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Standing in the Iron Lion Alley, on the roof of the headquarters of the Little Devil North China Front, Ye Ming decisively ordered everyone to evacuate.

Okamura Ningji was not in the Iron Lion Alley, which made Ye Ming very helpless.

Fortunately, the task that I just started was signed in and completed again.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the task check-in and getting the ultimate reward – one hundred Super Kirov airships.”

“Open a new task check-in, ask the host to complete the task check-in after ten additional super check-ins at the same time.”

Under the towing of the helicopter, Ye Ming and the others quickly left Beiping.

The two special operations in the evening today were completely fruitless, because the main two target figures were not found.

This is not an intelligence error, but a requirement of the system, which for Ye Ming, can only be said to be an attempt to complete the task, can find two key targets, naturally the best, can not find can also complete the sign-in, it doesn’t matter.

And the two ultimate rewards for signing in are good things.

Super nuclear-powered battleships, there are two at once, and Ye Ming does not know what to say about such equipment.

These two super nuclear-powered battleships are definitely the crystallization of the top technology of the twenty-first century, but in the face of aircraft carriers, battleships have long been something that has been completely eliminated.

The battleships of World War II have fallen from being kings of the sea during World War I to the point of playing soy sauce.

So for battleships, Ye Ming really didn’t know how to measure their value, but these two super nuclear-powered battleships can really be said to be extremely powerful.

Naturally, there is no need to say much about the nuclear power system, the displacement of the battleship not only exceeded 100,000 tons, but also reached 120,000 tons.

Equipped with four triple 610 mm super guns, divided on both sides of the bridge, there were twelve twin 155 mm naval guns.

The ship has a powerful stealth design, equipped with large phased array radars and eighteen Sparrow anti-aircraft missile launchers, as well as up to thirty-six anti-aircraft dense arrays.

In terms of anti-submarine capabilities, it not only has advanced hull active and passive sonar detection systems, large nasal ball sonar detectors, and towed array sonar, but also is equipped with underwater attack weapons such as anti-submarine sonar guided torpedoes and anti-submarine rockets.

Integrating all modern communication capabilities, using an all-electric propulsion system, plus an electromagnetic propulsion system, the maximum speed can reach an astonishing thirty-eight knots.

The whole ship adopts a super alloy hull, even the deck, can easily withstand 25 kg of bombs.

And the hull folding line treatment of this super battleship, like the modern highly stealthy battleship, is neat and crisp, simply extending from the bow to the stern, the inclined upper layer is continuously closed, and various equipment facilities are stored in the bulwark or sheltered by hatches, which makes this battleship have a very high energy.

With a strong air and sea search radar, coupled with a full body and preparation, even if you encounter a complete fleet of the enemy, you are not afraid at all.

The various anti-aircraft fires it is equipped with, even in the face of the siege of dozens of carrier-based aircraft at the same time, can calmly defend and counterattack.

Because the whole ship adopts the fire control system crystallized by modern and high-tech technology, it is integrated in the combat service center for intelligence collection, fire control command, and simple integration.

All weapons and equipment are highly intelligent, and there is no need for personnel to load guns under the turret or manually aim and shoot.

All attack and defense is done by phased array radar and computer assistance.

This also makes this battleship have super battlefield awareness.

This also makes such a huge battleship, in fact, only two hundred crew members, can exert the most powerful combat effectiveness.

And there are actually less than thirty combat posts on the ship, and the rest are mainly intelligence analysts and maintenance personnel on the ship.

Huge hull, even room for improvement.

In the words of the system, if Ye Ming signs in and obtains the corresponding missile technology in the future, this super battleship also has the ability to install a vertical launch system.

And when it comes to battleships, the first thing that naturally comes to mind is its extremely powerful main gun.

The 610-meter main gun is the true pinnacle and pinnacle of human battleships.

And this is also the main gun of the battleship under modern technology, using a large number of advanced guided shells and extended-range guided shells.

Not to mention the terrifying lethality of the 610 mm lord, its attack distance has reached an astonishing more than 100 kilometers.

Especially with advanced extended-range guided projectiles, the range of the main gun can easily reach two hundred and forty kilometers.

You must know that even if the aircraft carrier engaged in World War II, the distance between the two fleets was generally about two hundred kilometers.

That is, as soon as such a battleship is brought closer, using extended-range guided projectiles, it can completely destroy the entire fleet on its own when the carrier-based aircraft of the enemy aircraft carrier cannot destroy it.

Of course, the role of the battleship is still limited, if the main gun of this battleship can be replaced with an electromagnetic railgun, plus a modern missile system, then let alone World War II, even among the navies of various countries in the twenty-first century, it is a super existence.

The super airship that I just signed in to get is also a piece of equipment full of black technology.

The huge body, which can almost be said to cover the sky, uses helium, which is very safe, as a lift.

The huge cargo compartment of the airship is capable of transporting 300 tons of cargo in one go, and moving at a speed of more than 500 kilometers at a ceiling altitude of 20,000 meters.

Because on the airboat, the propeller propulsion device is installed and the jet propulsion is equipped.

At low altitudes, using propeller propulsion devices, it is possible to obtain a speed of 180 kilometers per hour at an altitude of kilometers, with a full load.

The huge carrying capacity, coupled with the ability to freely lift and descend in any area, coupled with its strong defense and self-defense capabilities, can easily transport all kinds of materials to any place.

The airship is also equipped with a 155-mm and 75-mm main gun with ground attack, as well as four dense array systems with ground and air defense capabilities.

At the same time, it also has strong armor protection, which can withstand the attack of anti-aircraft machine guns and thirty-millimeter cannons, so ordinary fighters, when encountering it, unless they directly collide with it, the attack of the cannon is just to tickle it. _

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