Bring the Farm To Wear Chronology

Chapter 265: watch movie

Yu Xiujuan didn't think there was anything wrong with her wanting to take advantage of her pregnancy to take advantage of her body. Although she came from ancient times, she didn't have the kind of thought of taking her husband as God and losing herself for her husband and children.

Women in the palace still care more about themselves and their family, as for their husbands? That's the person they need to please and who can get riches and glory, but they won't give everything for their husbands, and they won't lose themselves for their husbands.

Yu Xiujuan has more contact with the women in the harem, so her thinking is similar to the women in the harem, and she will not regard her husband as her everything. In her opinion, she is more important. Although her husband is also important, she is not as important as herself.

Yu Xiujuan wanted to go, and Chen Xiayue also wanted to go, and they were ready to go out as soon as they discussed.

Of course, Chen Xiayue went out with Zhang Chengchuan. Yu Xiujuan was also taken by Lu Zhanguo, and the two men rode with their wives.

Chen Xiayue sat on the back seat of the bicycle and said while looking at the scenery receding by the roadside, "I rarely go out since I got married, and I feel a little bit at a loss."

I feel that she is just like an ancient woman who can't leave the door without a second door, and she is a bit too homey. Although there is very little entertainment in this era, it doesn't make her feel as if she is isolated from the world, right?

"Yes, I also feel that I go out less often." Zhang Chengchuan agreed with his daughter-in-law very much, and he also found that he went out a lot less after getting married.

Before he got married, he would often go hunting in the mountains to exchange money on the black market, and sometimes he would go to the town during the day to hang out.

As a result, after marriage, except for a few trips to the black market at the beginning, most of him went to deliver things to his father-in-law's house and to his sister's house, and rarely went out.

Tsk, although it is said that after getting married, I have to lean towards the family, but it seems that it is not very good to be bored at home and not go out.

"We can come out often in the future, and I'll take you to the movies?" Zhang Chengchuan said.

"Watching a movie?" Chen Xiayue was quite interested. Although she is from the later generations, she really hasn't seen the movies of this era.

For example, she has forgotten about movies such as "Tunnel Warfare". She may have watched it when she was a child, but she has long forgotten the content. The movies she watched when she grew up were not the ones she watched as a child.

"Come on, let's go to the movies today?" Chen Xiayue suggested.

"There is no cinema in town." Zhang Chengchuan poured cold water on her and said.

"Then let's go to the county seat." Chen Xiayue said, then looked at Yu Xiujuan and asked, "Xiujuan, do you want us to divert to the county seat? Let's go to the movies today."

Although Chen Xiayue has the light brain sent by Ans to watch Interstellar's movies and TV series, she can't understand the language just like she watches foreign movies, and she can't even read the subtitles of Interstellar's movies.

And the download of movies and TV series that can be purchased there in 2020, Chen Xiayue has also watched it. It's just that the movies she watches are all that she is interested in or that Zhang Chengchuan is interested in. She doesn't seem to watch old movies and so on.

To be honest, she didn't know what movies to watch in the 1950s and 1960s. As for some older movies, they may have been released in the 1970s and 1980s, she is not very clear.

Chen Xiayue just wanted to see what the cinema of this era was like and what kind of experience it was like to watch a movie in this era.

She didn't even go to the movies in an open and honest way, and it's a bit incredible to say it. So, it's better to find a chance to watch the movie.

"Watching a movie?" Yu Xiujuan's eyes widened slightly after hearing Chen Xiayue's words, and she was very moved when she recalled the movie in her memory.

She hasn't seen the movie, and the original owner hasn't seen the movie a few times. She wants to watch it.

"Okay, I haven't seen the movie yet." Yu Xiujuan remembered that the movies the original owner had watched were like open-air movies, and she had never seen them in the cinema.

And she herself has not seen it, and she does not know what the experience of watching a movie is. In short, Yu Xiujuan really wanted to watch movies, and the ancients from ancient times were very interested in entertainment projects like movies.

"Warring States, shall we go to the movies too?" Yu Xiujuan asked, she really wanted to go to the movies, of course it would be better to watch movies with Lu Zhanguo.

After listening to his daughter-in-law's words, Lu Zhanguo looked at Zhang Chengchuan, who nodded helplessly and said, "Okay, let's go to the county seat to watch a movie."

Although he also got a brain and watched a lot of movies and TV series with his wife before, he also liked the movies of this era.

Since the daughter-in-law and Lu Zhanguo and their husband and wife are not afraid to go to the county town far away, then go to the county town to watch a movie.

Zhang Chengchuan agreed with Lu Zhanguo and followed suit. Chen Xiayue and Yu Xiujuan were very happy. They were in a good mood and chatted about topics that **** men couldn't talk about.

The road to the county seat was a bit farther, but after a few hours they still reached the county seat. Chen Xiayue and the others did not go directly to Chen's house this time, but found the cinema according to Chen Xiayue's memory to watch a movie.

"Hey, "Five Golden Flowers" is playing today?" Zhang Chengchuan saw the movie playing in the cinema today when he bought the ticket. Although he had seen it before, Zhang Chengchuan thought it was suitable for them to watch today.

The film "Five Golden Flowers" was released in 1959, but Zhang Chengchuan hadn't seen it at that time. However, this movie has been released for eight years, and of course Zhang Chengchuan watched it once during this period.

He has a good impression of this movie, and the content of the story is also suitable for couples to watch, so it is a godsend to meet this movie today.

Zhang Chengchuan and Lu Zhanguo bought tickets and took their wives to the cinema.

The film "Five Golden Flowers" tells the story of A Peng, a young Bai nationality, and the vice president, Jin Hua, who fell in love at first sight on March Street in Dali. In the following year, A Peng traveled to Cangshan and Erhai to look for golden flowers. After many misunderstandings, the lovers finally became friends. Family love story.

Yu Xiujuan watched it with relish, and as the plot of the movie unfolded, her mood also fluctuated like the heroine in it.

However, Zhang Chengchuan and Lu Zhanguo are men, and they do not have such delicate emotional empathy. However, they are also very serious about watching movies. The movies are very good and the plots are also very good, so although they do not have the strong empathy ability of lesbians, they also watch them very seriously.

Chen Xiayue didn't take this movie seriously because it's old. Don't think that the plot of the hero and heroine who went through twists and turns because of many misunderstandings and finally got married is so **** and old-fashioned. Fifty years later, the movie and TV series will be big. Part of it is the same.

This movie is well shot, the pictures are good, and the actors' acting skills are much better than those of the traffic stars. Chen Xiayue is very satisfied.

After the movie, Chen Xiayue and Yu Xiujuan came out of the cinema while discussing the plot. The two **** men followed behind to look at their wives. The two did not discuss the plot, but some technical issues.

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