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“It’s quite difficult for this little devil to develop a jet fighter, let alone develop it this year, and to be able to make a jet fighter in the next three years.”

If it were the German Empire, people would have been experimenting with jet propulsion for many years, and it was normal to come up with a jet fighter.

As for the little devils, although the Zero fighter is very good, it is only good, and the jet fighter is completely different from the two things. ”

Hearing Ye Ming’s words, Li Ke nodded and said: “According to the intelligence analysis obtained so far, the little devil has increased the production line of Zero fighters to more than twenty, and under the tilt of a large number of resources, by the end of the year, it will be able to achieve the ability to produce at least three thousand Zero fighters per month.” ”

Ye Ming frowned and asked, “Where did the little devil get so many raw materials for the production of aircraft?” ”

“Mi Di, who originally tightened the export of resources to little devils, has completely lifted export restrictions on little devils, and even increased the export of various raw materials to little devils, and also recommended a large number of weapons and equipment to little devils.

At present, it is also heard that the little devil intends to directly purchase the B-17 bomber on Midi’s side and some army equipment produced by Midi. ”

Hearing this news, Ye Ming was only surprised, but immediately relieved.

Historically, two countries that fought for life and death walked together like this, which seems strange, but it is nothing.

After all, with the current difficulties encountered by the little devil in China, the little devil simply does not have the energy to get any Pearl Harbor.

Now that the little devil is being beaten a little embarrassed by the Eighth Route Army, Midi sees that the situation is not right, this little devil is going to die, naturally he has relaxed some restrictions on the little devil.

A clear isolationist policy.

I wish that the people outside would all fight to the death, fall into the quagmire of war all their lives, and then they could make a fortune from it, and they were still very safe.

So for Miti’s move, it is very normal.

“What does that little devil mean by giving away people’s heads every day?” Ye Ming asked puzzled.

“According to the information we have obtained, it is very likely that the little devil is trying to shoot down our jet fighter and then get it back to develop a copy!” Li Ke said solemnly.

Hearing this answer, this made the three people present a little speechless.

After all, even if the J-5 fighter is shot down, it will not be the turn of the little devil to take it away, and the self-detonation system in the plane is enough to make the downed J-5 completely turn into powder, even if it is exhausted to shoot down the J-5, the little devil will not get anything.

It’s just that the little devil doesn’t know, and outsiders don’t know.

On the contrary, the three of them who know, what should they say for a while, after all, the loss of the J-5 will self-destruct, it is impossible for the little devil to know, from the perspective of the little devil, there is really such a possibility.

And such continuous combat, although not small, can also collect as much performance data as possible related to the J-5, and can also modify and upgrade the Zero fighter according to these data.

With such three purposes, it is nothing for the little devil to give away people’s heads every day.

And in the recent air battle, the losses of the pilots of the little devils are not too much, but if they lose aircraft, they are also within the acceptable range of the little devils.

“Little devils are little devils, and brain circuits are different from us.” Political Commissar Luo sighed.

Chen nodded approvingly.

Ye Ming asked Li Ke: “Ke Gong braved the snow to come here today, not just to tell us about this matter!” ”

“I came here this time, and I also brought some key information from the North China Front, and while Okamura Ningji was building permanent fortifications everywhere recently, the strength of the North China Front was constantly expanding.

Detailed intelligence shows that in the past month or so, the North China Front has added at least 20 new divisions and regiments.

These divisions were the elite units of the first reservists recruited by the little devils, and those reserve soldiers, although each basically over thirty years old, had already undergone restorative military training at home.

In terms of combat effectiveness, the combat effectiveness of these reserve divisions is not comparable to the current permanent division of the devils, but it is also higher than the garrison of the little devils.

And there will be more troops sent from the mainland to the North China Front, and it is expected that the strength of the North China Front will increase to at least one million troops in a month. ”

As soon as the figure of one million came out, the faces of Chen Geng’s Political Commissar Luo also became extremely serious.

A million little devils is simply a terrifying number.

You must know that before the strength of the little devil in North China, it was more than 900,000, not counting on the Manchukuo side, even when the battle was at its fiercest, the strength of the little devil in China did not reach one million.

But now, the strength of the North China Front alone has reached one million, which shows that the little devil attaches great importance to and vigilance of the Eighth Route Army.

Without waiting for Ye Ming and the others to speak, Li Ke continued: “Our intelligence personnel in the Shengjing Arsenal have recently sent a very valuable piece of information, and the latest batch of Type 97 tanks being set up in the Shengjing Arsenal not only has a larger body, but also the caliber of the main gun has also been increased to 75 mm, and the barrel is also longer.

The turret of this batch of tanks was large, the crew was increased to five people, there was one more gunner, and the power of the engine was increased, the weight was almost twenty tons, the reinforced armor protection, the thickness of the frontal armor, reached fifty millimeters.

Part of such a tank has already been assembled and all delivered to the North China Front.

In terms of anti-tank firepower, the North China Front also reinforced many anti-tank guns and equipped them with a large number of brand new anti-tank mines. ”

The defense was doubled, and the small Type 97 tank was also equipped with a seventy-five mm gun, which was obviously the rhythm of the big head son.

After hearing Li Ke’s explanation, Ye Ming naturally had a huge turret Type 97 improved tank in his mind, with a thick and long barrel, heavy at the top and light at the bottom.

However, there is an urgent need for a weapon that can fight against the tanks of the Eighth Route Army, and the little devil can only change it on the tank he now has, after all, the time between developing a new tank and then producing it is not short. _

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