Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 230: Thunderstorm 2

Chen Xiayue lazily watched the heavy rain. She didn't dare to take out her brain to watch videos or something in thunderstorm weather, so she could only continue processing the medicinal materials to make mosquito repellent kits.

"It's really... It's raining so hard all of a sudden, and the captain won't let you run back quickly." Liu Guiying was soaked all over, and she couldn't help complaining about the captain as soon as she entered the house.

"No way, if it rains suddenly, you have to check how the water channels in the crops are going. What if the crops are damaged by too much rain?" Zhang Deping advised.

"Forget it, I'll go wash and change my clothes." Liu Guiying said irritably, then went into the kitchen to see if there was any hot water, and if not, took a bath with cold water.

Of course there is hot water. After putting away the clothes and calling Zhang Chengchuan out to collect the things, Chen Xiayue, who was afraid of thunder and lightning, went to the kitchen to boil the fire and boil water. After all, it was raining, she knew that her in-laws would definitely get wet, so when she came home wet, she couldn't wash it and change her clothes?

Liu Guiying was also satisfied when she saw the hot water in the pot, and the fire in the stove was still burning. She checked that the temperature of the water was enough for her to wash, so she went to find a bucket to draw water.

After filling the water, Liu Guiying added water to the pot again, and after adding the fire, she went out with the bucket. She took the bucket to the bathroom, and asked Zhang Deping to help her get her clothes.

"Achuan and the others are all at home, doing nothing." Liu Guiying complained while taking a shower.

Knowing to stay at home all day long, although I know that my son is studying and doing research seriously, it is still a little uncomfortable. In the past, when my son didn't like to work in the fields and be lazy, he was often talked about by her. After his son got married, he was talked about by her son and daughter-in-law together.

"There must be something wrong with Ah Chuan, look, didn't they take everything that should be collected at home? They also prepared hot water for us, otherwise we would not have hot water for bathing." Zhang Deping said with a smile.

It's not that Zhang Deping has always had a good temper, but he, like his son, doesn't want the family to be uneasy because of disagreements between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or because of some conflicts between family members.

When his mother-in-law complained about his daughter-in-law, he persuaded her, while his son persuaded his daughter-in-law a little, anyway, so as not to let the two women quarrel or fight.

For Zhang Deping, his daughter-in-law is his son's mother-in-law. If his mother-in-law and his daughter-in-law get into trouble, the son will be in trouble. And the son's marriage is not happy, that's what a mother wants to see?

Liu Guiying just complained and complained. She really couldn't do it if she forced her daughter-in-law to work, or forced her son to work.

Just like her daughter-in-law, she was very satisfied with being able to wash clothes, cook, and clean at home. She didn't expect to work in the fields.

As for her son, that is her precious son, how could she have the heart to force him to work? What should I do if I'm tired?

That's right, that's how to protect the calf, that's how to spoil the child.

It had been raining for an hour, and it was not yet noon when the rain stopped. Liu Guiying and Zhang Deping took a shower and changed their clothes before, but now they have to go to see what's going on in the field.

It's not a very busy time now, but the crops are in the growing season. What if they don't take good care of them and the production decreases? The most important thing for farmers is the harvest, and they are not used to doing nothing, so they go out after the rain stops.

Chen Xiayue sighed while packing the medicinal herbs and violence. People in this era are really working hard. Farming or something is more fortunate than decades later.

Chen Xiayue thought that if farming tools could be improved, it would be good to use tractors for ploughing and harvesting crops in the future.

Although most of the cultivated land here is similar to terraced fields, and the level of each field is different, it is not easy to use a combine harvester, but a small harvester should be fine.

Ask Zhang Chengchuan to study agricultural tractors and harvesters while studying solar energy?

Forget it, Zhang Chengchuan should not study these, why not release the information of agricultural tractors and harvesters like last time for people to discover and let them study by themselves?

Anyway, she has the data here, the data in 2020 and the data in 2167, which can be studied by others. After all, Zhang Chengchuan is not the only smart person in China, but there are many capable bosses.

Chen Xiayue narrowed her eyes. Next time, when she buys more books from Yan Wenluo, she will print out the materials that can be used, and then release them together with the materials of agricultural tractors and harvesters. In this way, the scientific research leaders of the whole country can study together.

To be honest, Chen Xiayue still has a delusion, if this batch of information is released, it can improve the situation of those who have been delegated. If there are many bigwigs who need to study, then some people who have been delegated may be brought back early to let them study these materials?

To be honest, this movement really made many bigwigs fall.

Although many bigwigs rose up later, Chen Xiayue didn't want this movement to last as long as it had in history. She hoped that it would end earlier.

If this movement ends sooner, maybe the market opening or something might come sooner? She still likes to do business - the food business.

While Chen Xiayue was working, she fantasized about a beautiful blueprint for the future, while Yan Wenluo on the other side exchanged things back and contacted a smart friend she knew.

The natural disaster did cut off some communications, but the satellite phone was still usable. After all, it was a disaster on the earth, and it was not a meteor that smashed the satellite.

Of course, Yan Wenluo does not have a satellite phone, and the communication on his side has not been interrupted, and the communication with his friends has not been interrupted, so he can still contact his friends.

"Aluo, is what you said true? Can you really get food from your side?" Yan Wenluo's friend was overjoyed after hearing what he said.

The price of food in the city where he lives now is particularly high, and he may not be able to buy it. As for meat, there are indeed quite a lot of prey outside. After the evolution of those animals and plants, poultry and livestock have not only grown in size, but also have a stronger reproductive capacity.

The poultry and livestock that ran out had a lot of meat, but people who didn't have any force value really might not be able to kill them. Yan Wenluo's friend hadn't eaten meat for a long time. After all, his money was used to buy food, so he couldn't afford meat. As for hunting yourself? It's impossible for him to hunt by himself.

So when he heard that he could exchange his knowledge and various books for food, Yan Wenluo's friend Qiu Yuan was moved.

"Aluo, wait for me, I'll pack up and go over to your place." Qiu Yuan was very excited and planned to move without a word.

After all, he doesn't have any relatives in this city, and his friends are not that close, so there is no burden for him to move or anything, and he will move if he wants to.

He can have a full stomach, such a good thing he will not miss. And Aluo's force value is so high, if he goes to Aluo, he can still guarantee his own personal safety.

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