Zhang Chengchuan went home and called his father, and by the way called the rest of the Zhang family, and went to the brigade for a meeting later.

Chen Xiayue didn't follow Zhang Chengchuan and the others to find the captain. After all, she didn't see the python, and she had to maintain a frail character, so she went home first.

Just because he had to maintain his pampered and frail personality, Zhang Chengchuan asked relatives to help send the bundle of firewood to his house instead of Chen Xiayue carrying it home.

Zhang Chengchuan went to call someone, and Chen Xiayue was not in a good mood when she heard the news of the python. She is not so afraid of snakes, but she is still somewhat afraid.

She couldn't explain it clearly either. If she was caught off guard, she would be startled when she saw snakes, and she would also be afraid of snake bites. But she wasn't that frightened. She wasn't that scared when she heard the snake, screamed when she saw the snake, and didn't even dare to look at the picture.

To be honest, when the group of children said that the python was as thick as someone's legs, what came to Chen Xiayue's mind was the picture of the kind of python he had seen before, just pictures of reticulated pythons, anacondas, and anacondas. of.

Especially for the reticulated python, Chen Xiayue felt goosebumps when she thought of the state of the snake skin of the reticulated python - in fact, she was also very afraid, right?

The news that I saw in my previous life was also accompanied by pictures of pythons more than ten meters long. What Chen Xiayue just appeared was the appearance of those pictures. Without exception, the pythons were really big, which made her dislike it very much.

Before it was completely dark, the brigade captain rang the bell and called the entire brigade to the brigade headquarters and then told about the python on the mountain.

"Just now, Chang Huai and Xiao Cong came to tell me something. On the mountain of our brigade, on the road to Banana Valley, there is a python, probably several meters long."

"Everyone knows how dangerous pythons are, especially this kind of python that is several meters long and can swallow people. So no one should go up the mountain tonight, do you know? If someone is swallowed by the python after going up the mountain, that is Live it yourself!"

"You are not allowed to go up the mountain tonight. I don't care if you have gone up the mountain in the past night. You are not allowed to go up the mountain tonight, you know?"

"After dawn tomorrow, a young man from each family will go up the mountain to kill the python." Zhou Mingyi said with a serious expression.

"If we don't kill the python, we'll have to worry about going up the mountain in the future. The python is still on the mountain of our brigade. Who dares to go up the mountain? Don't you die?"

"So remember it all for me. After dawn tomorrow morning, grab your things and go up the mountain together. Let's see how that python is doing, and try to kill it." Zhou Mingyi said seriously.

As for driving away the pythons, let's not say whether the pythons can be driven away, but how much meat does a python several meters long have? Everyone is not that kind of picky eater. Python meat is also meat. In this age when you can't eat meat several times a year, python meat is also very mouth-watering.

"Captain, is what you said true? Is there a python? A python several meters long? Is it true?" A man in his thirties asked excitedly after hearing the captain's words.

He won't go up the mountain by himself tonight, but tomorrow the young and middle-aged people of the whole village will go up the mountain together. He doesn't believe that he can't kill the snake yet. A python several meters long, how much meat is that? Who doesn't get excited when there's meat to eat? !

"Captain, is that python really on the way to Banana Valley?"

"Captain, if you kill that python, how will you divide the meat? That's right, that python probably doesn't have that much meat for the whole team, right?"

"You're thinking about eating meat before you kill the python? It's beautiful." Zhou Mingyi glared at the people who were talking.

"I called you here so that you don't secretly go up the mountain to be swallowed by the python tonight, and remember to go up the mountain to kill the python together tomorrow. It's as simple as that, it's all scattered." Zhou Mingyi waved his hand.

"Captain, you haven't said how to divide snake meat?"

"That's the captain, is there a hundred pounds of pythons that are several meters long? Is it enough for us to divide?"

"It's beautiful to think about? How to divide a hundred catties of python meat? Our brigade has more than one hundred families, so what is the division?" Zhou Mingyi shouted sharply with a dark face.

"Let's talk about killing the python tomorrow. What we say now is empty talk." Zhou Mingyi was too lazy to pay attention to these guys who were thinking about how to divide the meat before seeing the python, and angrily called a few brigade cadres to go back and discuss **** the python tomorrow. .

Zhang Chengchuan, Lu Zhanguo and the other soldiers came to have a meeting. When Zhang Chengchuan took his daughter-in-law up the mountain this afternoon, he did not let Lu Zhanguo and the others follow him. As a result, they were almost in danger.

A python several meters long was too much for Zhang Chengchuan to encounter. There are still a few soldiers in Lu Zhanguo who have lingering fears. If something happens to Zhang Chengchuan, their mission will fail.

They all know the importance of Zhang Chengchuan. Although not as important as those important experts, they are not insignificant.

And during the time he was protecting Zhang Chengchuan, he got along with them very happily. They also got a lot of benefits from Zhang Chengchuan, and their feelings got along. Accident.

"Today is really an accident, not to mention that my wife and I have mosquito repellent and animal repellent kits on them, so we won't encounter any dangerous animals at all." Zhang Chengchuan couldn't help but said when he saw Lu Zhanguo's serious face.

He doesn't want to be followed by several soldiers when he goes out with his daughter-in-law in the future. If he can't go to the city for a date, will he have to follow a few soldiers when he goes to the mountains to see the scenery and so on? The picture was too beautiful, he didn't want to think about it.

And he was dating his daughter-in-law because he wanted to live a two-person world, so what was the matter with a group of soldiers following him?

"My daughter-in-law and I also brought mosquito repellent kits and animal repellent kits when we came back. Not to mention that the python didn't chase Chang Huai and them, even if it did chase it, it must have run away before it reached us." Zhang Chengchuan sighed.

Lu Zhanguo was still frowning. It wasn't that he didn't believe it, but he still doubted that the mosquito repellent kit could repel ordinary mosquitoes. He wondered if it could repel several meter-long pythons.

"When you go up the mountain to kill the python tomorrow, will you follow along?" Zhang Chengchuan asked.

"Yeah." Lu Zhanguo nodded. As soldiers of the people's children, even if it wasn't for Zhang Chengchuan's safety, they had to go up the mountain together. After all, in addition to protecting Zhang Chengchuan, they also needed to protect other ordinary people.

"Then I won't go up the mountain tomorrow, and I won't give you the mosquito repellent kits and animal repellent kits. Otherwise, you will definitely not encounter the python when you go up the mountain."


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