Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 212: Apocalypse 4

After all, there is a distance of several hundred meters between the farmhouse and the Xiayue grocery store. If it weren't for the relatively open view here, Chen Xiayue might not be able to see the farmhouse.

The farmhouse is surrounded, so after Yan Wenluo goes in, no one can be seen.

Chen Xiayue looked away from the farmhouse and looked elsewhere. The house is still standing on the ground well. It should not be an earthquake-prone place, so the house is still well maintained.

Chen Xiayue can't tell if there has been a flood here, but at this time, I rarely see good plants outside. It should be because the drought is more serious.

Chen Xiayue couldn't help sighing. At the beginning, when she traveled back to the 1960s, she still felt that life was difficult. But now that she saw the world in 2167, she felt that the 1960s was simply a fairy age.

"This plane is really... difficult." Chen Xiayue couldn't help but sighed.

"Yeah." Zhang Chengchuan walked to Chen Xiayue's side and followed her to watch the scene outside, and after hearing her emotion, he followed suit.

After knowing that this plane turned out to be a world with so many disasters, Zhang Chengchuan, who had experienced three years of drought, felt that it was even more miserable here.

"Ans, do you want to stay here? Or are you going home?" Zhang Chengchuan asked Ans, who was still sitting there drinking tea.

"Let's go later." Ans said with a smile, "Although you must have a protection mechanism, I have to stay to deter you, right? In case someone sees so much food in your shop , what do you do if you want to rob you?"

"Anything can happen in this world. It's not bad for me to stay and help you shock those who come to buy things." Ans said with a smile.

"Thank you, Ans." Chen Xiayue thanked.

To be honest, neither she nor Zhang Chengchuan's strength is very good. Although Zhang Chengchuan can now beat several ordinary people by himself, I'm sorry that it was on their plane.

Whether it's facing Ans, an orc who can transform into a giant dragon, or a person from the apocalyptic plane who can't survive without a super high force value, Zhang Chengchuan's force value is not high.

And Chen Xiayue, her force value is less than or equal to no. She really doesn't have something like force worth - she's just a useless otaku.

"To be honest, it really surprised me that you can connect to other planes, especially such planes." Ans said with some emotion, "I thought you could connect to our interstellar plane. Surprised, I didn't expect to be able to connect to such a plane."

Ans has never experienced such an era of frequent disasters. When the orc empire entered the interstellar era from the original primitive era, there was no major disaster, and it did not experience any apocalypse or the like.

The Orc Empire has slowly entered the interstellar era from a small planet. After 10,000 years, the Orcs have occupied the vast universe. The Owen Empire alone has occupied several galaxies.

As for the end times, it has never been experienced.

Even if a certain planet is suffering due to war or disasters, in the eyes of interstellar people, it is just an ordinary disaster, and it is not at the level of the end of the world.

It is like a disaster in a certain region of a country. The biggest disaster is only a disaster in a province, and it does not reach the point of disaster in the whole country or the world.

When Ans learned about this plane through Zhang Chengchuan, he really couldn't help feeling - fortunately, their orc empire is very good, the orcs are very strong, and fortunately, they have not experienced such an apocalyptic disaster.

After Yan Wenluo went back, he prepared some things. Of course, there was no shortage of discarded metals and cars. There are so many things happening in this world, some things must be easily broken, and everyone can't have so much time to repair cars, so there are many abandoned cars.

Yan Wenluo and Lu Zhaoming drove a truck over, and there were some scrap metal and wires on the truck.

This is what Yan Wenluo found Lu Zhaoming and the others just found. This truck is a very common FAW truck. The color is still a very common blue truck, not small but not as big as a heavy truck.

The compartment of this car has been flattened, but the body can still put things, and the front side of the car is also recessed, but it can still be driven.

Yan Wenluo has no nostalgia for this car. There are so many abandoned cars in this world, and he doesn't feel any pain in exchange for such a nearly ruined truck - if it hurts, it should be distressed. It was the Maserati he bought before the end of the world. The car he had just bought after spending millions was crashed due to a natural disaster.

Yan Wenluo is reluctant to exchange his Maserati for food. He spent millions on it before the end of the world. Now he doesn't want his millions to be exchanged for less than 100,000 things.

When Yan Wenluo got out of the car, Lu Zhaoming followed him and looked like a protector. It was clear that Yan Wenluo's force value was also high, but Lu Zhaoming still subconsciously protected him.

The other soldiers were also following behind them. They were very vigilant about this shop that suddenly appeared, and they were very suspicious of the origin of this shop.

After all, they have lived here with Lu Zhaoming and Yan Wenluo for almost a year. Before that, there were no people here for several months, and there was no shop here before they left. Why did they just find another shop when they came back? already?

In particular, this store still has so much food, and the things that are traded are all scrapped vehicles, mechanical metals, wires, etc., which really makes them wonder what is going on in this store.

"Yo, hello, welcome." This time, Zhang Chengchuan told Yan Wen about their business, and Chen Xiayue was still standing behind the counter.

Ans was still sitting there eating. He originally drank tea there, but then he wanted to eat when he was greedy. Chen Xiayue had no choice, so she went to make a very simple diced spicy chicken for Ans. At this moment, Ans was slowly eating the chicken pieces one by one with a fork.

The spicy chicken diced tasted very good. Yan Wenluo and others who had just entered the store looked at Ans and put their eyes on the plate of spicy chicken diced in front of him.

The bright red chili peppers and the diced chicken that looked very delicious made Yan Wenluo and Lu Zhaoming swallow their saliva.

They haven't eaten yet, but as soon as they came over, they saw that people were so happy eating spicy chicken, so it's no wonder they weren't greedy.

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