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Gong Jian wanted to give the two best recruits a shot.

Every officer and soldier in the fourth company of sharpshooters couldn’t help but control their breathing, and their eyes widened, for fear that they would miss some wonderful picture.

They know that their instructors put on such a battle, which shows that these two recruits are definitely not simple.

On the shooting position, Ye Ming did not lie on the ground, but chose to shoot in a standing position, while He Chenguang had already been lying on the ground and began to test the wind speed and adjust the scale of the scope.

Ye Ming is no stranger to such a training subject, in fact, using an eight-eight sniper rifle to play table tennis, and also requiring that he not touch the palm of the target, is simply difficult.

Because of such a training subject, it is used to train high-precision snipers using high-precision sniper rifles, not to train snipers in field troops.

After all, with the lethality of a sniper rifle, killing people on the battlefield does not need such accuracy at all.

And Gong Jian put out such a target, his idea, that is completely a louse on the head of a bald man.

The accuracy of eight or eight snipers simply does not meet the requirements of playing table tennis.

Therefore, He Chenguang on the side also prepared for a long time, and only then fired the first shot, and the ping-pong ball shaking on the arm on the humanoid target three hundred meters away was accurately exploded.

Ye Ming is not surprised, if the sniper has a level, and the full level is ten.

Then He Chenguang had basically reached the level of nearly full level, and he was equivalent to about fifteen levels after more than ten levels.

Even if the accuracy of the Type 88 sniper rifle is not as good as that of a high-precision sniper, it depends on whose hands it is.

Ye Ming did not make a move, but looked at He Chenguang, one by one, the table tennis balls on the target were all accurately exploded, even the table tennis balls on the target eight hundred meters away were accurately exploded.

Ye Ming could obviously feel that He Chenguang’s suddenly relieved appearance was finally not embarrassed.

In fact, even He Chenguang only had less than half of the hit rate when attacking the table tennis ball on the last 800-meter target.

Seeing this, Gong Jian was a little speechless, this time on target, he also planned to give Ye Ming a dismount, but he didn’t expect that even He Chenguang didn’t get it.

He Chenguang got up after fighting, and like everyone else, he also set his eyes on Ye Ming.

He knew very well that it was not that Ye Ming needed to aim for so long, but in order to let himself finish the fight first, so as not to affect himself.

Sure enough, when He Chenguang got up, Ye Ming pulled the trigger.

On the target three hundred meters away, the ping-pong ball exploded instantly.

Pulling the bolt, Ye Ming aimed at the target four hundred meters away, and in less than a second, he pulled the trigger again.

The target at a distance of four hundred meters also exploded, five hundred meters, six hundred meters, seven hundred meters, eight hundred meters.

Everyone was completely speechless by Ye Mingxiu.

He Chenguang performed very well before and knocked out the table tennis.

But the time also took two minutes faster, but Ye Ming!

From hitting the first 300-meter target to the last 800-meter target, the time before and after added up was less than ten seconds.

In other words, Ye Ming hardly aimed, and all the ping-pong balls on the target were knocked out.

Gong Jian was so shocked that he was almost able to swallow a duck egg in his mouth.

The entire fourth company of sharpshooters was also shocked to the point that no one made a sound.

However, the next moment, there was no need for Gong Jian’s order, and everyone applauded and cheered.

Even He Chenguang looked adoring.

Gong Jian finally came to his senses, took a deep breath, walked in front of Ye Ming, and said, “It’s a good fight.” ”

For Ye Ming, Gong Jian no longer knows what to do, such a master, let alone in the fourth company of sharpshooters, even if he goes to the special forces to smash the field, he is qualified.

“Instructor, this level is too low, do you want to see it more exciting.” Ye Ming smiled slightly and said.

“Oh, it looks like I have to see it today, how do you want to play.” Gong Jian suddenly became interested, and it was necessary for him to thoroughly understand where Ye Ming’s limit was?

When He Chenguang next to him heard this, he was also suddenly a little eager to try.

“Type 88 sniper rifle, effective range of 800 meters, today is still raining lightly, I see that the air flow on the top of the mountain is also very unstable, the wind speed is swinging between level four and six, I want to challenge the flagpole of two kilometers to hit the top of the mountain.” Ye Ming said lightly.

When Gong Jian heard this, the whole person was a little bad, came to Ye Ming’s ear, and whispered: “Can you die if you don’t brag?” ”

However, before Ye Ming could speak, He Chenguang reported: “Report instructor, Ye Ming wants to challenge two thousand meters, and I challenge 1,400 meters, the same is to hit the flagpole of the mountain.” ”

Lao Hei, who was standing on the side, immediately shook his head and said: “It’s all crazy, don’t say two kilometers, fourteen hundred meters of bullets are floating, plus hitting the mountain, the trajectory is an arc, this is simply a joke.” ”

Gong Jian said to Lao Hei: “Haven’t you played?” If you can’t hit, you should test the gun for them. ”

Hearing this, Lao Hei shook his head and stood aside.

Gong Jian turned to face all the soldiers of the fourth company of sharpshooters and asked, “Do you want to see it?” ”

Li Erniu, who was in the team, was the first to shout: “Think!” ”

Immediately afterwards, all the fighters also cheered.

Soon there were fighters, who went to the hills in the distance and laid out flagpoles.

It was He Chenguang who shot first, but like the original plot, he still needed another person to assist in shooting.

Gong Jian also simply gave He Chenguang as an auxiliary shooter.

After aiming for nearly twenty seconds, after adjusting the aiming alignment, He Chenguang shot.

Ye Ming, who was standing behind He Chenguang, suddenly smiled the moment he shot.

The flagpole, 1,400 meters away, collapsed after the bullet flew for more than a second.

The next moment, the entire fourth company of sharpshooters all cheered.

At this moment, Gong Jian’s face was also full of shock.

Within the effective range of 800 meters, that is to test the accuracy of the sniper, but the long-distance sniper, that is to test the true level of the sniper.

Because sniper accuracy is generally used to rescue hostages, but for snipers in the field and special forces, far away is the most important.

Especially on the battlefield, snipers will place their positions far away, at least to avoid being within the attack range of the enemy’s individual rocket launchers. _

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