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Okamura Ningji did not think about why Ye Ming, who had a good conversation with him, would suddenly start.

The 5.8-meter bullet of the Type 92 pistol, at close range, directly penetrated Okamura Ningji’s head and lifted a layer of scalp on the back of his head.

Tanabe Shengwu on the side has long been gagged . Ba, seeing Okamura Ningji being killed, suddenly struggled, and looked at Ye Ming’s gaze, full of killing intent.

Ye Ming put away the pistol and said to Tanabe Shengwu: “I won’t let you die easily, don’t worry, someone will slowly concoct you, and eventually send you to the trial seat.” ”

When the words fell, Ye Ming gestured a glance at the mountain tiger, who took out a syringe containing ether and injected the ether directly into Tanabe Shengwu’s body.

Seeing Tanabe Moritake, who had fallen asleep, Ye Ming picked up the phone in front of Okamura Ningji and connected the phone.

“Your Excellency, Commander, please order.”

The phone is a direct contact, no need to relay, and on the other end of the phone, there will obviously be someone waiting for the phone, the call rings twice, and someone connects the phone.

Ye Ming’s imitator Okamura Ningji’s voice and tone said: “The Eighth Route Army is ready to attack North China in an all-round way, and immediately pass on my order, and all the North China Front troops will enter defensive positions and cut off communication in various places. ”


After Ye Ming gave the order, he hung up the phone directly.

Not long after, Ye Ming received a message intercepted by the AWACS in his earphone, which was an order issued by the North China Front to all units in North China, basically the same as Ye Ming’s order to disguise Okamura Ningji’s voice and tone.

Little devils don’t like to fight in the city, and Ye Ming doesn’t want to fight with little devils in the city, so as not to hurt the innocent.

As for the fortress of the little devil, in this world, there is no fortress that cannot be broken.

This, from the beginning of the fall of Constantinople, was already doomed on the battlefield.

As for telling the little devil that the Eighth Route Army was about to attack, it was also impossible to hide it, after all, the million-strong army took action, and it was impossible to hide the movement from any side.

And the reason why Ye Ming wanted to talk so much to Okamura Ningji was actually the main purpose was to familiarize himself with Okamura’s voice and intonation, so as to imitate it.

As for the cooperation that Okamura Ningji said, in Ye Ming’s opinion, it was simply a joke, even if the little devil was really willing to fully withdraw from China and return all the seized land, the two sides would have no chance to cooperate.

Of course, this is also from Ye Ming’s personal point of view, he is now a soldier, not a politician, for the little devil, he only has one year, that is, blood debt and blood payment.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the mission and obtaining two final-super nuclear-powered attack submarines, with information on the underwater environment of the global sea.”

“Open the system upgrade check-in, please complete the check-in after the host is in the whole of North China, after this sign-in, the system will be upgraded for the second time.”

Standing next to Okamura Ningji’s corpse, the harvest made Ye Ming very satisfied.

Super nuclear-powered attack submarine is another advanced submarine full of black technology.

This is a submarine basically similar in appearance to a modern attack nuclear submarine, with a length of 120 meters, a model of 11 meters, and a draft of nearly 10 meters.

The water displacement is seven thousand tons, and the water displacement is eight thousand tons with a full load.

The speed on the water is thirty knots, and the underwater speed is thirty-six knots.

The working depth is 250 meters, the limit depth is 600 meters, the self-sustaining force can reach more than half a year, and the crew required is less than 60 people.

The propulsion system adopts a single-shaft, single-propeller, pump-jet propulsion method, has a pressurized water reactor, two electric steam turbines, adopts an all-electric propulsion method, and is installed with an emergency electromagnetic propulsion system.

Originally, this submarine could also be equipped with a vertical launch system of twelve cruise missiles, but because there were no missiles, this design was canceled, and the reserve capacity and crew compartment space were further expanded.

This makes the interior of this submarine have eighty independent cabins for independent crews, and even when it is full, there are twenty redundant independent cabins to provide rest and residence for the twenty special forces transported by the submarine.

Submariners are the luckiest and most tiring in the world, because they are waiting in fully enclosed submarines for a long time.

Especially for nuclear submarines, a dive can be a few months without seeing the light of day.

It is a huge test for the soldiers inside the submarine, both physically and internally.

And this super attack nuclear submarine with system check-in rewards has the best humanistic care.

In addition to a small cinema, game hall, simulated sunbath, galley and dining room, the submarine has a separate cabin to ensure that each person will have nearly four square meters of private space.

The advanced seawater evolution system allows every crew member to enjoy a comfortable cold or hot bath every day.

Inside it is like a condensed living quarter, with various material reserve capabilities, which can also allow the crew to enjoy a variety of food inside.

In the history of human submarine construction, only the Mao Xiong’s Typhoon-class ballistic missile nuclear submarine has similar treatment.

In terms of weapons, submarines with six 610-mm torpedo launch systems are capable of firing torpedoes with a range of up to fifty nautical miles, and the speed of the torpedoes can reach an altitude of sixty knots, with active passive guidance, capable of attacking ships on the surface and areas up to a kilometer deep in the water.

And it also has the ability to deploy intelligent attack mines, and can conduct sea control operations in coastal waters or even shallow seas.

Combined with the detailed and clear global waters donated by the system, it means that the submarine can reach any water area in the world where it can go.

It can even launch underwater vehicles from torpedo tubes, which can transport submarines’ special forces to the shore more than a dozen nautical miles away.

The submarine also uses an advanced command system, an automated command system that integrates command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance.

The advanced optical information mast device allows submarines to quickly receive various battlefield information from AWACS, satellites and other ships.

At the same time, it can also clearly find the ship target on the water, and most importantly, it has a super silent ability, so that all kinds of sonar detectors in this era can not find its traces.

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