Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 183: ensure safety

The platform connected to Chen Xiayue's farm is a regular platform and not an online black market, so don't think about weapons or anything.

The only one who can ask for help is Ans, the emperor of the Owen Empire in the interstellar age.

As the emperor of a country, Ans has great power. Before taking over as the emperor, Ans was also a brave and skilled fighter, with outstanding combat power and proficient in various weapons. He also had a mecha that ranked among the top five in the entire empire.

So looking for Ales, that was the right decision.

"You want something that can guarantee your own safety?" Ans asked curiously, "You never wanted such a thing before."

What Zhang Chengchuan wanted in the past were all technological things. As a future person who has entered the star era with the rapid development of technology for tens of thousands of years, Ans is not stingy at all to give Zhang Chengchuan some technology that has been eliminated by the star.

I just didn't expect that what Zhang Chengchuan needs this time is something that can guarantee safety. Is there any danger in that backward time and space?

Ans thought about it, no matter what era there is danger. You can't feel that there is no danger because the earth was very backward at that time. Although there were no Zerg, no alien beasts and star beasts, there were people and some backward weapons.

And it is impossible for the earthlings to not only transform into beasts with powerful force value, but also have supernatural abilities like their orcs.

Therefore, it seems that Zhang Chengchuan wants to ensure his safety, which is not incomprehensible.

"Recently, I have come up with more and more things, and I will continue to study many good things in the future. It will definitely attract some people's attention at that time. They want to get my research results from me, or If you can't get it, you will destroy it and want to kill me, it is also possible."

"In order to ensure my own safety and the safety of my family, I definitely want something that can protect me and my family." Zhang Chengchuan said with a smile.

He is not so urgent, because the things he took out before were not so important, so now he is not in danger, after all, he has not attracted the attention of some people.

But if he got the oil detector out, it would definitely attract some people's attention. At that time, various spying, as well as stealing his research results, or assassinating him may come.

Although it is a bit too narcissistic to think so, it is also too important to think of yourself. However, Zhang Chengchuan didn't want to put himself in danger at all, and he didn't want to put his family in danger.

"What kind of weapons do you need?" Ans asked. "Don't think about mechas or laser weapons. It's too powerful for your side."

Zhang Chengchuan also knew very well that mechas and laser weapons could not appear on his plane. If these things appeared, it would simply be a dimensionality reduction attack, which would directly destroy this backward plane.

"If you want to give it to me, the system will not give it." Zhang Chengchuan sighed, "Is there any protective cover or something?"

Zhang Chengchuan also followed Chen Xiayue to read novels. Recently, the couple not only watched movies and TV series, but also read novels.

Zhang Chengchuan likes to read some scientific and technological articles, no matter if he is brainless or not, it can give him a lot of inspiration. The technology that the protagonists in the science and technology articles came up with made Zhang Chengchuan's heart itch.

And there is something like a protective cover written on it, a transparent protective cover that can wrap people in danger to block any physical attacks.

Zhang Chengchuan felt that this kind of thing was very suitable for him and his family. As for other things, he didn't need it much. As long as he had a high force value, there would be no great danger.

"Energy shield? Yes." Ans nodded and said, "But the energy shield on my side can directly protect a planet. It seems that there is no small one that can only protect one person."

As the emperor, Ans has the best things, of course, the energy shield is the best and largest, the kind that can protect an entire planet.

Of course, there are also those that can protect an entire city. Whoever made Ans and his relatives and friends are the ones with the strongest force value, they simply can't use the energy shield to protect individuals.

"If I go back, I will get you a batch of energy shields. Of course, you can study it if you are interested."

"After all, the level of technology on your side is far behind us, and the energy shield I gave you is also very ordinary, which can be researched according to the level of technology on your side."

"After all, the attacks on your side are not as powerful as the weapons on our side, and ordinary first-generation energy shields can resist those attacks," Ans said.

"Then please Ans, thank you so much." Zhang Chengchuan said gratefully.

"You're welcome, aren't we friends?" Ans smiled.

He also didn't expect that he would one day be friends with a seemingly weak human being, but Ans felt very comfortable to think of it like this. Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue both made him feel very good. They put them in the friend's place.

"Recently, our empire has become more and more lively, and everyone is learning to cook in full swing. Thank you for this." Ans thanked with a smile.

Although it is said that the methods of making these delicacies are all exchanged by Ans with Chen Xiayue and the others, he is still very grateful to them.

Food can really soothe the soul, and delicious food can really make people happy. Even food can heal and soothe their spiritual power.

Chen Xiayue is currently researching medicated meals. Although Ans gave Chen Xiayue a nourishment recipe, they used it directly into decoctions and medicines, not into medicated meals.

After Chen Xiayue researched the medicated diet formula for Ans, after several experiments there, it was confirmed that medicated diet really has the effect of treating mental power.

The discovery made Anles happy.

His spiritual realm was much better because of the food that Chen Xiayue made. Although he has not completely recovered, he has recovered 70%.

He has to admit that being able to contact the Chen Xiayue couple is not only their luck, but also his luck. Otherwise, his spiritual realm has always been so irritable and hurt so much, who knows when he will completely lose his mind?

His family also had this idea of ​​making him emperor. After all, he didn't know when he completely lost his mind and turned into a real beast. Before that, making him emperor can enjoy the best treatment in the entire empire and let him get the greatest power. , so that all resources are tilted towards him.

Now he is almost healed, which is a real joy.

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