"Didn't Tingting learn pharmacology from you for a while? So the Zheng family decided to let Tingting take over her mother-in-law's job and let her mother-in-law retire and go home to take care of the three children."

"Tingting's mother-in-law is not a very good doctor, so it won't be a pity to retire from the hospital." Zhang Chengchuan raised his eyebrows.

Chen Xiayue also raised her eyebrows. If Zhang Tingting really did her mother-in-law's work, then Zhang Tingting's mother-in-law relationship would be even worse.

After all, that person looked down on Zhang Tingting's identity as a country girl from the beginning, and finally agreed to let her son marry Zhang Tingting. In the end, it's better now, and her job will also be robbed by this daughter-in-law who she doesn't like. It's no wonder she doesn't hate this daughter-in-law.

"Don't worry about it, since she insists on marrying that Zheng Shunze, and she doesn't plan to divorce her in time to stop her losses, then she has to bear the consequences." Zhang Chengchuan's words were a bit cool, but this was also his true thoughts.

Zhang Chengchuan doesn't care about Zhang Tingting's relationship, and it's not his sister. What's more, he doesn't necessarily care about his sister's love affairs. If his sister's love is deeply rooted and he firmly opposes it, wouldn't that affect the brother-sister relationship?

Zhang Tingting's family all approve of her being with that Zheng Shunze. Now the marriage is over, and she still doesn't want to get divorced and wants to be with Zheng Shunze. Even if she suffers such grievances, she is willing. What can he do as a cousin? ?

Chen Xiayue is too lazy to manage such emotional lawsuits. The result of dealing with other people's emotional affairs a few times in her previous life has left her with a psychological shadow, so Zhang Tingting can do whatever she likes. Emotional matters are like drinking water and knowing that she is an outsider.

The matter of Zhang Tingting has come to an end. The Zhang family went to support her in exchange for her to replace her mother-in-law's job and go to work at the county hospital, and let her mother-in-law retire and return home to take care of the three children.

The Zheng family originally planned to marry a young girl and go back to take care of their three children. The young girl had graduated from high school. After reading, she was better able to take care of the three children. Even the enlightenment of the children was directly handed over to the newly married daughter-in-law. .

In the end, Zhang Tingting's mother's family was too powerful. Even if her mother-in-law was very powerful and looked down on the country people, she couldn't do anything to Zhang's family. It was their Zheng family that was at a loss, so Zhang Tingting's mother-in-law had to accept Zhang Tingting's request.

Now that Zhang Tingting has returned to the Zheng family, no one knows whether the three children will be indoctrinated by her grandmother with bad stepmother thoughts. Anyway, Zhang Tingting likes Zheng Shunze and now has a job, she doesn't care about those three What does the child think of her.

Chen Xiayue doesn't understand this practice of giving up everything for love. Her view on love is that you can give with all your heart when you are in love, but she must keep a little leeway. The one she loves the most should be herself.

She has probably already passed the time for love, so she doesn't have the kind of idea of ​​giving everything and giving up everything. If it wasn't for Zhang Chengchuan and her parents-in-law treating her well, she could have left.

She really encountered something like Zhang Tingting, she would never let go of a scumbag who cheated on marriage.

The matter of Zhang Tingting caused a lot of discussion in Yunhe Brigade, but no one said anything bad. It's really not too humiliating to be a stepmother in this year, especially since the man is still from the county seat, and the family background is very good.

Everyone will only think that Zhang Tingting is married to the county town as an urbanite, and has a good job, so the matter of being a stepmother can be ignored.

With such benefits, what's wrong with being a stepmother? If they could be stepmothers and have a good job in the city, they would be willing too.

"Hahaha, Zhang Tingting even showed off how powerful, excellent and popular her man is before hahaha... Look, this is the result of her man's popularity, she directly became the stepmother of three children hahaha... "

A young girl who did not deal with Zhang Tingting laughed very happily. Ever since the news that Zhang Tingting's husband was actually married and had three children, the girl has been very happy.

They are also young girls aged seventeen or eighteen, who grew up in the same village. As a result, Zhang Tingting's parents and brothers were very fond of her, and even let her study until she graduated from high school.

And what about her? Her parents dote on her brother and brother, and they beat or scolded her daughter besides ordering her to work. She thought that she was no worse than Zhang Tingting, but her parents planned to marry her to a rich old man in exchange for a dowry gift for her brother and brother to marry a daughter-in-law.

Why does Zhang Tingting have a good life and she has a bad life?

Well now, Zhang Tingting, the **** who has lived well since childhood and was able to go to school, is married to a man with three children. What if Zhang Tingting is so favored? Don't you still go to be a stepmother?

"That's right, she looked so good since she was a child, and she usually looked down on us. What happened now? Isn't she still going to be a stepmother?" Another girl followed suit.

She also disliked Zhang Tingting. Although not all young girls disliked Zhang Tingting, there were a few who really hated Zhang Tingting.

Now seeing that the person they once envied and envied turned out to be stepmothers, their inner dark side was satisfied, shouldn't they laugh at Zhang Tingting to their heart's content?

"What's there to be happy about? Do you really think that she is having a bad life when you laugh at Tingting?" Another girl who had a good relationship with Zhang Tingting sneered after hearing the words of these people, "Tingting's man is only two In her early teens, she is a competent doctor in the county hospital. Tingting also has a job in the county hospital, and now she is from the city."

"The three children are still young, as long as they are raised well, Tingting is their mother, and they will be filial to Tingting in the future." The young girl glanced at the girls who laughed at Zhang Tingting and said, "And you, your parents It might marry you to a man in his forties, the kind where all the children in the family are married."

"You laugh at Tingting? Why? Are you able to live better than her?" The young girl left after she finished speaking. She must have been unable to quarrel and beat them by herself, so she left the mocking one behind. After a few words, he ran away.

The girls who spoke ill of Zhang Tingting and gloated over her misfortune to be a stepmother to others gritted their teeth as they watched her run away.

They really can't guarantee that they will marry better than Zhang Tingting, especially the girl who mocked Zhang Tingting at the beginning, her face is even more ugly.

Because she is good-looking, her parents are ready to give her the object they want to see. And the person she was looking at was from the town. Her parents hoped that she could marry into the city, otherwise wouldn't she be wasting her good face?

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