Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 181: mute flower

Also from the 21st century, Chen Xiayue was of course disturbed by all kinds of noises. Every time she couldn't fall asleep, she wished that the surroundings would be silent and there was no sound, so that she would not be woken up just after falling asleep.

Chen Xiayue has many times because the house is not soundproof, and what people next door will disturb her. Especially the sound of the square dance, it is simply a magic sound to fill the brain.

Many times Chen Xiayue didn't get enough sleep, and was woken up by various sounds. Getting up is very angry, but she can't win people when she quarrels, not to mention it's useless to get angry at those who quarrel with her.

Especially the old ladies who choose square dancing, if you dare to quarrel with them, they will dare to besiege you with a group of people. Therefore, Chen Xiayue generally can only swallow her anger, and she can only hide and cry when she can't sleep because of the noise, and she doesn't dare to go out and quarrel with those old ladies.

Chen Xiayue bought 100 mute flowers and put them in the store. In terms of price, she set a price of 120 yuan per mute flower, which is the same price as Tianjingcao.

It is also a magical plant, and there is no special treatment. The price of Tianjingcao and Silent Flower is the same - what if the price the system sells to her is different, she will get the same price when she sells it.

And it is very cost-effective if the mute flower is well maintained. For those who have been troubled by noise for a long time, the mute flower bought for 120 yuan solves this problem, it is very worthwhile.

Chen Xiayue said with certainty that if she had something like this that could completely solve the problem of noise in her previous life, she would definitely buy it without hesitation. Every time she was woken up in a daze, and woken up after three or four hours, four or five hours of water, she wished she could be deaf.

Of course, that was just a momentary angry thought. Chen Xiayue still hoped that her hearing would be normal, otherwise she wouldn't be able to hear so many beautiful voices in the world?

After the mute flower was put on the shelves, Chen Xiayue didn't care. She continued to read and discussed with Zhang Chengchuan the effect of a certain plant as medicine, as well as its original and derived effects.

Zhang Chengchuan is indeed better at science, but he has read a lot of biology books and chemistry books recently. Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue discuss certain medicinal materials and certain plants very smoothly.

The couple quietly put the mute flowers on the shelf, and Cong Jianghai and Wen Xiangyu, who were loyal customers, found out.

Cong Jianghai bought a plant of Tianjing grass in one go and planted it, and he could really feel the change. Recently, he likes to look at the river next to his house more and more, and he likes the clear water very much.

Moreover, the Tianjingcao in the river is really beautiful, with fleshy leaves like succulents and crystal clear colors, it is really beautiful.

Wen Xiangyu also bought Tianjingcao, a plant that is said to purify soil and water sources, and she also bought one and planted it in her own well.

That's right, Wen Xiangyu's drinking water is well water.

This well was dug by her parents when Wen Xiangyu was a child. Every time the water in the village was cut off, Wen Xiangyu's family relied on this well to live. It was really nice to not have to go out to fetch water.

The well water is clean, but Wen Xiangyu is also worried that the nearby rivers have been polluted in recent years, and the garbage and other things are thrown into the river or in the river. Will there be some pollution in her well?

After Tianjingcao was bought, Wen Xiangyu planted it in the well, but Wenxiangyu spent a lot of effort to successfully plant Tianjingcao in the well.

Tianjing grass is a plant that can be planted on land and water, but Wen Xiangyu is not too worried that it will not grow well or die if it is planted in a well. She would love to try it out and see if it actually purifies the water.

Unexpectedly, the effect is really good. Tianjingcao is really tenacious in its life. Wen Xiangyu has tossed it for a long time before planting it to the bottom of the well. I didn't expect it to grow well, and it also played a role in purifying the water source.

Wen Xiangyu couldn't use the water like Hu Zhaozhao to test whether it was really purified, but Wen Xiangyu could feel that the well water tasted better. I don't know if it's a psychological effect or real, anyway, Wen Xiangyu can feel that the well water has really changed slightly.

The test results from Hu Zhaozhao came out very quickly. The test results proved that Tianjingcao really has the ability to purify. The test results of the two bottles of water were completely different.

Another bottle of river water was detected to be somewhat contaminated, and it was the kind that could not be drunk anyway. The test results of the water purified by Tianjingcao fully meet the drinking water standards.

Hu Zhaozhao was very satisfied after getting the test results, and hurriedly placed an order, only to find that there were only a few plants left in the stock of Tianjingcao, so he quickly bought all the remaining Tianjingcao.

After buying Tianjingcao, Hu Zhaozhao visited some stores and found that the store had new products on the shelves. It turns out to be a plant like Tianjingcao, what is the silent flower called?

Hu Zhaozhao was moved by the introduction of Mute Flower.

It can purify the noise, ensure that there is no noise harassment within a radius of ten meters, and even ensure that the sound is really blocked. Does such a magical plant really exist?

Hu Zhaozhao lives in the countryside. When everyone in the village builds houses, they can't care about soundproofing or not. One wall is not thick, so the sound is not blocked at all.

Hu Zhaozhao's work and rest are relatively regular, but she is also annoyed that every time she sleeps, the sound of eating and drinking next door, or someone's loudspeaker music makes her unable to sleep.

Hu Zhaozhao was used to sleeping between ten o'clock in the evening, staring at his son after finishing his homework and staring at him and falling asleep. Hu Zhaozhao also fell asleep.

But sometimes the neighbors are still drinking at ten o'clock, and those people never control their volume when they drink. Every time they wish their voice was the same as if they had practiced the lion's roar, they wished that the whole village would roar. Can hear what they say.

Hu Zhaozhao was so noisy that he couldn't sleep at all. He didn't sleep well at night, and he didn't always have the opportunity to sleep when he wanted to make up for sleep during the day. It was just as noisy during the day.

Hu Zhaozhao recently bought sleep earplugs to use, but wearing them is always more uncomfortable than not wearing them, and the sleep earplugs do not completely isolate the sound, and the sound can be heard clearly even if it is too loud.

Can this mute flower really have such a good sound insulation effect? Is it really possible to keep her from being woken up by noises when she wants to sleep?

Although there are some doubts, the Tianjingcao I bought before is really good, so Hu Zhaozhao still bought a silent flower.

The mute flower can guarantee to purify the noise within ten meters, and her house is not very big. Hu Zhaozhao thought about it. If he can't just buy one, let's buy two.

Her house is not big, but I feel that the ten-meter range is not enough, so I bought two plants. One is placed in her and her husband's room, and the other is placed in her in-laws' room.

As for her son's room, it's next to theirs, so don't worry about his side. After all, it is still within the scope of the mute flower, and it can play a role.

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