Everything about Yu Xiujuan's pregnancy is a happy event, and Chen Xiayue is also very happy for her. Although her relationship with Yu Xiujuan has not yet reached a very close girlfriend relationship, the two get along very well. Since they are friends, of course they are happy for her.

Zhang Chengchuan was a little envious after hearing about it. He was already twenty-three years old. Children of other people's age can play soy sauce. He has no children yet.

"Let's talk about it next year, now I don't plan to have children." Chen Xiayue said helplessly when she saw him looking envious.

"What's more, we will build a house after the autumn harvest, which is not suitable for pregnancy."

"I know." Of course Zhang Chengchuan knows that it is not suitable for pregnancy now. Although his wife has been "raising" for almost a year, it still takes a little time to want a child. Otherwise, those who know his wife's health are not very good. Surprised that his daughter-in-law was pregnant, it would be strange.

The most important thing is that his daughter-in-law is not yet 20 years old. Zhang Chengchuan feels that for the health of his daughter-in-law, it would be good to recuperate for a while before getting pregnant.

Recently, his daughter-in-law has been dealing with medicinal herbs a lot, and studying without food and sleep every day is also very exhausting. Such a situation is not conducive to pregnancy.

So the couple stopped talking about the topic of pregnancy after a few words. Instead, they talked about other things. Do you want to send something to Yu Xiujuan to congratulate her on her pregnancy, and give her nourishment or something by the way.

Although everyone knew about Yu Xiujuan's pregnancy, there was a lot of discussion, but it wasn't a big sensation. There were so many people in Yunhe Brigade, and there were not too many pregnant people. Yu Xiujuan was nothing special.

Even if there is anything special, it is only Lu Zhanguo's wife, not a native of Yunhe Brigade. So she was pregnant, and everyone congratulated her kindly and didn't say anything.

There was a female educated youth in the Educated Youth Academy who gritted her teeth silently after hearing that Yu Xiujuan was pregnant, and secretly scolded Yu Xiujuan.

The female educated youth had taken a fancy to Lu Zhanguo before. Before Yu Xiujuan came to Yunhe Brigade, when Lu Zhanguo and the others had just arrived in Yunhe Brigade to protect Zhang Chengchuan, she had taken a fancy to the talented Lu Zhanguo.

Lu Zhanguo is good-looking and is a company commander, and although the soldiers under his command are quite Zhou Zheng, they are only ordinary soldiers after all, and they are incomparable to the company commander of Lu Zhanguo.

The female educated youth saw Lu Zhanguo because of his good looks, of course, because he was a company commander, with a high salary, strong ability, and the ability to accompany the army.

As a result, before she could contact Lu Zhanguo, she heard that he was married, and his wife was in the army family home next door.

He originally thought that the relationship between the two of them was not good, but when Yu Xiujuan first arrived in Yunhe Brigade, she thought that the relationship between the two should be really bad.

How long did it take? In less than two months, Yu Xiujuan became pregnant.

And seeing how Lu Zhanguo happily left his work and ran home just now, it seems that he is very happy, and he cares very much about his wife and children.

The female educated youth gritted her teeth secretly, and her idea of ​​climbing up a powerful person and leaving the countryside failed again.

She had such an idea originally, but she has never been in contact with any outstanding people, and her eyes are very critical.

Later, I saw that Ye Yun had really borrowed Lin Jiancheng's connection to follow him back to the city, which made the female educated youth even more want to climb up to a powerful person who could let her out of the countryside.

As a result, Lu Zhanguo, who she was targeting, has also failed her hopes. How could she not be angry?

Another thing that has attracted less attention during the autumn harvest season is what China is ready to export abroad.

The stinky grass and the recipes for the mosquito repellent kits that were handed in have now been researched, and a lot of stinky grass has also been cultivated.

The seeds of stinkweed grow well under the cultivation of experts, and a lot of stinkweed has been planted. After harvesting the leaves of stinkweed, you can make mosquito repellent packets in large quantities.

The same is true of mute flowers. After cultivating mute flowers, they will be put into production of mute wallpapers after ensuring that they will not be used up too much.

Even mass production of mosquito repellent kits is actually just over a thousand, not many. After all, it takes time to cultivate stinky grass. It has only been half a year. The stinky grass has not grown to the point where a mosquito repellent medicine bag can be produced by the people of the whole country.

Hundreds of the more than 1,000 mosquito repellent kits are veterinary repellent kits, which are taken by diplomats abroad to try, and let them personally tell people abroad the benefits of mosquito repellent kits and veterinary repellent kits.

The mosquito repellent kits and veterinary repellent kits have been improved by experts and professional old Chinese medicine practitioners.

At present, there are only Yunhe Brigade and the ones that Mu Chengting and the others brought back to the experts to cultivate. It is still difficult for foreigners to want them.

What's more, if you want to research the ingredients of mosquito repellent medicine package, you must be proficient in Chinese medicine.

The mosquito repellent kits and animal repellent kits were taken out, and the effect was obvious. No mosquitoes dared to approach the people with the medicine kits, and no wild animals dared to approach. This is obvious.

There are many animals in foreign countries, and there are also many insects. Even in 2020, all kinds of wild animals are not common in China, but foreign countries often flood with animals and plants. Now it is the 1960s, and those animals and plants are even more numerous.

Therefore, the mosquito repellent medicine kit is very effective. Before, I was worried that some wild animals, insects, snakes, etc. would be frightened.

Then those abroad who received diplomats became curious and started asking about the medicine package.

Diplomats carry medicine kits partly because they also need to repel mosquitoes and beasts, but the bigger reason is to advertise.

Since someone has asked, they will of course tell themselves what is the reason why the mosquitoes do not invade and the beasts run away when they see it. Of course, they are all well versed in the art of language, and they will not explicitly say that they are advertising, that is, when people in China see them working so hard abroad, they will share with them when they have good things.

The mosquito repellent kit is very effective, and the diplomats are very eloquent, so foreigners are persuaded and want such a kit.

Who hasn't been plagued by mosquitoes? Who hasn't worried about some beast coming to you in the middle of the night? Mosquito repellent kits and veterinary repellent kits are really surprising existences, and diplomats have been asked if they can buy such a kit.

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