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All the recruits lined up in a not very normal queue.

Ye Ming, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others stood in the first row of the queue.

Old Hei’s dismounted horse also came.

What just made Ye Ming speechless was that in the original play, Lao Hei found He Chenguang, but this time he found himself.

“Answer me, who are you now?”

In the face of Lao Hei’s roar, Ye Minglizheng said loudly: “Report squad leader, I am a recruit of the Iron Fist Regiment, a soldier. ”

Old Hei was stunned for a moment, originally he thought that Ye understood Bai Nen. The tender one was a young master soldier, who was about to give Ye Ming a dismount, but he didn’t expect Ye Ming’s answer to be so crisp.

“Very good, I am satisfied with your answer, but a hundred push-ups.” Lao Hei ordered loudly.

Ye Ming didn’t even say a word of nonsense, directly bowed his legs, lay on the ground with his upper body, supported the ground with both hands, and began to do the most standard push-ups.

Push-ups are such things, for Ye Ming, it is an absolute pediatric.

Not to mention a hundred, even if it is a thousand push-ups, even if it is three volts, he will not even have a drop of sweat.

Ye Ming can be said to be quite cooperative with Lao Hei’s dismount, and he really regards himself as a recruit.

When he crossed over to the bright sword, Ye Ming had not experienced the recruits at all, and this time he just made up for it.

What’s more, Ye Ming didn’t want to be too maverick, because he was just a recruit now.

At this moment, He Chenguang on the side saw Ye Ming start doing push-ups, so he immediately said: “Report to the squad leader, why did he answer correctly and do push-ups?” ”

Lao Hei immediately set his eyes on He Chenguang and said loudly: “Because I am your squad leader, and you are my soldiers, understand?” ”

“Report to the squad leader, I see.” He Chenguang also understood at this moment, after all, he came out of the war zone compound.

“A hundred push-ups!”

When He Chenguang heard this, he also decisively lay on the ground and began to do push-ups.

At this time, Wang Yanbing on the side muttered in a low voice: “It’s really instigated!” ”

Ye Ming, who was not in a hurry to do push-ups, shook his head slightly, sighing in his heart that the correctiveness of the plot was very strong.

Soon, Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing followed suit and did push-ups together.

From this moment, the training of the boot camp began.

However, the real training will start from the next day, after Ye Ming, who entered the barracks of the recruit company, made his bed and housekeeping.

And He Chenguang on the side saw Ye Mingbi’s standard square quilt, and all kinds of daily necessities were neatly arranged, so he asked curiously: “Big master, you were trained before”

“No, it’s just that I’ve always been strict with myself, and when I was studying, too.” Ye Ming explained.

This point, is really not Ye Minglai to say nonsense, the problem of regular style is what he has always asked of himself.

And that’s what I remember for the past eighteen years.

Hearing Ye Ming’s answer, He Chenguang suddenly gave a thumbs up and said, “You cow, you really cow.” ”

Ye Ming smiled slightly and didn’t say anything.

Officially entered the recruit company, Ye Ming can finally complete the sign-in of the system.

“Congratulations to the host for completing the mission check-in and getting a reward – Spider Sensing (Spider-Man from the Marvel universe).”

“Open a new check-in, ask the host to join the fourth company of sharpshooters, and complete the check-in.”

The moment he received the reward, Ye Ming found that everything around him had become different.

And Ye Ming also understood what spider induction is for the first time.

Spider sensing is a super sixth sense, has an unparalleled sense of danger, and can sense danger before it arrives, thus avoiding impending danger.

For Ye Ming, this is also a super ability, don’t look at him has a system map, but in fact, unless something happens, Ye Ming does not turn on spider induction all the time.

And the super god-level sniper originally made Ye Ming have a strong sixth sense, combined with spider sensing, Ye Ming found that he could not only passively feel danger.

At this moment, without using the system map, he could even “see” a small mosquito parked in the corner of the recruit’s dormitory.

On the grass outside, a small bug is climbing, and an ant is walking on the corridor outside.

He could feel a small bird in the sky that had just flown by, and he could feel that it was a small sparrow.

Even Ye Ming could feel the breathing and heartbeat of everyone in other dormitories at this moment, and could feel the fluctuations of various air currents and air around him.

And once he closes his eyes, this feeling will become clearer, as if his whole person has become a huge signal receiving device, which can instantly receive countless information around him, and then concentrate on processing, and his brain can extract all the information of interest at any time.

At the farthest away, Ye Ming can even feel thousands of meters away, and as for the danger warning ability, Ye Ming has no way to verify it now.

This is a super ability, which makes Ye Ming extremely satisfied.

When the assembly whistle blew the next day, Ye Ming was the first to get up, and within a minute, he had already put on his military uniform and folded the quilt.

And at this time, the recruits in the same dormitory were still a little bleary-eyed.

Ye Ming beckoned them to hurry, but as a result, before the recruits had put on their military uniforms, the old black squad leader walked away with a black face and pushed the door and walked in.

One by one recruits wearing military uniforms, Lao Hei was not surprised, but when he saw that all the quilts had already been prepared and the bed were not inferior to veterans of many years, he was quite surprised in his heart.

Ye Ming’s performance yesterday had already made him remember this recruit, and he did not expect such a surprise.

However, Lao Hei did not show it, but blackened his face and yelled at the recruits to be faster.

At this moment, it was just dark outside, and one by one the recruits got up and began the real sense of recruit training.

Ye Ming experienced every day of the recruits very freshly, but although he collected his strength, he still became the most dazzling one in the recruit company.

As for He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing, they have also become two thorns in the recruit company, because what the two people do, they like to compete for high and low.

It’s just that their light has always been suppressed by Ye Ming, because no matter what training or what they do, Ye Ming has always been the first.

It’s not that Ye Ming wants to be high-profile, but even if he lowers his standards again and again, he is the most dazzling one. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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