest of Falling Leaf Town, and the other is in Shiqiao Village, behind Falling Leaf Town.

Tomorrow, the troops of the three main brigades will form a three-sided encirclement of the town of fallen leaves from the periphery, and as for the two pseudo-army divisions in front and behind, leave them alone.

Tomorrow morning at half past five, assemble all the artillery and bomber groups and launch a carpet devastating fire strike on the town of Fallen Leaves…”

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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