Chen Xiayue likes furry, chubby little cuties very much. She doesn't like grown up animals very much, but she likes furry little cubs very much.

And most of the netizens in 2020 are plush control, how can they not like the cute and furry pictures?

The silent wallpapers that Chen Xiayue hung up were the first ones to be sold out. All that's left is the beautifully landscaped wallpapers that are simply immersive and heartwarming.

The mute wallpaper has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens because of the relationship between Tianjingcao and mute flower before, so the mute wallpaper sold well after it was put on the shelves.

Although everyone is complaining about whether the silent wallpaper is too expensive, it is indeed expensive compared to the silent words, but it is much cheaper than other wallpapers.

100 yuan can buy 10*100 meters of wallpaper is really not too expensive, especially free shipping, and also has a mute effect, it is really cheap.

There are many people who are troubled by noise. Buying a silent wallpaper can not only decorate your room beautifully, but also purify the noise. How exciting is that?

And only a few people bought mute flowers, others can only buy mute wallpapers, after all, the store no longer sells mute flowers.

The customer service has clearly told everyone that from now on this store only sells mute wallpapers, and mute flowers will no longer be sold.

Those who bought the mute flower are very anxious and very happy. The mute flower they bought has become out of print. Do you know that there are 100 mute flowers in the world?

The mute wallpaper can be bought casually. Everyone is very sad that they missed the mute flower, but they still bought the mute wallpaper with disgust and integrity.

No one doesn't want a quiet sleep, no one doesn't want a quiet learning environment, and no one wants to be attacked by all kinds of noise every day.

No one is willing to listen to some unreasonable old lady playing square dance music at a high volume, no one!

So mute wallpaper is so cheap, everyone is willing to buy it. One hundred yuan can buy such a large wallpaper, and it also has a mute effect, who doesn't want to buy it?

Is it difficult to spend tens of thousands of dollars to buy sound insulation materials and come back for decoration? Why spend tens of thousands of dollars for something you can get for a hundred dollars?

Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan were looking at the atlas printed by Ans, looking at all kinds of beautiful, magnificent, or quiet and pleasant scenery pictures, full of envy.

"These scenery are too beautiful, aren't they? There are so many beautiful places in Interstellar." Chen Xiayue was so envious.

In fact, there are many places with beautiful scenery on the earth. Chen Xiayue also searched various landscape pictures on the Internet in her previous life, and some of them are as beautiful as fairyland.

But who made these pictures not available now? Who made everyone not appreciate the beauty very much now? In this era, everyone only cares about food and clothing, and the scenery and other things can only be enjoyed by capitalism.

When Chen Xiayue saw the pictures in the album, she was really envious and envious. The scenery was really beautiful, especially the pictures of some scientific phenomena beyond the earth, which really opened her eyes.

There are also pictures of various mechs and starships in these atlases, and even warships of the military department.

Usually starships are passenger starships, and battleships are rarely seen. But there are more than a dozen pictures of battleships in these albums that Ans gave to Chen Xiayue, and the pictures on the outside and inside of the battleship are very clear.

There are also many pictures of the mecha, probably dozens of them. Each mech is particularly handsome, or quiet, or in battle, and even pictures of battle-damaged mechs.

"These pictures are really beautiful." Chen Xiayue sighed with emotion, the mecha battleship was good enough, but the people who took the pictures turned out to be superb, and the pictures they took were even more beautiful.

Chen Xiayue was fascinated, and Zhang Chengchuan was also fascinated by the battleships and mechas above - how could men not like these things? Simply cool.

"Have these pictures been made into wallpapers?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

The wallpaper album was printed by Ans for Chen Xiayue, but the wallpaper was packaged directly and not taken apart, so the wallpapers on the shelves need to scan the pictures in the album and upload them.

Zhang Chengchuan was very curious. This album is very thick. There are probably thousands of pictures in this thick album. Have they been made into wallpapers?

"Shouldn't it be? Ans told me that there were only fifty patterns for wallpaper, and the rest were printed out and given to us as a picture book when he saw that we liked it." Chen Xiayue said.

"Only fifty?" Zhang Chengchuan also relaxed.

"Yes, there are no starships and mechas in the wallpaper pattern, only some cute cubs and scenery, and of course pictures of beautiful nebulae, the rest have not been made." Chen Xiayue looked at the picture Book said.

"That's pretty good too." It's not that Zhang Chengchuan hasn't visited other wallpaper shops on the online shopping platform, and there are quite a few patterns, but no one's wallpaper has thousands of patterns.

Chen Xiayue's shop has fifty designs, which is already very good, and it is considered too many. Not to mention thousands, even a few hundred are enough to make customers dazzled.

"I really like these pictures." Chen Xiayue said with emotion while holding the album.

"You can't take it out if you like it, and you can't let others see it." Zhang Chengchuan rubbed his daughter-in-law's head and warned.

Such a thick album, with thousands of pictures in it of all kinds, really couldn't be taken out. How to explain where things come from? How to explain what is in these pictures?

It's enough for them to enjoy it in the house, but it's not enough to take it out for others to see, it will cause big problems.

"I'm not that stupid. What do I take out such a big thing? I still think it's too heavy." Chen Xiayue gave him a roll of eyes.

"How's the dental treatment you're researching? Is there an effective prescription?" Zhang Chengchuan changed the subject.

"Do you think I'm a genius? How long has it been since I started researching, how can it be so fast?" Chen Xiayue said helplessly.

She also really wants to quickly develop a prescription for teeth, such as toothache, cavities, bad teeth, etc., but she hasn't researched it yet?

How long has she been studying pharmacology? How many months? three months? How can they research things so quickly that others who have studied medicine all their lives may not be able to research them?

"I think you should ask Ans for help." Zhang Chengchuan said amusingly, "I'm not attacking you, but it takes a long time for you to study, and you may not wait that long before you may grow wisdom teeth, Rotten teeth, bad teeth, and then a bad mouth after a night's sleep."

"Ah, ah, why did you hit me?! I know that too!" Chen Xiayue rushed over to beat Zhang Chengchuan, why did you say it! Is it really good to hit her like that?

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