Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 249: Yu Xiujuan 2

It's just that Chen Xiayue doesn't bother to care about other people's feelings. Anyway, Lu Zhanguo and Yu Xiujuan are married, and it doesn't look like their marriage is unhappy. She doesn't need to care so much.

Yu Xiujuan stayed in the Yunhe Brigade just like that. She was not a member of the Yunhe Brigade's own village, nor was she an educated youth, so she must have no work points and no private land.

So if she wants to grow vegetables, she just grows a little in the yard, and she doesn't have the money to buy vegetables for every meal, so she still has to grow a little by herself.

Yu Xiujuan is still embroidering most of the time. Although Lu Zhanguo's salary can support the two and can also subsidize her hometown, she still hopes that she can make money.

Yu Xiujuan did some embroidery work in the army family home, embroidering handkerchiefs and so on, but not embroidering large paintings. But after she came to the Yunhe Brigade, she heard that Zhang Chengyu had made a lot of money by buying a 4*2 meter embroidery painting, and she was also moved.

Yu Xiujuan's arrival did not cause any sensation. People stayed at home quietly. Even when they went out, they went to chat with Chen Xiayue, and did not contact too many people.

The people in the village also gradually ignored Yu Xiujuan, and the days passed so calmly.

After the fall, the crops in the fields have matured, and harvesting has begun.

Zhang Chengchuan and Chen Xiayue both have to go to the ground, but Chen Xiayue doesn't need to work as hard as Zhang Chengchuan and the others. She just helps with a little work. She doesn't count as work points anyway.

And Lu Zhanguo and the other soldiers also worked with them, but they were not very tired. Their task is to protect Zhang Chengchuan. How can they protect him if everyone is exhausted?

Yu Xiujuan is neither from the village nor an educated youth, and she does not have her work points, so she does not need to go to the field. Just trying to find a way to make delicious food for Lu Zhanguo and the others every day, it is really hard to harvest autumn.

When it comes to nourishing, she and Chen Xiayue have a common language. Yu Xiujuan and Chen Xiayue learned the kind of warming and nourishing medicated food very seriously.

Lu Zhanguo is a soldier. He needs training every day, and he will be injured when he goes out on a mission. There must be a lot of physical trauma. As a wife, Yu Xiujuan could help Lu Zhanguo by learning some nourishing medicated diets to help him recuperate his body.

Lu Zhanguo and Yu Xiujuan's relationship has gotten better and better during this period of time. The husband and wife have spent more time together, and the more they know each other, the more they take each other to heart.

What if Lu Zhanguo is a straight man of steel? After meeting someone you really love, Bailian Steel will become soft around your fingers.

The relationship between Lu Zhanguo and Yu Xiujuan has gradually warmed up. Now they have a warm atmosphere when they get along with each other. Although there is not much communication, they can feel that the relationship between the two is very harmonious, and no one else can be mixed in. of that atmosphere.

On this day, everyone else went to the fields to harvest rice. Chen Xiayue and Yu Xiujuan were handling fish and preparing to make fish soup for the others today.

Yu Xiujuan was killing the fish, but when she smelled the fishy smell, she couldn't help retching. Although she didn't spit it out, she looked uncomfortable.

"Xiujuan, don't you like fish?" Chen Xiayue looked at Yu Xiujuan suspiciously.

"No." Yu Xiujuan shook her head and frowned, "I feel a little uncomfortable in my throat when I wake up in the morning. Today, the smell of fish is even more uncomfortable, and I always want to vomit."

"Uncomfortable? Want to vomit?" As a bookworm who has read countless novels, Chen Xiayue has also studied so many medical books recently. Seeing Yu Xiujuan's appearance, she couldn't help but ask, "Xiujuan, are you not? ...are you pregnant?"

"Ah?" Yu Xiujuan was stunned.

She was really dumbfounded.

After all, although she was 18 years old in her previous life, she was not married. The palace was complicated and complicated, but it was simple and simple.

Although she is an embroidered mother in the palace, there is an unwritten rule that the women in the palace are the emperor's harem reserve, and she can't have any affair with anyone in the palace.

No one she likes in private, nor has she understood the issue of becoming a biological child, after all, she never thought that she would be able to leave the palace. Most of the royal embroidery girls will burn out their eyes early, but some of them will stay in the palace to continue to teach new embroidered girls.

Yu Xiujuan used to think that since she has entered the palace, don't even think about leaving the palace. She will honestly stay in her own one-third of an acre and complete her work well, until her embroidery skills are mature and she is older. In the future, she will comb herself into a mammy, and then stay to teach the new embroidery maid.

Unexpectedly, she would one day travel to this world that is not known to be hundreds of years later, and get married. Her husband is a soldier, handsome and brave, the type she likes.

She also looks forward to the future life and longs for children, but she has no experience after all, and she is not as good as Chen Xiayue in this regard.

Although Chen Xiayue has no living children, she has read a lot of novels. When countless heroines in the novel are pregnant, there are all kinds of tricks.

It was quite common for Yu Xiujuan to retire because she couldn't stand the fishy smell, so it wasn't surprising that she could see it.

"You must be pregnant, right? You and Company Commander Lu have a very good relationship. Isn't it normal to have children?" Chen Xiayue said with a smile, "I don't know how to diagnose your pulse, so you can go to the clinic. Let Doctor Song confirm it over there."

The more Yu Xiujuan listened, the happier she became. After she realized that she might be pregnant, she smiled happily and said, "Thank you Xia Yue, I'll... I'll go to the clinic first?"

"Go." Chen Xiayue didn't stop her either. She should confirm her pregnancy as soon as possible. She should kill the fish by herself.

Yu Xiujuan thought of going to the clinic with excitement. She was full of expectations, hoping that she was really pregnant, and worried that she was just having fun.

It has been more than a month or almost two months since she moved to the Yunhe Brigade. Her relationship with Lu Zhanguo is getting better and better, and her husband and wife life is also very harmonious. So pregnancy or something is not something to be surprised about, but she is still very uneasy.

Hope is true, hope is not my illusion. Yu Xiujuan said to herself silently in her heart.

Song Yu, a doctor, did not work in the fields like others. He had wages to support himself, so he didn't need to work hard to earn work points. So when the farming was busy, Song Yu was still at the health center.

The primary school of the brigade was on vacation, and the children and teachers were all working in the fields. Only Dr. Song from the health clinic did not need to work in the fields and waited for patients to come. If there is no patient, he can also sunbathe the medicinal materials from time to time and read medical books.

Chen Xiayue found all kinds of medical books she was able to find, and she also shared some that Zhang Chengchuan gave to Song Yu.

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