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“Now the little devil is getting worse every day, but their Kwantung Army and Central China Front continue to resist stubbornly and threaten us with the lives of our compatriots, so there is no need to have any politeness and sympathy for the little devil.”

Ye Ming said solemnly: “If the little devil really can’t bear it, the war will already be over.” ”

“We understand, so at the negotiating table, we have never budged.” Political Commissar Luo nodded and said.

In the back seat of the extended Hongqi car, Chen Chen, who was sitting opposite Ye Ming, asked more curiously: “When you come back this time, are you going to start working on the Kwantung Army?” ”

“That’s right, if you don’t break the last sustenance of these two little devils, they will definitely not die.” Ye Ming nodded.

Ye Ming does not have nuclear weapons now, if he had, he would have arranged it for the little devil a long time ago.

When Chen Geng heard this, he said with some joy: “One by one, one by one, I come to fight every day, I am about to die of boredom, so it’s good to finish early and finish work early.” ”

Ye Ming nodded and asked with some curiosity: “Then how did Li Yunlong behave when he arrived at the Marine Corps?” ”

Chen Geng said: “Li Yunlong, that kid, performed very well, leading the First Marine Corps alone, strong soldiers and horses, clamoring every day to recover Liaodong. ”

“Lao Li is also a lord who can’t sit still, and it seems that everyone is really impatient to wait.” Ye Ming said with a smile.

In fact, all the weapons and equipment of the independent field army have only recently been put in place.

However, for the generals below, the number of weapons and equipment that the Independent Field Army had before was enough for them to easily sweep the Kwantung Army, and there was no need to wait until all the weapons and equipment were in place.

In their words, if you don’t fight, you won’t have to fight.

After all, the little devils have seen the results of the blockade of the mainland, maybe the little devils will not last long and will really surrender unconditionally.

Seeing that the two-month deadline given by Ye Ming was approaching, this also made the generals below all start to rub their fists.

Some people even proposed that it would be better to divide the troops and even fight the Central China Front below, one Kwantung Army is really not enough for them to eat.

Ye Ming could also imagine that this group of wolf cubs who had already roared really couldn’t be chained.

Outside the courtyard of Zhongshan in Xiangshan, the car stopped.

Ye Ming, who had changed into a regular uniform, walked up to this courtyard accompanied by Chen Geng and Political Commissar Luo.

The guards closely protected the other courtyard on this mountain, and Ye Ming and the three people came up, naturally no one stopped them.

Walking into the gate of the other courtyard, Ye Ming soon saw several people, chatting under the pavilion in the other courtyard.

Seeing the three people of Ye Ming coming over, they all got up and greeted them.

Without giving Ye Ming a chance to salute, the big treasurer walked quickly, took Ye Ming’s hands, and asked: “You are Comrade Ye Ming, you are really very young!” ”

“Hello.” Ye Ming nodded with a smile.

The * boss on the side said with a smile: “Brother Ye, after a few months, you really make the old brother a little self-contained!” ”

“The boss is polite, if you are put in my place, I believe you must do a better job than me.” Ye Ming said modestly.

“I can’t, the little ink in my stomach can’t keep up with the young people now.” * said the boss.

After a brief pleasantries, Ye Ming was also pulled by them to sit down together.

“We are all learning and improving recently, just like the boss said, if you don’t learn, you really can’t keep up, the world is too big, we need to learn too much.” The big treasurer sighed.

When Ye Ming heard this, he didn’t say anything.

Because of development, it will naturally promote the progress of mankind together.

“I don’t know Comrade Xiao Ye, when peace is over, what are your plans?”

After chatting for a while, the big treasurer suddenly asked.

This is also a problem that everyone present is very concerned about, and with Ye Ming’s contribution, it can really be said that he can almost be left to his choice.

Ye Ming also understood this, if he stayed, what he wanted, he could really get it.

But this is not what he wants, and even more so the system does not have the option to stay.

After defeating the little devil, he was leaving, and he had no choice about this.

“When I defeat the little devil, I will find a place where no one knows, a quiet life.”

Ye Ming’s answer made everyone present stunned, which was an answer that was beyond everyone’s.

The first of the big treasurers disagreed and said: “Comrade Ye Ming, defeated the little devil, but the construction of the motherland also needs you very much, it is easy to fight the rivers and mountains, but it is difficult to sit on the rivers and mountains!” Your talent is obvious to all…”

The big treasurer said a lot, and even planned to give it on the spot.

The second treasurer also said: “Comrade Ye Ming, although we were only cooperative at the beginning, we all saw all your contributions, we are definitely not some jealous and meritocratic people, you can rest assured…”

One by one, they were all persuaded.

Ye Ming also believed that what these people said was the truth, but he really made up his mind.

“Everyone, I have indeed made this decision a long time ago, I have chosen and built a place to live in seclusion, and when the motherland is strong and the economy rises in the future, I will definitely come back to see.”

Ye Ming’s repeatedly determined appearance made them very helpless.

In fact, no one wants to let Ye Ming leave, even if Ye Ming has paved countless roads for them, but how can they do this, then isn’t it flying birds to hide their bows and cunning rabbits to die lackeys to cook?

“Don’t think about it, I actually like to live a peaceful life alone.”

Hearing Ye Ming’s words, the big treasurer pondered for a moment and said: “Then let’s talk about this matter later, Comrade Ye Ming, how do you plan to fight this last stop?” ”

Ye Ming immediately said with a straight face: “In fact, whether it is the Kwantung Army or the East China Front, we have basically destroyed their main combat equipment under the non-stop air strikes of the past two months.

My plan is simple, that is, to continue to use the leapfrog tactics and the large-scale deep assault of armored groups, if you don’t fight, you don’t fight, and you will seal victory in one fell swoop.

In three days, it only takes three days of the world to completely divide and encircle the Kwantung Army and control the entire state of Manchukuo. “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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