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And when Li Erniu began to get up an hour early to train, Ye Ming also followed.

He accompanied Li Erniu to start, and also taught Li Erniu how to better exercise himself.

And after Li Erniu’s daily training, Ye Ming will also give Li Erniu a tuina, and use his strength to relax Li Erniu’s muscles and muscles little by little, so as not to cause Li Erniu to fall into a dark injury and illness.

Soon Wang Yanbing and He Chenguang also joined in.

Next, every day, four people got up an hour in advance to train, and at the same time, in the routine daily training, whether it was Li Erniu, Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang, they all increased their weights.

With Ye Ming’s tuina, these three people are constantly growing every day.

Not to mention an ordinary person like Li Erniu, even a dark master like He Chenguang is also growing, but the growth rate is relatively slow.

He Chenguang is definitely a gifted person, coupled with his diligence, Ye Ming believes that with such hard work for another ten years, He Chenguang can definitely enter the level of Grandmaster Huajin.

And for the martial arts level of this world, Ye Ming also has a deep understanding.

Grandmaster-level masters, that is, above the dark energy, can perfectly use every point of power on their bodies, and their physical fitness is generally about 1.5 times that of normal humans, and ordinary grandmasters can live to be one hundred and fifty years old.

However, after the age of a hundred, because of the decline in physique, the strength of the body will decline little by little.

Just like the fist is afraid of being less strong.

How long the great grandmaster lives, Ye Ming doesn’t know, but this master does exist.

And the Great Grandmaster has a strong protective body, in the face of the master of the Great Grandmaster, the pistol has long been helpless, even if it is a Type 95 assault rifle, if it is not within twenty meters, the bullet cannot break through the Great Grandmaster’s strength.

And it is impossible for ordinary soldiers to beat the grandmaster of Zhongda.

As for what kind of strength is above the Great Grandmaster, Ye Ming doesn’t know, but it is rumored that that existence is already a God of War level existence, and it is strong and can easily slaughter a fully armed mechanized infantry regiment.

Not even missiles can lock on to such a person.

In other words, an infantry regiment of several thousand people like the Iron Fist Regiment is not an opponent of a God of War level master.

And if you are targeted by such a person, no matter unless you are protected by someone of the same level, no one can stop a person of the God of War level from sneaking attacks or assassinations.

And this is also an important reason why countries should strive to support martial arts.

There is even such a sentence, the existence of the God of War level, for every country, it is the same existence as nuclear weapons, which belongs to the most reported strategic resources.

And the reason why Ye Ming is so valued is that the nineteen-year-old grandmaster has every chance to become a master of the God of War level.

This is a very special world, although it is dominated by the world of soldiers, but in fact, it has long been plausible.

At least in the world where Ye Ming had lived, he had never heard of the existence of such martial arts, of course, it was possible that an ordinary person like him was not qualified to contact it.

And this world just puts all this kind of martial arts masters on the surface, and encourages people to learn martial arts.

In fact, in the world of bright swords, Ye Ming had also encountered martial arts masters, just like Duan Peng and Wei Monk, if it weren’t for Ye Ming leaving, these two would soon reach the cultivation of the Transformation Realm Grandmaster.

And in the folk, there are also many masters.

Therefore, after coming to this world and knowing that there are various martial arts, Ye Ming did not feel strange.

What’s more, in the army of the Yan Kingdom, they will also learn hard qigong similar to iron cloth shirt, which is also one of the basic martial arts that can allow soldiers to break through to dark power.

Even the Fan Tianlei that Ye Ming had encountered before was at the dark level, just because one leg was a little problematic, I am afraid that his strength would not be able to play much.

Ye Ming believed that in the Wolf Tooth Special Combat Brigade, there must be many martial arts masters, and there must be no missing grandmasters, and maybe even great grandmasters.

Therefore, Ye Ming has always been very low-key, even the system wants him to explore the secrets of this world, he does not think that with his current strength, he can be arrogant at will.

Of course, it is not that Ye Ming’s strength is very poor, don’t look at Ye Ming as the Grandmaster of Huajin, but in fact, even if the Great Grandmaster of Gang Jin is in front of Ye Ming, he can’t get any bargains, and even ordinary Great Grandmasters will be blasted.

A body five times the size of a human body is no joke.

Ye Ming’s kind is almost equivalent to the Henglian Grandmaster, and even ordinary Henglian Grandmasters do not have Ye Ming’s terrifying physical fitness.

Coupled with Ye Ming, who has received the inheritance of a god-level soldier king, and the inheritance of the Eight Extremes Grandmaster, whether it is fighting experience or fighting skills, it is also top-notch.

The main thing is that Ye Ming has never been the kind of person who likes to show off himself, he likes to keep a little hole card, the wave is impossible to wave, stable and safer.

After understanding this world in depth, Ye Ming also liked this world even more, although he was not the most holy of martial arts, he believed that he would definitely not be lonely in the future.

At the same time, Ye Ming also understood why the system would let him cross into this world, because this world had what he wanted, that is, martial arts.

Of course, there is also a main reason that the world he crossed also has the same Yanhuang bloodline as himself.

Coupled with the memories of the past eighteen years, Ye Ming also perfectly integrated into this world at this time.

With Ye Ming’s help, He Chenguang, Li Erniu and Wang Yanbing are also more excellent than them in the original work.

And soon, the recruit company ushered in the recruit assessment.

This time, because of Ye Ming’s arrival, the plot has changed to a certain extent, that is, the fourth company of sharpshooters will recruit three people.

One is Li Erniu, the other is He Chenguang, and the third is naturally Ye Ming.

Despite some changes in the plot, Wang Yanbing went to the 6th Company of Mechanized Infantry.

In the recruit assessment, because of Ye Ming’s relationship, He Chenguang did not give in to Wang Yanbing this time, and after getting along with the recruit company, the relationship between these two people was also in the competition, and a deep friendship was established.

Of the three people who entered the fourth company of sharpshooters, Li Erniu still went to the cooking class, while Ye Ming and He Chenguang were assigned to Lao Hei’s class together.

PS: Every day ten has not been broken, ask for flowers and evaluation votes, thank you! _

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