Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 263: build a house 2

This time Zhang Chengchuan plans to build a bigger house, so the house has about four rooms and a living room. This is also Zhang Chengchuan's privilege. The things he handed in are very useful, so his application for a larger homestead was also approved.

The four rooms are the living room in the middle and two rooms on each side of the living room. So Zhang Chengchuan's plan was to have his parents' room on the left and the guest room on the other. On the right is his room with Chen Xiayue, and the other room is the forging room.

As for the basement, Zhang Chengchuan didn't plan to dig it. There are a lot of water and rivers in the south, and the place where the Yunhe Brigade built the house was flat. He was a little worried that he accidentally dug out the groundwater or something.

After the house is planned and the foundation is dug, the foundation is laid. The stones, tiles and other things removed from the house were all mixed with sand and cement to form the foundation.

Zhang Chengchuan also secretly added steel bars, which were the steel bars that had been processed from the scrap metal collected in 2167 and handed over to Ans.

The steel bars that Zhang Chengchuan secretly added were not found by the people who helped with the work. After all, Zhang Chengchuan secretly used the system's delivery function to do it. It was only after this time that Zhang Chengchuan discovered that the delivery function of the system became more and more powerful.

After the foundation is done, the walls can be built after it is dry, so after the foundation is done, everyone rests for a day or two.

During this period of time, Chen Xiayue prepared a meal for everyone every day, and the rest was done by others. She didn't have that much energy to prepare meals for so many people two or three times a day. Even if someone beat her up, she didn't want to. Make yourself so hard.

The matter of the Zhang family building a house has aroused heated discussions in the Yunhe Brigade. After all, everyone is not necessarily able to eat enough these days. Who can build a house with such fanfare as Zhang Chengchuan?

And the house that Zhang Chengchuan intends to build this time feels very impressive. He has applied for a larger homestead. Although the foundation is only laid now, everyone feels that the house must be very beautiful and practical.

"How does Zhang Chengchuan have the money to build such a good house? I heard that he also applied for a larger homestead? Why does he have such privileges?" After building a new house, I was very upset.

She wanted to introduce her niece to Zhang Chengchuan because she wanted to see that Zhang's family had a good life. She hoped that her niece could take more things from Zhang's family to subsidize her family after following Zhang Chengchuan.

Of course, if her niece can think of her as an aunt, she can also subsidize her a little, but what Huang Damei hopes most is that her niece can subsidize her niece and let her niece's brothers live well.

As a result, the relationship with the Zhang family has dropped to a freezing point. Seeing that Chen Xiayue, who had thought she would not live long, looked better and better, and the rest of the Zhang family treated her so well. Seeing that the Zhang family was prospering, she was even more Unhappy.

Obviously, all of this should belong to her niece, and everything in the Zhang family should belong to her parents' family! Why is Chen Xiayue cheap?

If Chen Xiayue and Zhang Chengchuan had promised her family's niece's affairs, wouldn't those things belong to her family's family now?

If Zhang's family has money to build a new house, can they still have no money to subsidize her maiden brother?

"Did that kid Zhang Chengchuan do something bad to make money? He's speculative, right? Otherwise, would he have so much money to build a new house?" Huang Damei speculated darkly.

"Mother, please stop." Huang Damei's son persuaded his mother. Although he resented Zhang Chengchuan a little bit, after this period of time, he also knew that no matter how much he resented Zhang Chengchuan, he would have a good life. Instead, it was their family. Days are getting worse and worse.

His mother is now complaining about the Zhang family every day, complaining about Zhang Chengchuan's ignorance. It doesn't matter that he resents his mother-in-law and children every day, but every day the noise at home affects his mood, as well as his father's mood.

The atmosphere in the family got worse and worse because of his mother's complaints and his mother's sparring with his mother-in-law and children. The family atmosphere is not good, can these people work well? Can you be in the mood to think about how to work and support your family?

Although Huang Damei's son also resented Zhang Chengchuan, he actually resented his mother. If it wasn't for her meddling, if she didn't offend the Zhang family, would this be possible?

"Mother! Are uncles and the others more important to you?" Huang Damei's son also stared at Huang Damei unhappily and said, "Can you calm down a little? Are you planning to let our family break up? You prefer uncle's appearance. Brother, cousin, they, my son, do you care whether I am doing well or not?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Huang Damei was a little angry when she heard what her son said. Why didn't she care about her son?

"Your uncle and your cousin are your strengths. You are the only boy in our family. If it weren't for your uncle and them, others wouldn't know how to bully you. How can you be so unconscionable? You forgot your uncle. How good are they to you?" Huang Damei accused his son.

Huang Damei's son was very unhappy when he heard this, why did his uncles support him? Isn't he male? Women only need support from men at home, what does he need as a man?

And his uncle, where did they support him? He only saw that his mother often went back to subsidize the uncles with the things at home, but he never saw how good the uncles were to him.

Huang Damei and her son were discussing Zhang Chengchuan and complaining about Zhang Chengchuan, but the mother and son quarreled because of Huang Damei's family.

On Wednesday, Lin did not intend to interfere in the quarrel between his mother-in-law and his son. Perhaps his heart was on the side of his son.

As for Huang Damei's daughter-in-law and granddaughters, they are even more unlikely to join the quarrel, otherwise they will be the ones who will be scolded and beaten.

The matter of Zhang Chengchuan's house building is really a hot topic of discussion in the Yunhe Brigade, not only by the villagers, but also by the Educated Youth Academy.

At this time, everyone once again regretted why they didn't assign people to Zhang Chengchuan before he got married?

How good is the life of the Zhang family, when they married the wife of the city, it was very lively. It has only been less than a year since the Zhang family built a new house.

They don't know what the Zhang family's background is, but it is definitely not bad. Now Zhang Chengchuan has also researched some things that they didn't know, which has been appreciated by the above, and has also been sent military comrades to protect him.

Such a promising Zhang Chengchuan, why didn't they think of appointing someone to be their son-in-law?

If Zhang Chengchuan was his son-in-law, and now the Zhang family is so beautiful, they can also benefit from it. At that time, as Zhang Chengchuan's Yue family, the benefits they can get are definitely not bad.

Sorry, very sorry.

Why didn't Zhang Chengchuan take Zhang Chengchuan to be his son-in-law before he married the wife in the city?

I'm so sorry.

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