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The independent field army came, not only killed all the little devils, but also arrested all the Dongying people in the Four Nine Cities.

Traitors, big and small, damn one by one, were all pulled to the entrance of the market and shot, causing hundreds of onlookers to applaud.

Even those scoundrels and ruffians who usually use the support of little devils and act recklessly all day have been arrested.

The Independent Field Army immediately posted an announcement that these people whose crimes are not to death will also be sent to the mine for a certain period of labor reform, so that they can become people again in the future.

And there are too many such people in the four and nine cities.

For this reason, the Independent Field Army captured almost 10,000 people in one fell swoop.

However, there were even more traitors and traitors who were caught, and on the same day, thousands of those heinous traitors were shot.

And some big traitors who are still quite good at face will be transferred to the headquarters of the 18th Group Army, and in the future, a national public trial will be held against these people, and no one will be able to run away.

On the second day of taking control of Peiping, I heard that in the afternoon, the Independent Field Army would hold a ceremony to enter the city.

Countless people in the city spontaneously organized, and that morning, banners were hung in the streets, and all the shops and restaurants hung red lanterns.

Many small red flags were distributed to a large number of people, and before noon, on the road from Deshengmen to Chang’an Avenue, both sides of the road were already crowded with people, and the houses on both sides of the street were also overcrowded.

Excited people have finally ushered in the dawn of a peaceful life.

Someone previously described the city, controlled by imps and false axes: “It was a desolate and shameless slave world, and the whole city was covered with the shadow of hunger and death. ”

Slavery education was promoted, and many books were banned and the Four Books and the Five Classics and Japanese books were made compulsory reading.

In Peiping, under the rule of the Japanese puppets, the lives of many families were extremely difficult.

Don’t talk about rice in Beiping City, many people are already difficult to find millet in their homes, and millet has become a precious food in the eyes of people in Beiping City.

In such cities, people are often seen starving to death, and even on the most day, nearly 2,000 people are starved to death.

It’s not that there is no food in the city, but that food is controlled by little devils and used as military food.

On one side are the mountains of military food piled up by the little devils on the other side of the Temple of Heaven, and on the other side are the yellow-faced and skinny people in the city.

From the beginning of the reign to the present, the price of goods in the city has soared hundreds of times, and the average income of the people in the city has fallen several times.

This makes a large number of people in the city, not all kinds of family treasures, or selling everything of value in the family.

And these things basically ended up in the hands of the little devil.

It has been recorded that a prince left over from the Manchu Qing Dynasty, in order to simply eat three meals a day and feed his family, during the reign of the little devil, there were always thousands of precious cultural relics in exchange for the hybrid noodles needed for three meals a day.

And just yesterday, the fighters of the air assault battalion immediately controlled the grain on the other side of the Temple of Heaven.

Grain was trucked with food and distributed evenly to every household in the city.

The prices of the grain shops and shops controlled by the traitors and traitors were all reduced to the normal prices before the war.

As for those lawless businessmen, no matter what background you have, no matter who you are, they are all arrested.

Therefore, in just over a day, the whole of Beiping has undergone earth-shaking changes.

While excited, the people also expressed their sincere support for the Eighteenth Army.

This is one of the reasons why it is so lively today.

When the first tank came in through the Desheng Gate, the people who had already been in the city immediately cheered.

Enthusiastic people, surrounded by streets, left only a one-way street where vehicles and tanks could pass through.

The people in the city are very conscious, there is no need to control and maintain traffic, and the roads left behind are quite spacious.

The tank troops entering the city are mighty, the hatch on the tank has been opened, the driver has shown his head, the commander and the gun commander, and half of the body are also exposed to the hatch.

The people of the four and nine cities cheered enthusiastically, and it was wave after wave, and the noisy cheers of the sky spread to every corner of the city.

Tanks passed in front of them as if endlessly.

For these ordinary people, how the tank is performing, they do not understand at all, but they know that the more tanks, the more powerful it will naturally be.

Thousands of tanks, and all of them are equipped with rubber track modules, which allows the tanks to enter the city without damaging the masonry on the ground, otherwise more than thirty tons of tanks walked, I am afraid that this road will have to be repaired again.

Behind the mighty tank group are a larger number of armored vehicles.

On the infantry fighting vehicle, all the hatches were also opened, and the fully armed mechanized infantry stood half of their bodies from the upper part of the crew compartment and the open hatch.

The mighty and majestic army, every place it passes, can attract countless applause.

The vast convoy is simply endless.

As soon as the infantry fighting vehicle passed, it was followed by the PLZ-05 self-propelled howitzer, as well as the Type 89 22-mm 40-barreled tracked rocket launcher, although the population did not know what kind of equipment it was, but it was enough to look formidable.

When all these armored vehicles passed, there were Dongfeng fierce soldiers one after another, followed by huge trucks.

The entire entry ceremony lasted three hours, just as the last truck entered Deshengmen.

The people, who did not feel tired, were immediately attracted by the beeping sound in the sky.

The overwhelming swarm of helicopters, like locusts crossing the border, flew low over the four and nine cities.

Then there were a large number of fighters, passing at low altitude, followed by the B-52H Temperospheric Bastion bomber group, and finally the Y-20 Kunpeng transport.

This also allowed the broad masses of people in the Four Nine Cities to see how strong their motherland’s army had become.

This entry ceremony, although not a military parade, was also the first time that the Independent Field Army demonstrated its strong military strength to the outside world.

I believe that in two days, a large number of reporters in the crowd, as well as cameras and video recorders in the filming, will transmit today’s pictures to all parts of the motherland. _

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