Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 203: Zhang Tingting betrothed 2

The genes of the Zhang family are really good. The cousins ​​are very good-looking. Of course, the best-looking one in this generation is Zhang Chengchuan.

Huang Qiuyu's husband Zhang Chengping is also very good-looking, and his height is also 1.79 meters and nearly 1.8 meters. People are good-looking and have a good figure because they work very well all year round, and they have been eating well recently, so they are even better.

Huang Qiuyu sincerely thinks that in terms of looks or her own man is more excellent, that is, her man does not have the temperament of others. That kind of gentle, handsome, gentle and polite scholar's temperament, she does not have the man.

"What's the use of these good-looking people in our family? Tingting's target is a doctor, and she is about to be promoted to the attending doctor at a young age." Hu Xiaofang said, and then asked Chen Xiayue: "What is the position of the attending doctor? What does it have to do with ordinary doctors? the difference?"

Chen Xiayue shrugged. In fact, she didn't really understand what a doctor's job was. Anyway, she knew that the attending doctor had a higher position and better treatment than ordinary doctors.

"Anyway, we only need to know that Tingting's target is young and promising." Chen Xiayue said with a smile.

"Yes." Hu Xiaofang and Huang Qiuyu both nodded.

Zhang Chengchuan on the side couldn't bear the black line listening to the words of these women, but he didn't interrupt. He's not the kind of person who doesn't like to gossip, and he's not the kind of person who doesn't know how to gossip with his female relatives, but he just feels that he doesn't need to interrupt at this moment, just listen to them.

"By the way, have you seen Tingting's future in-laws? She looks so upset with her nose upturned." Huang Qiuyu asked Hu Xiaofang.

"I see." Hu Xiaofang actually felt that the attitude of Zhang Tingting's future in-laws was really unpleasant, but she felt that most of the city people probably had such an attitude and didn't take it to heart.

Like Chen Xiayue's maiden's family, they didn't look down on the country people, but they were kind to everyone. It seems that there are not many - not none, but very few.

Even those educated youths who went to the countryside looked high and high when they first came to the countryside. It was only after being beaten up by the society that they learned to be humble and live in harmony with the villagers.

Although the relationship between Huang Qiuyu and Hu Xiaofang is not very good, they are still sisters-in-law. When they talk about Zhang Tingting's future in-laws, they all have the same attitude - why do they look down on the country people? Why look down on their old Zhang family?

Chen Xiayue smiled and looked at their indignant appearance and said nothing. After all, she had never met Zhang Tingting's object or his parents, so she would not comment.

The fact that Zhang Tingting's partner came to propose marriage attracted the attention of many people in the Yunhe Brigade, and it was a particularly hot topic in a short period of time.

Yunhe Brigade did not have many marriages with people from the city. The most recent one was Chen Xiayue, a city girl who married from the county seat. Then, a little further than Chen Xiayue, the one who married in the city was Zhang Chengchuan's sister, Zhang Chengyu, who married in the town.

The girl who married Brother Bing before, although her object was Brother Bing, was also from the countryside, so it was not a marriage with the city.

Zhang Tingting is a girl everyone likes very much. She reads well, works hard, and has a bright and generous personality. When Zhang Tingting was about to graduate, many people in the Yunhe Brigade wanted to wait for her to go to Zhang's house to say kiss after graduation. You can't marry Zhang Tingting home.

In the end, I didn't expect Zhang Tingting to graduate, but it took so long to find a partner, and the other party's conditions were still so good.

So the topic in the village revolved around Zhang Tingting and her partner, talking about how good Zhang Tingting's partner was and how difficult her future in-laws seemed to get along with.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying also talked about Zhang Tingting's marriage when they went home. They had a good impression of the young man, but the other's parents made them very uncomfortable.

Zhang Deping and Liu Guiying's two daughters-in-law are from the city, and their only daughter is married in the city. It's not that they haven't dealt with people in the city. When they get along with their own in-laws, they are not as aggrieved when they get along with Zhang Tingting's future in-laws.

"You said that Tingting's object is such a good boy, why are his parents so annoying?" Liu Guiying couldn't understand, she couldn't help complaining to her daughter-in-law after returning home.

"What's wrong? When she was at Tingting's house, her future mother-in-law was angry with you?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

"That's not true." Liu Guiying shook her head and said, "That old lady looked mean, she looked at us like she was looking at something dirty, how could I go up and talk to her with her attitude. ?"

"I originally thought that Tingting's object is such a good boy, and parents who can raise such a good son should also be very good. Just like our family, I raised you and your brother from such good parents as your father. Your sister is such a good child."

"As a result, in that couple, the woman looked at people with her nostrils. Although the man didn't use her nostrils to look at people, it was very annoying. How did this couple raise such a good boy? I am very puzzled."

"Okay, okay, it's Tingting's parents who will deal with Tingting's future husband-in-law, not you and me. What's the use of you getting angry?" Zhang Chengchuan reassured his mother.

"Now, do you know how easy my father-in-law and mother-in-law are to get along with? My uncles and brothers are also easy to get along with, right?" Zhang Chengchuan took the opportunity to say good things to his Yue family, and the ultimate goal was to say good things to his daughter-in-law and let his mother talk to him. Daughter-in-law can get along more peacefully.

"Yeah, your father-in-law and mother-in-law get along better." Liu Guiying was also very emotional when she heard her son say this.

When the two families talked about their relationship, her attitude was not good because she was very dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law's body, and her in-laws were not very angry or looked down on others.

But Liu Guiying also knew very well that her in-laws did not have any kind of attitude towards them because of her daughter's poor health.

The Chen family's attitude towards the Zhang family at the beginning was that this marriage could be the best, and if it couldn't be done, it would be impossible for people to despise their daughter, and it would be impossible for the Zhang family to abuse their daughter. Her daughter's health is not good, but she is not in a hurry to marry into the Zhang family.

When Liu Guiying thought of her daughter-in-law's maiden family, she felt a lot better. She was a little bit upset by the attitude of her future parents-in-law at Zhang Tingting's house before.

"How was the marriage negotiation? They came to propose a marriage. After the negotiation, are they sure when they will get engaged? When will they get married?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

"I made an appointment. The engagement will take place in about seven days, and an engagement banquet will be held. As for marriage, it will have to wait for winter." Liu Guiying said.

"Is it so late?" Zhang Chengchuan raised his eyebrows.

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