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“Those people are basically coming for you, if you don’t want to meet them, I will help you arrange directly, you don’t have to meet with those people.”

Vice President Peng also understood Ye Ming’s thoughts to some extent, knowing that he was not a person who liked politics, and he would definitely not be very cold about such things, so he asked such a question.

“Then trouble the boss, if you beat off the little devil first, talk about it in the future.” Ye Ming said very dryly.

Vice President Peng nodded, and asked in a changed voice: “Do you want to go and see our arsenal, I haven’t been there, it seems that you haven’t been either!” ”

“Well, let’s go, after all, all the production lines have been put into use, and we should also go to the field to understand the production situation.”


Not long after, several Dongfeng warriors left Liujiabao and soon entered the Taihang Mountain.

At this time, in the Taihang Mountain, the flat mountain road has been paved with cement, and the road is spacious enough for three large trucks to drive side by side.

The speed of the Dongfeng fierce warrior is not fast, after walking the mountain road for almost an hour, passing layers of checkpoints along the way, and soon a huge and incomparable open space appeared in front of the convoy.

The first is a large airport, and at this moment, there are more than a dozen Y-20 Kunpeng transport planes parked in the airport.

Along the way, you can always encounter many heavy trucks back and forth here.

Although Ye Ming was here for the first time, he was already quite familiar with everything here.

“These trucks basically transport a lot of minerals and raw materials, and the trucks that pull things out carry the weapons and equipment produced.”

“At present, there are already thousands of trucks in the logistics and transportation headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, which can continuously transport the weapons and equipment produced to the logistics operation centers of various cities, and then each unit’s own transportation team will go to the logistics centers of various cities to collect arms and materials.”

“At present, 80% of the factories that have been built have already started, and the remaining factories will start in the next few days, and there are still workers left, so the construction of more factories has not stopped, but has been speeding up.”

“According to the planned construction of the industrial zone, it is expected to be fully realized by the end of this year, when all our arsenals will be built, which will be able to meet the needs of weapons and equipment and ammunition consumption of at least three million troops.”

Hearing this, Vice President Peng was also very excited in his heart, all this is starting from scratch, and a large military industrial zone means that the Eighth Route Army will have a steady stream of weapons in the future

Now the Eighth Route Army does not need to rely on capture at all, and the size of the Roadless Army is completely self-sufficient.

“By the way, I heard that you gathered up the land scoundrels and lazy guys in various regions and forcibly trained them to work, these people did not cause any trouble!” The vice president seemed to have thought of something and asked curiously.

It happened more than 20 days ago, when the Eighth Route Army controlled most of Shanxi, and a large number of county towns were under the jurisdiction of the Eighth Route Army.

Among them, there is no shortage of those ruffians and all kinds of lazy people who eat and wait for death, to these people, Ye Ming is not polite at all, a telegram was sent to all units of the Eighth Route Army, and all these people were arrested and sent to Ye Ming for a while.

For these people, Ye Ming has only one method, that is, compulsory education.

After giving these people a skilled worker training card, they all became well-behaved.

There are tens of thousands of people, and it won’t be long before they become the breadwinner of a family, because they will have a job in the factory, a job that can support themselves and their families.

The scoundrels will no longer cause any trouble to the neighbors in the neighborhood, and the lazy people will not become a burden to the family.

And these people’s families, as well as neighbors, are also very supportive.

After all, these people talk about the mistakes they make are all trivial, and they are caught in education for a few days, and they still look the same when they come out.

They are not annoyed, they are going to be annoyed.

So Ye Ming simply thought of this once and for all solution to completely solve these people’s thoughts and behavioral habits.

Training cards are a good thing, it only takes less than a day to reverse a person’s nature, and the rest is simple.

“All of them have been reformed very quickly, and after a deep education, these people have all realized their previous mistakes, and after a while, they will be able to enter the factory to work, and then their family life will be much better.”

Although the Eighth Route Army was not paid much and the conditions were fortunate in the past, this situation is passing.

And the factory gives every worker a very good salary.

After all, now the Eighth Route Army is not a rootless duckweed, occupying this mineral-rich place in Shanxi, and also has its own fixed industry and income, so it is more than enough to pay workers.

“You are really amazing, I heard that the original puppet army, after joining the independent field army, their ideological consciousness is not low, I really don’t know how you managed it.” Vice President Peng said with a smile.

“It may be that the overall atmosphere is good, and those people already have a patriotic heart, so they can integrate faster.” Ye Ming smiled slightly.

Training cards are such a thing, it is difficult to explain them, not to mention that even if they are said, it is estimated that no one will believe it.

Therefore, Ye Ming simply never said it, and let outsiders make up for it themselves.

“By the way, in this place of the industrial base, the security has been strengthened as much as possible recently.” Vice President Peng said.

Ye Ming asked puzzled, “Has something happened recently?” ”

“Recently, the bandits in Shanxi are a little ready to move, and the large and small bandit nests and cats have passed the winter, and they are all ready to come out for activities.”

Speaking of this, Vice President Peng paused for a moment and continued: “And according to intelligence, the little devil is secretly contacting many bandits in our territory, making heavy promises, giving a lot of weapons and equipment, counting on these bandits to cause us a little trouble. ”

“It seems that this Okamura Ningji really has some brains, but how did they get weapons and equipment to the bandits?” Ye Ming asked.

“Of course, Yan Laoxi turned a blind eye, mother!” Vice President Peng said angrily.

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