Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 232: Doomsday 11

Qiu Yuan participated in all kinds of competitions using his brain, and Yan Wenluo, who had a relatively high force value and a particularly high talent for learning martial arts, participated in various sports competitions, and even participated in competitions such as Taekwondo and Sanda.

Yan Wenluo was still a Sanda athlete, but he didn't become a coach after he retired in his twenties. Instead, he learned to cook, and finally brought his own and Lu Zhaoming's savings and borrowed some money from Qiu Yuan. Here to open a farmhouse.

Yan Wenluo is a retired Sanda athlete, but his brain is also very smart. It's just not as good as Qiu Yuan, but it's not bad. He's also a scholar-level figure.

Talking with Qiu Yuan about some professional things can also be very enjoyable, and Lu Zhaoming's chat between the two is cloudy every time.

Lu Zhaoming sometimes doubted his IQ. Obviously, he is also an excellent person in all aspects, and he has his current position in the army at a young age. But every time he listened to Yan Wenluo chatting with the two of them, he felt like a scumbag.

The speed of the goods was very fast. Not long after Qiu Yuan arrived at the farmhouse, the things he packed and delivered had already been delivered.

There are still a lot of books in Qiu Yuan's family. Qiu Yuan's family, who cherished the opportunity to read since childhood, kept the textbooks he and Yan Wenluo grew up with. Then there are all kinds of professional books, all kinds of extracurricular books, all kinds of books that he likes very much.

This time, after learning that books can also be exchanged for food, Qiu Yuan also packed all the books and sent them here.

Qiu Yuan also checked various household appliances, various metal appliances at home, and so on. As for his computer, it's the guy he eats, and of course it's impossible not to take it with him.

After Qiu Yuan sorted out his things, he couldn't help sighing when he saw the arrangement of the room.

Although this room is only a guest room of a farmhouse, because he knows him, Yan Wenluo arranges it according to his liking, and it is not as cookie-cutter as other guest rooms.

Sure enough, the feeling of growing up together since childhood is still very good, even if we haven't seen each other for a long time, this feeling will not fade away.

Qiu Yuan with a very good brain started to organize the things he needed after arriving at Yan Wenluo's side. His combat effectiveness was too poor, so he could only rely on the knowledge in his brain to exchange for supplies.

Going out with Lu Zhaoming and the others to find all kinds of discarded things and exchange them for something, that way is not suitable for him.

It was only two or three days before Chen Xiayue came to the apocalyptic plane again, which means that she entered the farm every day to connect to the apocalyptic plane.

The apocalyptic plane is different from the plane in the 1960s where Chen Xiayue is located. Sometimes Chen Xiayue is very lucky. Fortunately, she found a robot as a clerk. In this way, the different time flow rates of the two planes will not affect the human body or anything.

After all, the robot can stand by for a long time only by charging or replenishing energy, and it will not have any effect on the reversal of day and night. Although intelligent robots can only be considered low, they have not become people who can think independently like humans.

Therefore, Chen Yi did not have any bad reaction to the time flow of the two planes, and his adaptability was very strong. Twelve hours after he opened the store in the apocalyptic plane, he would close the store, and then continue to stay in the grocery store to charge and sleep.

And the flow of time in the farm is very confusing, so as long as Chen Yi doesn't leave the farm, his work and rest is actually similar to the end of the world.

When Chen Xiayue came to the grocery store, Qiu Yuan and Yan Wenluo were exchanging food. Before today, Qiu Yuan was sorting things out to see if he could exchange them.

In the past, it was to exchange the textbooks that Qiu Yuan had left behind from childhood to adulthood. Now, what he wants to exchange is the research that Qiu Yuan has sorted out by himself.

"Madam, I've been gone for a few days, stay safe." Yan Wenluo was surprised when she saw Chen Xiayue. The owner of this store, Zhang Chengchuan, has never been in the store since he saw him on the first day. I have seen him, but the proprietress has seen him twice more.

Yan Wenluo is so enthusiastic about Chen Xiayue that she hopes to establish a good relationship and make transactions more convenient in the future.

"Mr. Yan, stay safe." Chen Xiayue smiled and chatted with Yan Wenluo, then looked at Qiu Yuandao, "Is this Mr. Yan's friend?"

It is rare that Yan Wenluo came with Qiu Yuan today. The two times Yan Wenluo met before were both with Lu Zhaoming's soldiers.

"Yes, this is my friend Qiu Yuan. He is a programmer." Yan Wenluo introduced Qiu Yuan to Chen Xiayue. "Although he is just an ordinary programmer, he has a lot of research on network technology."

"Didn't you say before, Madam Boss, that you can exchange food with books and your own knowledge research? I called Qiu Yuan over."

"His fighting ability is too poor, he is just a otaku with a developed mind and simple limbs. To keep himself from starving to death, he can only rely on his brain." Yan Wenluo introduced to Chen Xiayue in a joking tone.

"I see." Chen Xiayue said with a smile, she nodded to Qiu Yuan and asked, "May I ask Mr. Yan to help me find some books on medicine? Whether it's clinical medicine or pharmacy, you can. "

"This should be OK. I know a few friends who are doctors and asked them if they should be OK." Yan Wenluo thought for a while and said.

"Then I'll ask Mr. Yan." Chen Xiayue was very grateful for Yan Wenluo's willingness to agree to her request, she became more enthusiastic about Yan Wenluo, and even gave him a bottle of oil - oil from oleifera.

Chen Xiayue thought for a while, and then asked Yan Wenluo, "Mr. Yan, I have some more magical plants here, do you need them?"

Before, I just wanted to exchange food for various things with the end-world plane, but in fact, she can also exchange those plants, right?

Looking at this plane where various disasters are emerging one after another, it is very difficult for farmers even if they want to grow food. So, aren't the magical plants she put out earlier here better?

The 1960s were indeed very poor, and everyone could not get enough to eat. But the end of the world is almost the same here. Chen Xiayue feels that it is possible to change some plants here.

"A magical plant? What kind of plant?" Yan Wenluo was curious.

Since the first exchange, Yan Wenluo has known the magic of this store. After all, it is a place that can take away so many trucks and so many things out of thin air, and can also take out so much food.

And they couldn't find out the origin of this shop when they investigated later. Every time it closed, it seemed like it disappeared out of thin air. And that boss, so many of them stared at the store and never saw anyone leave, so how did the boss keep his face for so many days?

Dead house? It doesn't look like much either.

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