Say a month is a month.

Takeo Imai has also been waiting entangled for a month.

Time passed day by day, the expansion of Tianjingtang Gukou Wharf was completed, and then huge super warships docked on this port one after another.

Every day, hundreds of onlookers were welcomed, and even people from thousands of miles away came here to take a look at the mountain-like fleet of the Yanhuang Navy.

To this end, Ye Ming also specially ordered the docked warships to open to the people for twelve hours a day to let them have a good visit.

As for the matter of the little devil, it was basically put behind Ye Ming, and he was not in a hurry at all.

But Takeo Imai is anxious, every day that passes, people in the country will starve to death, and it is estimated that millions of people will die a month.

Once it is delayed for a year, I am afraid that less than one-fifth of the population of the entire country will be left.

When the time comes, what eggs are there to use.

However, a month slowly came to the last day.

The telegram received by Takeo Imai still asked him to continue talking with Ye Ming and continue to negotiate the conditions.

This message made Takeo Imai completely despair.

Because of his month’s time, where can he see Ye Ming, and he didn’t even go out of his residence.

He could only stay on the side of the radio station and communicate with the country.

Even if Takeo Imai was no longer willing to accept these conditions, he knew all too well that they had to accept them, otherwise if the blockade continued, the Yamato nation would be extinct.

Because Takeo Imai heard that Ye Ming had asked various countries to repatriate the Dongying people in various countries, and on the Manchukuo side, a large number of Dongying people, one person only had one clothes, and then all were repatriated.

Now, in the entire Yanhuang territory, except for those war criminals who need to be tried, he is left as a Dongying person.

Even the prisoners of war were repatriated.

In the words of Takeo Imai, it was nothing short of murder.

Because there is no food in the country now.

It’s a hell there.

In the future, everyone will have to live on the bark of wild vegetables.

And more people will die from various diseases.

However, a document of disagreement to surrender was sent from the country, indicating that one hundred divisions and 30 million reserve soldiers in the country would resolutely fight the enemy to the end.

He really didn’t know what to say to those people in the domestic base camp, because Yanhuang didn’t care at all.

After recovering all the lost territory, Yanhuang had already begun to work on his own domestic problems, and no one would care about the life and death of the Dongying people.

The last day of the month passed, and Takeo Imai also received Ye Ming’s ultimatum.

A year later, if the Little Devils base camp is still unwilling to accept surrender, it will be a war of extermination.

At the same time, in the next month, more fleets will also join in blocking all external passages of the little devil’s sea, land and air, completely trapping everyone in the devil’s homeland.

However, Takeo Imai was personally fortunate that he was allowed to stay in Tianjing and wait for the results a year later.

And today, the fleet, which has always been extremely large, set off from Tianjing Port.

The entire Tianjing Haihe River and all the coastal areas were filled with cheering people.

Waving flags and watching one warship after another, they left the port and embarked on their first global voyage.

This time the fleet of global voyages, Ye Ming invested a lot of points.

In addition to the thousands of capital ships and thousands of missile boats that blockade the little devil, as well as all the amphibious fleets, all the remaining warships will join this global voyage.

However, the number of ships sailing around the world this time is not very large, less than a thousand, but the tonnage is extremely amazing.

Super nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, Ye Ming purchased a whole hundred.

That’s right, it’s a hundred, just these hundred super nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, Ye Ming paid five million points, and at the same time, in order to train hundreds of thousands of officers and soldiers on the aircraft carrier, he also spent hundreds of thousands of points.

There are the same number of super-nuclear-powered battleships as there are super-nuclear-powered aircraft carriers.

There are also a hundred 075 and 071, and the lineup can be said to be super luxurious.

What remains are five hundred 055 big drives and the last hundred super nuclear-powered fast combat supply ships.

A thousand warships, complete.

This is a super powerful fleet that is difficult to build in a hundred years, even if all mankind works hard.

The total tonnage of this fleet exceeds 40 million tons, not to mention ten times larger than all the navies in the world combined, and even if it is combined with all the various large ocean-going ships, it is almost this tonnage.

On this day, the fleet set off.

Along the long coastline of Yanhuang, the mighty fleet entered the Yellow Sea from the Bohai Sea, along the southeast coast, all the way.

Then the fleet entered the bay of the magic capital and welcomed the cheers of countless Yanhuang descendants.

On the seashore, countless people cheered and celebrated their own Armada.

On both sides, there are even a large number of lion and dragon dances to welcome the arrival of the Armada.

Firecrackers sounded everywhere.

In the evening, it is even more lively.

On both sides of the bay, whether it is the magic capital or other cities on the other side of the bay, countless fireworks are rising into the sky.

On this day, countless shops made the biggest discounts, and countless people rushed to the streets to celebrate the true armada of the motherland.

To this end, Ye Ming also bought a large number of fireworks and sent them to every warship, and his invincible fleet also began to set off fireworks.

Even many warships, simply under the night, released colorful jamming bombs to celebrate the rebirth of the motherland.

By the next day, when the fleet was about to set sail again, millions of civilians were retained.

This also made Ye Ming have to dock here for another three days, and also let the carrier-based aircraft of the aircraft carrier form a group of performance aircraft to conduct various flight shows over the bay.

At the same time, the fleet also sent countless grains to the people on both sides of the strait, because winter was coming, and the people would not suffer hardship.

Now, Ye Ming doesn’t care about points at all, and in the system mall, he has purchased a large number of things, used helicopters in the fleet, transported them to various townships and cities, and distributed them to the people.

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